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Everything posted by Firebrand

  1. 1) You just said it yourself, rather than waiting for the DVD Raw you just rushed out this ep in order to be the first group, so you could get all the leechies. 2) Oooh, you really liked it, well i guess that makes it okay.... </sarcasm> 3) MacrossVF-1S is in no way associated with AonE, so really no clue what your point is here. He feels the same way about AonE doing licensed shows as any other group. *sigh* why the hell do i bother ok, here goes Shut the hell up you self-righteous happy person pants! You are a goddamn pirate too. Wait for another group doesn't make it any more or less. Buy the frakking R1/R2 dvd of everything you've ever downloaded and then tell me whos the pirate and who isn't. Rushed? Do explain how we 'rushed'. Watch it and tell me if it looks rushed. Take screenshots, go find a translator to dispute lines, go find a timing mistake. I dare you So next you bash on us for doing ONE licenced show... ever. And now you get in my face for not waiting for some DVD to arrive in my mail box a week later. THE POINT OF FANSUBS IS NOT TO REPLACE ITEMS ON THE MARKET!!!! IT DOESN'T FRIGGIN MATTER WHAT RAW WE USED OR IF WE CHOSE TO DO A v2! Its your choice to download it. jackass you wouldn't be spouting that crap if af/a-f or NLA came out first with it. You'd be nothing but a sack of praise. Fansubbing is illegal period. We are all pirates, every damn last one of us. If ANY COMPANY (r1 or r2) TOLD US TO STOP WE WOULD GLADLY COMPLY. All it takes is 1 email from the company. No lawyers, no money involed, just an email. If there is no outright opposition by the people who hold the copyrights, then I will continue to assume they have no problem.
  2. Ok, lets clear this up right now. 1) we *infusion* DID NOT rush this project. In reality we spent more than three days on that project. Extract what you will from what i just typed. 2) our v2 is for the SOLE PURPOSE of useing a better source for the raw. We opped to use the dvd raw on the newsgroups and such because to wait for DVD in the mail or finding the ISOs would have taken a long time, thus releaseing a v2 is more practical. 3) Licenced shows eh... ok, i can think of one (LastEXILE) and yes we did it only because we REALLY liked it. 4) Released it fast for the leechers? Hell no! our product was done. *see 2) for details on why a v2* 5) Infusion... have a bad name... wow. I was always under the impression it was pretty good after people saw our Hajime no Ippo 6) Hack job on shows? Ok, ill give that to you on Cinderella Boy and on the occasion Last EXILE 7) MacrossVF-1S is pissed off at us doing licenced shows... yet im lookin at AonE big time here for licenced shows... go figure 98% percent of all leechers could care less *see Naruto as a striving example of that* 9) about the mixed up sign thing... im pretty sure thats how it was supposed to be. On the other two macross zero eps, the ep title was towards the begining. In this, they put it followin the episodes. The next episode credits following the credits
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