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Posts posted by Aeternalis

  1. You maybe over-thinking the whole thing just to attempt to be right in your argument.

    (sigh!) No Jason, that is exactly what you are doing.

    Also while we're on the issue of sentence structure, you might want to learn about "compound sentences", "coordinators" and the difference between "dependent" and "independent" clauses.

  2. Since it has sci-fi elements and it takes place in space, even though theha ship they're on gives off the illusion that they're on a planet, I stand by calling it a space opera. It's just like Gundam, Votoms, Legend of Galactic Heroes, a lot of sci-fi themed anime out there, and Robotech. Not as hard core or epic as others, but still the same.

    Also, I bring it up because people tend to be too demanding about shows on the Internet. God knows we've seen a lot of people go nuts with it.

    I'm rather confused, where exactly did I express my disdain for the "space opera" conventions in Frontier? I have an issue with the characters and the narrative based on the motivations and actions of said characters.

    Simply this statement here..."...and failing miserably." You wrote the first part of your sentence as opinion (which is fine), then created a fact based on your opinion (which is false). It's like me saying "Robotech sucks, and the entire series was a money pit."

    No. The second part of my statement "qualifies" the opinion expressed in the first half of my statement, as in the show tries to be a homage but fails. The failing of said show is predicted on my belief/opinion that it was not effective in it's aims. In the phrase "Robotech sucks and the entire series was a money pit", the latter half of the sentence does not qualify the first. Conversely saying "Robotech was a money pit because the series sucked" is an opinion that can be debated. Why did Robotech suck? It sucked because the series was a money pit. How was it a money pit? Why was it a money pit? These are questions that can only be examined contextually via a subjective interpretation of facts aka opinions. An opinion by it's very definition can never be a fact. One might have an opinion which coincides with a fact but then you still need the fact to back it up and even then two people looking at the same "facts" might have diverging perspectives aka opinions.

    In any case, Macross Frontier isn't really the subject in here, unless you're going to attempt to lead in to a deep analysis of how it's so much worse than Robotech

    LOL! I would only go that far if I had a penchant for playing devil's advocate.

    Chillax bro.


    LOL! It's cool dude! Some people however did presume to take your reply rather seriously which led to reinforcing their biases.

  3. Except for the J-pop music, all of those are common elements in the genre of a space opera.

    I feel like I'm going to regret this, but what did you want to see in a Macross and/or Robotech show?

    Hunh?! Umm... are you saying that annoying, cliched and asinine characters are a staple of "space opera"? If you meant Soap Opera however, you would be correct.

    Also, having a dissenting opinion doesn't automatically make one a "Robotech fan". I am certain this forum isn't meant to be some type of self-affirming circle-jerk. :)

  4. Failure? I remember the response was overwhelmingly positive even outside this forum. It was always promoted as an anniversary production for the franchise, purposely making homages to the original but then deconstructing them over the course of the series. Sometimes viciously.

    Seriously?! To me it comes across as more of an extended J-Pop music video/soap opera with annoying, cliched and asinine characters.

    Yeah, Macross Plus *TOTALLY* ripped off the Robotech Novels!!!!

    Yeah, cuz that is *TOTALLY* what I meant!!! Reading Comprehension FAIL!

    I will say this, your comments of "Crappy Frontier" and "Failing miserably" sound like they are stemmed from 100% your opinion, and Zero fact.

    Errr... Where I did stipulate that "my" opinion was a universal "fact". Pray tell!

  5. It sounded like HG was going to make it painfully similar to DYRL in the future, which is probably not the best thing for a show that was following Macross 25 years ago while trying to be original.

    Isn't that exactly what the crappy Frontier is doing as well -- trying to emulate Macross (right down to the principal character archetypes) and failing miserably. Uninspired Imitation or Homage?

    its interesting to see them trying to use a robot that can sing. Anyone else getting a bit of a Macross Plus vibe from that?

    Didn't the Robotech Novels (the Sentinels series) have a singing android (Janice Em?)? I believe they were published in the late 80s before Plus came out.

  6. Mospeada was kind of a bomb too. Why do you think it ended at 25 episodes.

    Not entirely true. It certainly did not garner a Macross like fandom but Mospeada did have a small, albeit quite vocal group of hardcore fans who staged a large write in campaign to bring it back. Through their efforts, a special release for the home video market appeared in September 1985, the music video OAV, Genesis Climber Mospeada: Love, Live, Alive. From that perspective Mospeada was kinda akin to Firefly -- both were deemed commercial failures but generated an intensely loyal fanbase. Therefore I can see how Robotech might seem quite attractive to mospeada fans considering its story was mostly unchanged and is the major source of impetus for pushing the franchise forward. Consider Shadow Chronicles for example -- except for the merely token references to Macross, Mospeada (by and large) is the actual bedrock for the narrative.

  7. You'd think it'd be more of a quiz asking how many Japanese users actually care about RT and HG. I'm sure that those that may actually know of them, probably don't care too much for it, save for Americans stationed there.

    It would be interesting to learn which "part" of Robotech Japanese fans (if any) could possible be more partial to. It couldn't possibly be the "Macross Saga" since it's overarching plot, narrative and character arcs have a well-established continuity and plenty of sequels/prequels. Southern Cross was a complete bomb. That leaves Mospeada which developed quite a following in Japan but was bereft of any sequels. Perhaps some Japanese are fond of Robotech because they characferize it as a form of Mospeada continuity

    Suffice it so say, Yui's penchant for Robotech does intrigue me, especially since being in her 40s she would have been in her early twenties when Robotech was released -- that seems a tad too old for one to develop such a deep abiding attachment. I just wish she was able to explain her stance more coherently.

    I think her dad lived in an American base

    In Japan? If she had been a kid when Robotech was released her love might be explained by her associating with the kids of American serviceman who were fans, but according to her profile she would have been in her twenties so that argument seems kinda moot.

  8. For the life of me I can't fathom why Yune and co can't simply co-opt Astroplan 9 as the basis of a Robotech reboot. It's a wonder that the Chinese wre able to create a relatively more successful ripoff of the Macross brand than the ones who actually hold the international trademark (barring Japan). With the influx of reboots of old 80s cartoons, namely Thundercats, Voltron, Transformers etc. this would have been a perfect time to revitalize the franchise.

  9. I've got a Nora as well it's it's perhaps the floppiest Macross toy I've ever bought. out of box the hip swing joints and the plastic ball socket that plugs into the legs where both loose, as where just about every joint related to the wings. even after fixing most of them the wings still collapse if you turn the toy upside-down in fighter mode, and it can barely support the weight of the weapons/boosters in Gerwalk.

    Also, from an engineering perspective there are a number of area's I really think could have been done better. To me the arm articulation should be much better than it is, and there are far too many parts that rely entirely on gravity and plastic tolerances to keep them in place.

    Fair enough! I guess I lucked out with mine.

    I really like the toy, I think it's a beautiful representation of the design, but I feel like if they took a second stab at it now they'd be able to solve a lot of issues that make the toy more frustrating than fun.

    When were Yamato toys ever supposed to be fun? They're fragile works of art meant too be treated with velvet gloves and admired from afar; isn't that part of their charm? :p The only Macross toys I have ever had any fun "playing" with are the Bandai reissues of the old Takatoku valks. Those things are nigh indestructible.

  10. 1 - Overall, I would have to say the 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru Type (my 1st Macross toy), which will always remain THE ICONIC Macross mecha for me and the one I always reminisced about when I thought about Macross.

    2- The SV-51 Nora Type comes close -- the beautiful, striking design and the unique color scheme really makes it stand out in my eyes. Of course, I am also a huge fan of Nora whose character I feel was severely underutilized and whose ignominious death was a travesty. Though I am glad that she never got bested by Shin and always came out on top in their confrontations.

    3- Max's VF-1A TV Type come rather close as well -- Other than it's notable combat exploits who can ever forget it's role in the greatest infiltration and getaway in anime history!

    Edit: Just read the rules about not listing more than one favorite toy. :ph34r:

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