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Posts posted by CC-tan

  1. On 1/5/2017 at 0:25 AM, Sagara said:

    I'll be there. Not sure which Macross cosplays I'll be bringing. ;) :rolleyes:


    I'm so excited~~ I'm making an event on FB for the meetup this month also, so that more people will see and hopefully come. It'll more than likely be on Friday or Saturday, since I'm usually heading back home on Sunday.

  2. Hello~!

    I'm going back to Sakura-Con in Seattle next year, and I'm curious if there will be other Macross fans and/or cosplayers going! I'll be there with my friends and cosplaying as DYRL Minmay and Mikumo.

    If there's enough interest, I might host a Macross meet-up (the last one I attended at Sakura-Con was in 2011 T___T ) and hopefully connect with more Macross fans~

  3. The finale was fun to watch and entertaining at least, since I went into it with low expectations. However, I can't overlook how many loose ends are still left, when there's no more time to cover any of it. I honestly thought Freyja was going to die in Hayate's arms (and it seemed like it for a moment at the end lol) after the icy crusties on her hand grew larger. I do like how gracefully Mirage lost the triangle, and at the very least THAT was resolved. Kinda glad Lady M wasn't revealed in this episode, too. This late in the series, her reveal would probably have been underwhelming, and the mystery has been stretched so long that I don't really care anymore who Lady M could be.

    I can say at the very least that I'm kind of glad it's over, and I'm not really sure I want more Macross Delta. I know people so far have been anticipating a movie announcement, but I think I'm ready to give this story a break for a while ^^;

  4. I bought a Sheryl YF-29 kit from a used toy store while I was in Japan last week. The pieces were still sealed in plastic, but it seems like I don't have the correct instructions? I have the instruction page for the YF-29 Alto Custom Durandal, which lacks a clear method of explaining which decals go where on the toy. Does anyone have scans of the instructions from that kit that they can/want to share? Thanks!!


  5. Looks amazing, can we get some full pictures of you as Mikumo?

    Hopefully once I can find a photographer! I don't live near a cosplay hub like Seattle or LA, so finding others for shoots is quite a challenge;;;

    you look fab! :wub:B))

    thank you!! I'm really excited to be Mikumo~~

  6. Nice work! I can't wait to see more. Are you going to Fanime or AX this year?

    late reply is late, whoops

    I won't be at AX this year, and I'm super bummed!! But I'll be going to Japan next month so I can't really complain.

    I did get my Walkure cosplay in the mail recently, so I did my first costest for Mikumo~~


    I'm not 100% satisfied with my makeup (might do some lash stacking idk) and I still need to fix up my wig, but the Vassen red contacts I got are PERF <3

  7. That. Was. EPIC.

    Very action packed!! Normally I pay a little more attention to the dialogue when watching episodes raws, but I was so engaged in the action this time around that I barely caught a few lines here and there lol

    A few things:

    -I really hope Chuck's sister is okay :( thought initially that Chuck was gonna eat it when NUNS set off their bomb. I know she's not a major story player, but being hit by a wall of water while trying to save her siblings is a sad way to go.

    -the lighting and water shots in this episode were SO GOOD. When the water is dripping from the Elysion as the sun shines on it~~ A++ can't wait to see that in blu ray quality~

    -ding dong, the king is dead, time for a new pair of glasses.

    -Walkure got new outfits again! But they look pretty goofy. Maybe it's because I'm biased, but I think I would like the new outfits more if Sheryl and Ranka wore them. (edit by @anzadesu https://twitter.com/anzadesu/status/747123768393248768)


  8. this episode was awesome!!

    Loved the dogfight. Xao and Theo finally got some screentime, even if it was mainly to support Bogue and dramatic effect of Hayate dancing on the asteroids lol but visually this sequence was AWESOME. New Walkure song, beautiful Valkyrie animation, A+

    I'm especially impressed by how well Delta squadron fought, since it was apparently their first time battling in space.

    lol at Hayate scratching his VF-31 after Makina commented that his Valk is always in the worst shape when it comes in for repairs.

    The new Walkure song actually reminds me a bit of a Nana Mizuki song??

    Messer seems more uptight than usual, and reasonably so. Delta squadron is involved in a war now, and he probably feels like he's responsible for keeping the other members of Delta alive. He's just not good at showing it in a warm, fuzzy way.

    Mikumo has been throwing HELLA SHADE at Freyja the past couple episodes, although it has been mostly to push Freyja to perform better. That line when she compares Freyja's voice to Heinz's stung really hard. She and Messer parallel each other well as the tough-love mentors.

    also, Arad x Kaname. I ship it.

    Looking forward to the next one!!

  9. Just started watching my shows of choice for spring season:

    -Macross Delta (yaaaas)

    -Space Patrol Luluco

    -Ace Attorney

    Still waiting on premieres for Kiznaiver and Twin Star Exorcists, though.

    And of course, working through my Crunchyroll queue and catching up with older shows. Almost done with One-Punch Man; started Your Lie in April (bracing myself for FEELS galore); and still chugging through Macross 7. I'd like to start Psycho-Pass soon, but that probably won't happen until I have more free time this summer lol

  10. Ok. I don't want to start another thread so I'm posting this one here. Not so sure too if anyone already posted this specific photo.

    On The Bridge by Jay Tablante.

    He's a well known photographer in the Philippines. And he already published a photobook full of cosplayers. Most of them are mixed photo and digital imaging backgrounds.

    Wow, those are awesome edits!! *0* I've seen some of his photos before, but I had no idea he had cool images like these in his portfolio :)

    So, at Seattle's Sakura con, I decided to go as Max Jenius from the movie "Macross Do You Remember Love". I realized I didn't get any good pictures of myself, so I had my girlfriend Neoka photograph me back in the room. After that, I decided to have some fun with my Yamato VF-1S and...Here we are! The decisive scene from DYRL where Max stares down Milia!

    Late reply is late, but I wish I had been at Sakura-Con last year to see you in person! Your costume looks great :)

    I haven't had Macross cosplay photos taken for a couple years, but I'm hoping to complete a new Sheryl costume and maaaybe DYRL Minmay within the next year, maybe Mikumo and Makina, too! Sheryl was the first character I cosplayed when I started in 2009, and she's definitely my fave <3 photos by Elisha Terada Photography~



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