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Posts posted by Atharun

  1. I really wish they had continued the 2011 series. It aired at the same time as Legend of Korra and Young Justice and it was a very enjoyable time. I do think the Tcats was in 3rd place among those 3 but was far superior to a lot of western animation in a long time. I think the villain of the week formula and episodes such as the berbears one killed the pacing....but as usual it came down to toys not selling. No we have this Steven universe look so it will be a hard pass for me but then again I am probably not the target audience and the animation will be cheap so they can do multiple seasons will low viewiership and still call it a success even when it probably won't be.

  2. When searching I couldn't make out if it was for this or the yamato movie so I guess i'll ask. Was there an english dub of thi series? I noticed the website had Starblazers 2199 and an English dub as coming soon but it seems the site emails and what not are dead/out dated. From what I have seen online it seems there was a dub presented back in 2013 by production I.G. but I can't seem to find a North American release anywhere.

  3. I used to be a fan of Ken Pender's work. Now I wonder what the happened for things to end up like this for him. Granted, he brought some of this on himself by almost destroying the comic book he worked for most of his career for money. But holy crap.


    As a long time SonicSatAM and Archie Sonic fan (saw SatAM before ever playing a Sonic game), Penders is just...IDK. I get where he is coming from with wanting the rights to his characters BUT what he is doing with those characters looks so bad.

  4. The way Nick is handling it while frustrating, is KIND OF understandable. based on their lineup, LoK doesn't really fit anything. In fact I believe on FB the creators mentioned that viewership was mostly online so in order to increase ad revenue they switched it to online only. Looks like they also have plans for season 4 so the series gets to be seen thru to the end. Here is the link to the article where the creators talk about the move.


  5. Guido was already doing work for them on their Transformers titles. I don't think this piece was because he was a fan, if I remember correctly someone asked him about this on the IDW board years ago and it seemed like there was a ton of confusion because many fans don't know the history, etc of the franchises. People can knock one or the other all they want but the more you look around, fans do genuinely seem to mix the two often.

  6. IDW Transformers comic artist Guido Guidi did a Robotech tryout for the now defunct Dreamwave Comics and had posted it on Deviantart. It was some work he did as a pitch for a Robotech comic and it had Macross Plus characters and designs all over it.


    Truth is, while members here may be "pros" at what is and is not Robotech/Macross, it seems a great many people do mix the 2 up on a regular basis.

  7. Saw it last night with the Fiance. Not bad, I enjoyed it far more than any of the TFormer films. I do think the turtles and Shredder were over designed but the action and comedy weren't. For what it is, it was enjoyable. I did like how they made Spinlter a B.A. in his parts. I think if they clean up the turtle's designs in future movies, they may be fun to watch.

    I would say this is probably the 2nd best live action TMNT film after the original 90 film.

  8. While I think the Kickstarer was poorly done in many ways, one thing I believe was a plus was something behind the scenes. When I asked Kevin who was doing the character designs , as they were not the typical Tommy Yune design/art, he mentioned a group named the Digital Art Chefs was doing the design. After looking them up their work is pretty good and after speaking to a few people it seems they are reputable. They seem to be a group of artists that do anything from consulting to full fledged design production. here is their site for any of those interested.

    It reminds of how HG hired Blacksheep Productions (another group or artists that do design work together) to do design work for Robotech 3000. I have included a link for them as well. (Their Voltron work looks pretty B.A.)



  9. I have to agree with Tom on this. The only logical path forward seems to be a shake up in the Robotech staff and it has to start at the top. A multimillionaire does not get that way by accident (unless they are born into it or win the lottery). As a business man, Agrama has to look at the staff and evaluate what damage and devaluing to his "property" has been done. From the extras on The Shadow Chronicles and some of the small vids/extras he appears in, Agrama seems to have a soft spot for Tommy Yune but at what point do dollars and sense outweigh that?

  10. I do not know them personally so I can't speak as to what kind of people they are but from a business point of view, HG should consider a staff shake up. As the "point man" or GM of a franchise (similar to sports) I think Tommy Yune (sp?) Has failed to continue to grow the franchise. Any momentum was abandoned. I believe that Tommy's tenure has more than run it's course. The franchise needs new blood and new eyes even if only to look at the current slate of potential projects from a different angle.

    Truth is that early on in the 2000's there was forward movement. The series release on DVD, 3 to 4 comic book minis, Macross released on DVD with sub and dub, 2 video games on major consoles, and an animated feature. Not to mention toys. Opinions on quality aside, there was momentum but in the past 7 or so years that has come to a crawl. Re releases don't count as progress as the license holder can just use those to milk their catalog. LLA was a release but with minimal new content. The new crossover comics, not sure how those are selling, are just small fries.

  11. No offense but it does seem a lot of people on this site and RT.com are more than willing to stir **** up with the others thus fueling more ****. As someone who likes both RT and Macross I just want to see more produced of both....and hopefully DYRL on blu ray here in the states with a proper dub in my lifetime.

    Anyway the Kickstarter failed SSDD, people hate HG SSDD, no new Macross in the states SSDD. Business as usual.

  12. I've started watching this and while I like it, I have to admit that the character animation felt a bit stiff to me compared to traditional animation. Series like this and Appleseed XIII, while very enjoyable still have a bit to go. I'm very interested to see how the cgi for the character scenes progresses in future productions.

  13. I'm personally interested because it brings the four groups together - Humans, Zentraedi, Tirolians, and Invid - in a huge conflict that isn't around Earth for a change. I really have no interest in how Macrossy it is; I preferred New Generation to Macross within the Robotech series anyway. I'm interested in the progression of the Robotech storyline which I like.

    As for becoming rich enough, I'd do it if I could ;) Though, in all honesty, a full reboot to put everything in order and better tell the Robotech story would likely be the way to go.

    Agree on this. I will say I do like th the designs unveiled for the Children of Zor as well as the new ship (minus the GN swords). One thing I have never liked is the peppy kid character that Wally seems to be. A perfect example is Kai from LoK. All the characters are at least teens and at most older folks, the kid just sticks out IMO.

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