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Posts posted by ulvdemon

  1. Okay, this is strange.  I could have sworn I posted the completed pictures.  So here they are.  I finished this up in February of 2021.  Of course since I wanted to a paint scheme with a slight metallic sheen, then I hear there will be a low viz version coming out in 1/48 scale! :)  Gotta love it.  

    Did have a slight issue with the canopy fogging.  I might have accidentally used superglue and just wasn't paying attention.  Overall I am proud of this one.  Could still work on the seams, but I am happy with getting more practice with doing the paint scheme and trying out the Vallejo Air line for the main colors.

    20210201_074453 20210201_074459 20210201_074508 20210201_074517 20210201_074524 20210201_074539 20210201_074543 20210201_074546 20210201_074614 20210201_074616


  2. I am going to call this one done.  Ran into an issue in regards to the canopy rail due to pulling up the tape... with some paint.  Also as you can tell the canopy itself fogged over, I suspect that it is from some superglue, which I assumed wouldn't fog since the canopy was dipped in Future, so much for that little bit of advice.

    The end was a slog, since I used it as a test of skills in regards to displaying the model in flight.  I might redo the base when I complete my Hasegawa VF-1 and VF-11.  It is meant to be a bit shiny since I used Vallejo's Metal medium with the paints, no issues other than it lightens the color somewhat.

    Enjoyed the build but I am glad to call thi s one done.








  3. Still in the painting part of the build, I've attached what I paint scheme I am going for.  I am leaning more towards the second option with the seperate darker gray over the first.  Any thoughts?





    The images I found on this forum, but I forgot to get the name of the person who provided the line art.  Thank you very much to the person who provided, I will edit to give credit if needed.

  4. Greetings everyone, figured this would be a long shot but no harm in asking.  Does anyone happen to have scale drawings for the VF-1 in 1/72 scale?  I am still looking through the forum and online, but I figured someone might already have them available or know where online to find them.  Thanks for the help.

  5. Was able to work some more on this again.  Having issues with pushing paint through my Paasche H airbrush.  It's slow going but getting there.

    The below is from Saturday:





    This is a continuation on Sunday.  The paint is coming along, just very slowly.  Vallejo Air even thinned and my airbrush are not getting along.  


  6. So, I had some time to work on this build.  I went with the Black Grey for the armor on the legs plus the boosters.  I went ahead and hand painted them because the issue with trying to airbrush regular Vallejo paint.  Not worth the hassle, but I should have thinned the paints.  I might have to sand it down and do it again.  Weird thing that occurred, the Black Grey came out darker during the initial paint, but more gray when I painted the gun and the booster.  I can live with that.  I apologize for the lighting, I am working in an unfinished basement and I can not get the lighting to work right between the light on the bench and the overhead lights.











  7. So I just finished priming the parts this weekend. (Vallejo Primer -Black).  In reference to some of the parts that need to be painted such as the boosters and armor, I was thinking of using Blackened Steel or Gunmetal Gray for that.  Natural Steel for the thrusters/feet and some of the some odd and end vents on the VF-11 itself.  Since I am going to be using a two tone gray camo scheme, I think that should work.

    Any thoughts?

  8. I find this a fun kit, even though I can't read the instructions. ( I do cannot read Japanese).  Only required a little bit of surgery since I am building this a wheels up in flight display versus wheels down.  It's been awhile since I compared the sprues to my Hasegawa VF-1, but I do know that I am going to have to paint some of the parts before completing the assembly.

  9. Coming back to this after a hiatus.  Had to look for some decal instructions since it wasn't with the kit when I bought it.  Definitely will be doing this in a 2 tone gray scheme, so looking into how many of the decals will look good with the model once it's built since they are for a blue/white scheme.  :) 

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