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Posts posted by asianLove

  1. I just found this picture on 4chan and was wondering if you guys have seen this before. Can we purchase this yet? Is this the VF-0D? The Two-Seater?


  2. man, this is like office space. You get 20 people telling you about your tps reports. Im mean , yeah, it was bad that I messed around like that, but at least I didnt string you guys along the whole time. I could have said nothing and kept you bowing at my feet for my awesome work and giving out really bad model building advice. I just didnt think anybody would take it serious that a guy with one post would actually be the person that did the work.

    ok, so who next, gonna say,

    "hey man, thats not nice man, were super serious model builders man. Seriously, man. I have 3 models models man, that I built man, really seriously. I have 3 cans of testors model paint and a hobby knife man. Just shows how serious I am man".

    oh yeah, I wasnt the only one rolling. Some of the other guys in the studio with me were rollin too. Yeah, I actually work in the film industry where I get paid to do my models, and if any of you got good skills(of course we know about John already), I can probably get you a job. If your in southern California of course. Oh, i think disney has some openings too for scale builders. :ph34r:

    Haha... I'm glad you found that pretty funny. I find it funny that you it takes so little to amuse you. Oh hey, here's some good humor: why don't you go look in the mirror and see what a joke you, yourself are? Oh that's right... you do that everday. That joke is old... must not be too funny anymore. Now you have to show others what a retard you are to laugh. Good job! It is pretty funny come to think of it.

    Hey! Here's another joke! Give us your mom's telephone number or address and we can tell her what a wonderful son she has! He was able to make his buddies laugh by typing some words online! She'd be proud! Superceeded her highest expectations of you! I'm sure you make her proud.

    Oh poo... i just thought of something. I hope your mom isn't dead. That would be insensitive of me to talk about your mother if she was dead. Oh well... probably better if she was though. Then she wouldn't have to see how her son turned out. Or maybe she did see how her son turned out and that's what made her keel over... poo... my bad... you must wanted to keep that a secret didn't you.

    Well in any case Mr. funny man, I hope you don't go writing more jokes in the future. I mean, as great as they are and as funny as they are, you must really have to strain to pull those out. Probably akin to straining on the toilet when you poop.

    I wouldn't want you busting a nut in your mouth trying to come up with another astounding feat of trickery. Hmm... unless you like to nut busting goodness in your mouth. Probably explains your cheesy humor. Wow! Check that out! Cheese and nuts! Maybe that's funny! Was that funny to you? I hope it was! Wouldn't want you reading this diatrab and not laugh... oh crap. Maybe much like a mirror, reading this might reflect who you are and it seems you don't find reflections funny anymore. Sorry again.

    Oh by the way, you must build some awesome models of broomsticks and dustpans. I mean, you must use them to clean up the studios where those real modellers work right? I hear the more you handle what you model, the better you model them. You must model a great dick then. Wow... another joke! Get it? It's like a double-meaning! Like you must handle your dick a lot so you can model one well and because you are a dick, you emulate one well! Funny huh? I hope it was. Much like you shitting (or talking; both are synonomous with you) I had to strain to think of that one.

    Oh yah, and thanks again for the great laugh! I'd love to meet you in real life and laugh at you in person! I think we all would! Hey, you should change your name to Lord FunnyMan! I think it'd be more descriptive of you then Kung Fu. Hey, did you think of Lord Kung-fu all by yourself? That's pretty awesome. I know your dead mother would be proud!

  3. Wow Valkryie! It sounds like you took on a tough "mission" for yourself! What's your new, more effective design? How much are you going to have to scratch-build? Daunting task? :o

    I hope you look in your efforts! I'm sure they will be well appreciated by the community! :)

  4. Hi Pron! I've built 3 gundams before... 1/100 HG Kits... Puddied, sanded, painted... MaN! I gotta' say, real modeling is a bit harder... I put together a vf-1a fighter and ur... it kinda' got messed up... hee hee... set it aside... now working on simpler stuff to let myself know what I don't know...

    Just got to make more mistakes to succeed... :)

  5. Wow! COoL Tips! To Recap:

    Anything over 2000grit is too much. 1500grit isn't enough.

    After sanding, use some toothpaste, or rubbing compound.

    After toothpaste or rubbing compound, leave in "Future" for 1hr.

    What is rubbing compound?

    Future is a name brand floor-wax that can be bought at any supermarket, correct?

    Thanks for the GREAT suggestions! Sorry about posting in the wrong area. :)

  6. Just for fun (and to test my building skills) I bought a cheap little 1/72 Itelari A-6 Skyhawk. Not a bad kit for 8 dollars. WeLL... I'm finding it REALLY hard to get the canopy to have that nice "glassy" look. Using 1500 grit "wet" paper. Is it just this hard with a cheap kit or would a vf-1 hasegawa kit be easier to sand and polish the canopy?

    What are some tips you guys can give for sanding and polishing a canopy? :)

    Oops.. sorry... this should be in the building section... :huh:

  7. I have the vf-1a Low Visibility with Fast Pack. That white Clip that comes with the Fast Pack just doesn't wanna' clip on! I've forced it and forced it but I don't think the Low Vis version is compatible with the white clip.


  8. Funny and wonderful replys here.. ^_^

    I've only just gotten into the Macross scene... I own a lot of transformers though so i have little battles with my transformers!

    Transforming things has to be the most fun thing to do with these babies! Over and Over and Over and Over again!! And then Over again!! Pose for a few seconds... stare i awww... go Oooh... Transform Over again! More posing! Then, (if I don't feel like setting up battles) have little battles in my head! OOoh... Dog fights, battling Zentradi, who needs more toys when you got your "hero" in your hands and your overly active imagination?? :D

  9. Yes! The Yamato's have the BEST Gerwalk mode it seems! I think that comes from the Yamato's having the best articulation + the best lookin fighter mode. ^_^

    I like the Fighter + Fastpack Mode of vf-1's... just look so classical, elegant and at the same time, powerful and aggressive! Reminds me of a 1967 Mustang Coupe, subtle, elegant, classical, powerful and aggressive!! **Vroom!**

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