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Posts posted by LOW_ALT

  1. I agree. I haven't been this dissapionted in a series with the Macross name since Robotech. <_<

    Honestly I think it's time to make a Macross series (dare I say) void of idols. Something gritty and war-torn like Gundam Thunderbolt. I mean they could still tie-in the music aspect of things subtly like having the main character listen to their favorite music in combat (Shaorn Apple or something) like how the protagonist listened to jazz in Thunderbolt. I mean I understand the market for idols in Japan but seriously...give Valkyries the series they deserve.

    Make Macross Great Again.

  2. Also, if it is flyable, its worth pointing out that this is a sub-scale technology demonstrator and not a full size fighter prototype (this has caused some confusion on some other aviation forums, even after it was pointed out its not full size!).

    Indeed, similar to the Have Blue demonstrator being much smaller than the production F-117


  3. Nobody outright owns their planes anymore. Even the biggest and best airlines lease half their fleet straight from the factory. The plane will spend its entire life, factory to scrap yard, in that airline's colors----having never been owned by it.

    Interesting. I'll have to ask for clarification on this next time I talk with the client. Thanks.

  4. If the info is correct, 1486 Boeing 747's (of all types) were made.

    LOW_ALT, are you able to mention who the customer is? I assume it must be a freight / lease company to have so many and I believe the 747 is being phased out of passenger service in favor for more twin engined wide bodies.

    The bid is going through an installer called The Wrap Factory who was approached by the company putting the aircraft back into service. They do large scale vehicle wraps but don't have the right printer to qualify for the FAA requirements. We have a VuTek QS2000 which qualifies, and we are only a few miles away so they came to us quote the job of printing the vinyl for them. They weren't allowed to mention the company or show us the artwork, we could only talk pricing and time frame at this point.

    Gotta be lease. NOBODY has 100 747's. Maybe JAL did at their peak, but not now.

    I seriously doubt its a lease situation as he said they are re-doing the interior on the aircraft as well. Not to mention that by law these planes have to be stripped and repainted before the new artwork can be applied. That's an awful lot of time and money for some lease aircraft.

  5. Luftwaffe Bavarian Tigers painted one of their Eurofighters in Tigermeet paint

    Being in the printing business I've often wondered if these are in fact paint jobs or if they're vinyl wraps. Does anybody know? The gloss finish looks like vinyl over-laminate, which would be necessary to preserve those colors.

    *Side note: we recently were approached my a local company that apparently just purchased and re-vamped a small fleet (~100) 747's and they want us to produce the graphics for the aircraft. The amount of rules and stipulations the FAA has in regards to producing graphics for these planes are crazy. We would have to completely flush all the existing inks out of our printers (a $2,500 job + the cost of the existing ink), have someone from 3M personally verify the flush, use a very specific (pronounced "expensive") ink and there is only one type of vinyl that is allowed.

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