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Posts posted by network19

  1. I thought I should give it a try and the results were not what I expected.

    It randomly crashes, resolution scaling doesn't work, frame rate can dip to the low 20's and frame time can reach into the hundreds.

  2. On 10/5/2023 at 9:52 PM, Graham said:

    Completely disagree about Macross Music being forgettable.

    I've been listening to Macross music since the 80s, have a pretty big collection of Macross CDs and still regularaly listen to the music of SDF Macross, DYRL Macross II, Macross 7, Macross Plus, Macross Frontier and Macross Delta.

    The only Macross music which to me is forgettable is that from Macross Zero. There was really nothing that grabbed me.



    Perhaps the word forgettable can be seen as harsh. After all I do remember most of the music. Who here doesn't? I do enjoy Macross's BGM more than its songs. The vocal tracks at times feel held back, maybe due to marketing, time or maybe it just the nature of major labels in japan.



    Now that I think about it, I don't even know what Kawamori's creative process even is when considering the music on a new Macross. How involved is he in the musical process?


    If this next macross series is going to focus a bit more on the western market. I wonder what effect will it have on its music. Would it try to copy or get inspired by current American or European popstars.

  3. I don't think any of the Macross music so far has been bad but all together it is forgettable. Frontier is probably the best so far due to its vocals and musical variety.

    I don't know what to expect of the next Macross in terms of music. I know that some people might say that Macross won't repeat itself but I don't think that is true. Macross will do what they think is right for its time. Macross has always been Pop, in the traditional sense. I'm just hoping that this time around Pop means something R&B-esque.

  4. The next Macross needs to have a matured singer with a much more powerful voice. JUNNA was okay, May'n was good but it always felt like something was missing. I'm not asking for someone on the same vocal levels as Mariah Carey for example, though that would be great but something close or similar to it.


    I don't know many Japanese composers, so I don't know who can make great pop music. Maybe the next Macrons can have multiple composers and musical style.

  5. I would like to believe that the reason why Sunrise is animating the next Macross series is because they are planning on making two new series this time, one done by Sunrise and the other by Satelight, perhaps one will be an OVA or a movie and the other a TV show. With one of them being made to primarily target the western audience in order to help reintroduce Macross back to the west. Here's hoping that they reveal something this coming up Anime Expo. Fingers crossed or a hand in the shape of an airplane, whatever helps.

  6. I am the only one that thinks the design of the VF-31 looked terrible and that the Sv-262 looked good only in fighter and gerwalk? Wasn’t a fan of the whole idol thing but maybe they'll do metal, soul, blues or even rap/hip-hop this time around. Hopefully the next series will focus on a pilot in the military instead of one in a PMC. It would be great to see Itano and Mikimoto be a part of this new tv series as well. Here’s hoping the next entry in the series will make us fall in love with Macross all over again.

  7. The Music continues to be the weakest part of this series. At least the love triangle is starting to pick up steam. Every single episode so far feels as if a couple of minutes were cut out. The pace is moving way too fast. I do wish the valk scenes would stop being so repetitive. There is no longer any sense of danger. It's quite surprising that they haven't develop an antibiotics to combat the Vars. I'm starting to lean towards that Lady M might possibly be Mao.

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