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Pizza the Hutt

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Posts posted by Pizza the Hutt

  1. i thought FFXIII would be the important game?

    Final Fantasy XIII will be important if the reviews proves it won't be "dumbed down" for xbox users.

    As for Heavy Rain, Sorry fellow gamers,but from what I saw and read and what friends told me,it is a mere rip off of Max Payne and True Crime with a touch of The Getaway and we all know why this game is so over hyped,a woman is seen in underwear and guys say its an awesome game.

    One of my friends said he beat this game quick so that means a short game.I will pass and wait to see how good FFXIII does for sales.

  2. This is so wrong-headed on so many levels that I don't even know where to begin.

    Just...think before you post. <_<

    So I am told to think before I post,but no one else tells me or others to think when Robotech and said certain people of Robotech are bagged on worse than "racist" remarks?!

    Good point Gubs,By the way,get a sense of humor :)

  3. The saw movies are awful. I hate them passionately and I wish everyone involved in there production be anally raped to death by a horse, who has AIDS.

    Ha,A person who hates "mutilation" movies contradicts himself by wishing gross mutilation death upon those who made the SAW movies.Maybe you should stick to Walt Disney and Care Bears :)

    I better not mention that I like The Grudge and The 4th Kind because someone might wish a horse death upon those movies too.

  4. Funny how in one topic you've found god regarding cursing, but here you are racest as all f^ck.


    Jeeze man,

    Some folks has no sense of humor or soft skinned or completly ignorant of what Doug Bendu-du was upto lately and how he has slandered many Macross fans and Macross itself along with other Robotech fans.

    So I edited the thread since no one has a sense of humor now a days.I just wanted to add funny to this "fan war"

    By the way Kieth,I am half Native American and half British so I am not racist.

  5. Liked the first one, thought it was quite a fresh concept at the time.

    Tried watching one of the sequels, I forget which, either 2 or 3 and fell asleep halfway through......LOL!


    It was probably SAW 3 because SAW 2 was awesome for me,And I am sure you would have remembered the "Game" that was a big hole in the floor with all those needles and the funny game with the furnace "When you're in Hell only the devil can help you".,SAW 3 had some drowsy parts but if you slept thru the "pig Game" then you are blessed,that gagged me out!

    Pete (Not the VFTF1 Pete)

  6. Roy Focker

    I know how you feel man,and if I was not trying to learn the path to God,I would tell you to respond to someone who calls you a "Pu$$y" by saying "I am what I eat" :) and you will not believe what I get called for using the RPG-7 and throat slash and CqC EX. I hope to be able to team up on MGO with you some day,I am no one to brag because I got a lousy Lvl 13 so I sux at MGO but still enjoy owning fakehounds.

    Also I do believe the FF13 on PS3 is actually fine
    I hope so because I am still trying to make up my mind between The SAW and Final Fantasy 13.And as for FF14,,,Forget it,I hear thats "pay to play" too.


    Pete (Not the VFTF1 Pete)

  7. This probably doesn't go here but I don't want to clutter up the Aircraft VS thread.

    Macross vs. Imperial Destroyer

    The Argo/Space Battleship Yamato would own both those ships, The Yamato would also own a Borg Cube and the Battlestar Galactica and U.S.S. Enterprise A-Z!


    I personally don't see how anyone can sit and listen to his podcasts
    I did for curiousity and to see what this was all about.I cought Memo in a big fat lie too,Memo told me dawg Bendu-du made Viper cry over JT or something like that,but I did not listen to the whole show but I heard all 3 talk "Seto,Viper and Bendu-du" but no one cried.

    And if Bendu-du is a fan of Robotech then why don't have any Robotech stuff in his vids? I did'nt see one Veritech.Some fan huh? But he has his face :)

  8. I still peek on Ebay for those things too.I guess if my memory is correct,my first Robotech toys were Macross toys way back in the mid 80's and one was a Zentraedi battlepod that my older sister got (all in Japanese and had tiny flat screwdriver for assembling) and then after that I would frequently get one of the Macross mecha from the gumball machines until they ran out.I had atleast 5 or 6 or so because my dumb little brother would mess them up or steal and hide them just like he did with my SDF-1.

    One of those old gumball machine mechas would look good on my car dashboard for sure :)

  9. Any SAW fans here?

    Well I was happy to hear that the creators plan to make atleast 8 SAW movies in all. I really enjoyed them all so far (I was kind of "iffy" on SAW1 and 5) and look foward to see what the plot will be on SAW 7. I don't know if the rumors are true but I heard alot of SAW fans and watchers say that the series out-used itself but I like how the stories keeps interlacing with the past SAW movies.

    Maybe we should ask the creators and writers to make a TV series for SAW.

    See you folks later.

  10. Since the fat PS3s are now fixed I guess alot will be raging about the so called good titles that supposed to be coming out.Like GoW3 and Final Fantasy 13.I never was a god of war fan,games looked cheezy and lacked solid story. I heard Square "dumbed down" the FF13 game for the junkbox 360 uses so it will not be PS3 quality and I can't find a good vid or demo of FF13 to look into..

    Oh well,only one more game and more than likely I might stop getting games since all might go online like that poor excuse for a game called MAG,HA alot of my PSn friends complain of over 50 snipers in one round.

    My last game I will get for now is The SAW since I am a SAW fan and heard it is better than Batman AA.

  11. Now I am even more glad to have seperated myself from Memo's side of the Robotech "fandom" after reading what he said to HP here:


    Wow folks,I never thot a man who considers me,Seto and others "flame trolls" would stick up for and agree with Doug Bendo,I read his posts and heard on podcast and thot this guy can't be for real and you folks would not believe my reaction when I watched his youtube vid on how his face is the Robotech fandom.

    Maybe seperating myself from some of the Robotech fans is not such a bad thing after all.Sad that Memo and Mav does not "bring it" to defend their sad actions.

    Thats crazy,Me,Seto,Robewell and HP drove Memo insane but Memo admires dawg Bendo,how wierd.



  12. Oh ya,but I have not seen any "I hate Bandai" or "Yamato screwed me" threads so I assumed not many folks complained,

    But thanks for that direction,since my PS3 is not letting me play I will use it to surf that forum,,If I did'nt know better,I'd say Toynami made some of the "fat" PS3 and part of the "network" is ran by rt.com because same quality and customer care at this time.

  13. Oh man,

    I was online playing Aliens vs Predator when the bug hit.Sony posted their site that they are working to fix it.

    All my DLed games will not work,none of my friggen "Trophy" games will not play either.Maybe the PS3 fats were made by Toynami by Robotech.com :)

    If my Ps3 is defected beyond repair then I will need to shell out another $164 to exchange since it has no warrenty,Sony is nice about things tho,they send a box and everything,I got my PS3 exchange in less than 4 days.

    As for me popping out the internal battery,I am tech-ignorant of internal devices so I would not know where to start,took me like 4 mins how to figure out how to remove the HDD and 6 mins to make my PS3 connection NAT 1 when it was stuck on NAT3.

    Not my week I tell ya,First my PS3 gets "borked" and now I got find something to do,maybe I should change my car oil that I should have done 8 months ago...

  14. Atleast those Valkeries looks more sturdy than those pathetic excuse for a Masterpiece Maia VFA-6ZX..No worries folks,I won't rant here about how my 2nd Maia "Reissue" is a defect too (but if the mods say its okay then I will either post here or PM my friends here).

    While on the subject,Since Maia is more than likely my last "collector toy" I ever plan to buy,any Macross collecters has had any bad luck with defects? because either I am not looking in the right forums or most VF-25s and Valkeries are sturdy,one person said at RtX that his VF-25 fell on the floor and did not break so I hardly see complaints on Macross products.

    I sure am glad I did not get that Garland (MODAT) from Megazone23.Which Macross VF company is better? Bandai or Yamato?

    I hate Toynami!

  15. Oh well,

    The PS3 problems seem to be only affecting the "fat" PS3 models because on some game boards PS3 slim players still can log on and play and stuff.

    I hope it will work out soon or by morning,I hate the feeling of thinking my PS3 60gig became a $788 paper weight.

    Damn Sony!

  16. Friggen *FACEPALM*

    Any PS3 gamers on right now can verify if the PSN really been HACKED?!

    This is what we get when we click on this weblink:


    get flash and/or enable javascript and stop wasting my time.

    And that is the only link working for PSN,,All my themes show "Currupted Data"!

    I hope this is a cold prank by PSN,because I paid $10 for 4 Star Trek themes and one Dark Knight theme.

    A bad day for us PS3 gamers I tell ya.

  17. Do yourself a favor, quit playing Oblivion and play Fallout 3 instead. Same game engine, way more awesome game.

    Well,I never got into Fallout.Besides I done so much on Oblivion to quit now,I am up to level 11 and I am on my way to close the first Oblivion gate.

    awe HECK!!,All this RPG talk made me remember I need to finish Xenogears and Xenosaga 2&3 again and restart FF12(I had over 190 hrs on this one and still not finished) because all memory lost when my PS3 died last june.

    Well now I got reasons to enjoy my old games!

  18. Uhh, MaverickLSC finally came out of his fox hole (or HG hole) and posted very nicely why he did what he did.I never seen such a double standard 2 faced online weirdo in a long time.Ha! Check out what he said after being called out


    Some people contradict themselves.

    It's just not right, it demeans who you are as a person.

    SO he demeaned himself when he cried like a whimp when he banned Seto and then again by becoming a flame troll himself.

    What makes me wonder is why do Memo and Maverick claim to be Macross fans but do everything in their powers to debunk Macross and Macross fans by trying to rub it in what HG uses DYRL? rights to make toys they can't design themselves.

    Maverick and Memo are demeaning to themselves for believing that crap about Shadow Rising,RLAM and the endless bull that Kevin says "Things are happening"

  19. You foolish little child...

    Maybe you forgot something about that THREAD there...

    A few things wrong,One is I did not forget anything! I do not deny or try to hide my past errors so you accomplish nothing unless you want others to turn against me again.Second,I never called you out when you trolled me with names Xellos,Ryuhayabusa and other handles,because I no longer let it bug me. But posting foolishly does not mean I am a fool,just ignorant of the facts.

    Oh well...

    I guess you can hate me as much as you hate Gubaba now... :lol:^_^:p:D

    I hate no one,it is a waste of power,besides I always thot he and you (ryu/Xellos) enjoyed hating me,but that does not bug me because folks has every right to dislike and hate me since my past with Macross fans was not the best.

    Atleast I know and admit I was wrong. :)

  20. Ridiculous indeed... but I still thought it was a hilarious cop-out on his part, since he apparently couldn't come up with any believable rationale for banning me. I honestly find it funny as hell that even now,

    I guess that was Memo's reason for banning Waters7 and planning to ban Rapier too because they were in line with you being the "Emperor" and soon Memo will ban anyone who is against HG or Robotech,he denied threatening someone when I showed it to him in his own words. Its like they either ban you or flame bait you to make you mad then ban for derailing and trolling.

    Gee,I still ashamed of myself for rolling with Memo and Mav.

    Well atleast I am trying to look past the clowning and carry on as a fan of the Macross and Robotech anime world,even tho Robotech is on the "Titanic"

  21. Attention to everyone calling Maverick out on his flame trolling,You all better stop because according to Memo it is seen as following him because his posts are "golden" for a shrine


    Maybe Memo did not see this thread where Maverick was crying like a little b#$@h for what Seto said to him and then locked thread then shortly after banning Seto for a debate on Maverick.

    Read the last part on the last message Maverick wrote and you might see a crying tone in that reply to Seto


    Ridiculous! How whimpy minded does someone have to be to yell "you want others to suffer" in a online debate?

    Sorry for this rant folks,but its crazy that Memo calls Maverick's stupidity "Golden" when it is flame trolling Zinjo and Gubaba.

  22. Pete

    who misses talking to people who actually REMEMBER G1 and talk about THAT instead of about the latest tranforming abonination to hit the shelves/airwaves Crusty Old Man :lol:

    Ha! some I am glad to miss! I hate talking about some of the bad ones that had parts that was easy to lose,for example my old Devastator,Just about all of them had parts that was so easy to lose and some Transformers needed complete assembly like Ultra Magnus,Omega Supreme and don't even get me started on the Transformers Pretenders.Those were a complete loss.

    Now I miss my old Go-Bot Grungy..oops Transformers thread,sorry.

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