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Posts posted by raziel03

  1. My one (and so far only) experience with them was with the VF-171. The fact that they were able to get me one after release when nobody else could is enough for me to give them all my business. I found the variety of shipping options they offer very nice. I also felt their shipping costs were pretty reasonable. My package was well packed and got to me pretty quickly even though I only sprang for registered airmail. As of right now, I only have a pre-order for the 171 armor parts, but I plan on ordering anything else that catches my eye from them.

  2. Woot! Mine just arrived from Nippon-Yasan. This is my first Bandai, and I must say I'm pretty impressed. So much Tampo printing. It is a lot smaller than I thought though. My last two valks were the VF-22 & SV-51, so it was kind of a shock to see something only slightly longer than the VF-1. Not disappointed by any means, I just wasn't aware of the relative size of the -17 and its offshoots.

    Just Preordered the super parts. I'm hoping Bandai sees fit to produce the Teal CF variant and maybe even Luca's next. Now to spend some time figuring out the transformation.

  3. For those who ordered from Nippon-Yasan, I ordered my YF-29 about 2 weeks prior to release last May (paid in full up front) and it shipped on 6-1. If you got an email stating its preparing for shipment then that means that your order is good to go. Just be patient. I haven't had any problems with them so far.

    Good to know. Only ordered last night and already got a "preparation in progress" email this morning. Even still, I won't be able to rest easy until I have at least some tracking info in hand.

  4. Another sad day for me. I just got an email from dendenhobby.com that they won't be able to fulfull my order as they only 5% of their order. Still, not too sad as I've been buying Yamato stuff lately and this justs confirms my desire to leave the Frontier stuff out of my display until Yamato gets the license.

    Got the same email today. Requested the refund, then rolled the dice on Nippon-Yasan, since they still show the 171 as available. Crossing my fingers. If they come through, I'll get the super packs from them as well.

  5. Glad to see they're going to do the super parts too. This color scheme seems naked without them. Count me in for any potential group buy. Hopefully the eBay scalper I put a deposit down with will be able to come through for the bird itself.

  6. Thanks Graham!

    Glad to hear your issue got resolved bb_f1. I finally got enough time to email HWJapan to inquire about getting a replacement part. If they want me to exchange the whole thing, I'll probably just deal with not having the piece. I'm not too broken up about it since it is more cosmetic than something structural like the VF-1 shoulder issue. I've got both Gamlin and Max, so leaving Milia in fighter wouldn't be a problem. Besides, I could always call it my special "battle damaged" edition :p

  7. Right out of box I have 1x missing Milia 22S knee cap. I sooo hate yamato!!!

    My M&M VF22s arrived today, and I have the same problem. Max is fine, but Milia is missing the right kneecap.

    It's the first time I've had a problem with anything I've gotten from Yamato. Guess it was only a matter of time.


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