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Posts posted by ogami

  1. Gundam sells itself... Robotech does not.

    not exactly... Turn A didn't do very well @ the beginning as everyone hate the mech design of Turn A Gundam. (For those don't have time to watch the TV series, I recommand you to watch the movie version)

    However, it did become one of the best Gundam show with great 2D animation and rich storyline...

    What does RT:SC have... outdated CGI, bad dub, cheesy 2D animation, questionable character designs, predictale storyline, "MIA" Rick Hunter...

  2. Kinda like this quote from the ANN review:

    "But where the visuals really fall down is in the 2D work. Characters have that hybrid anime-style-drawn-by-non-Japanese look that has become synonymous with Korean anime. The costumes are basically paint-on jumpsuits over Ken and Barbie-with-implants body types, not one of them deviating from another."

    -ANN Reviewer

    Sounds like even Pokemon has better animation! :lol:

    I still don't understand what is HG and Tommy thinking... They are trying to draw new fans to the Robotch franchise with crappy production?

    I know they are short of money but I think money can be spent better than that...

    It is good that Bandai/Gundam never follow this way of marketing...

  3. Dunno about Vancouver proper, but Lougheed Mall out in Burnaby had a few in the EB. The lineup had already started when I went by for my dental appointment.

    I wish I can line-up too... but work is getting busy lately with Christmas. (need to finish repairing several servers before holiday)

    My next chance is Toyrus. They have a new shipment coming on Saturday however I cannot lineup overnight. I guess i am not playing Wii during holidays.

  4. You know, when I first saw the pics of the bots and the toy pics I kind of liked them. I thought they had potential. Even the mutilated version of Starscream, my favorite character. Now I'm disappointed in their appearance, because they all look the same to an extent. That wierd, insect like face and kibble everywhere. I thought maybe it would be a good look for the decepticons, but not the autobots. Every bot other than Prime looks kind of sinister. I just wish there was more diversity in their looks. On the other hand, I really like Ratchet's body style. If they changed the head I'd be impressed.

    The worst is Autobots look evil... they all have that evi looking face... :ph34r:

  5. I know this "OVA" suppose to introduce Robotech to general public "again" + attract anime fans to it. However, those "low frame rate, out-of-date" CGs really are making the Robotech series look even worse...

    And you are asking money for it?!?! What is HG thinking?!? :ph34r:

    If I have $30 in my hand @ best buy and looking to buy an Anime DVD, Final Fantasy VII Advent Children is way more eye-catching then RSC.

  6. First of all... the voice acting and the dialogue are terrible!!!

    "Oh Yea!" and "my wife is going to kill me!" are like copied from Family Guy. Geez... that's not right for a sci-fic anime ova. :wacko:

    The 3D is not impressive if i need to pay $2x dollars for it. It is only around the level of Transformer Galaxy Force, maybe even less. The frame rate looks below average as well. :huh:

    The only good thing is the 2D. The scene with Janice thou... hmm... how her face changed looking, that's a common error for low budget anime.

  7. Thanks for posting the link to the review chowyunskinny, much appreciated.  And Darkwater is a big fan of the show, famous on the RT.com forums, so I think his review is very credible.  Good, but not great.  Ah well.  There was just way too much anticipation for this movie.  But I'll still buy the DVD.



    I'll rent it first. I don't feel "safe" for me to buy it since a hardcore RT fan gives it 3/5. I'll probably give it a 1 or 2 out of 5 since I am not a RT fan.

    As for SC's 3D, I think HG try their best with limited resource to make it. (I'll try not to compare it with Macross Zero. :lol: )

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