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Posts posted by CrazyMartian

  1. I hadn't realized they were the same colors, haha.

    My idea was just to have a differently colored Queadluun. For me, Regults have been more white and blue, this custom color is more gray and blue, but you're right. It's the same set of colors as a Regult.

  2. Hi. This is a little project I've been working on for a while. Some time ago I found a sale in a store and much to my surprise they had Q-Rau kits. The kit itself was OLD, which is why I went for it instead of more modern ones. Since it was all green and ugly, I decided to paint it, and little by little, I've been advancing due to a lack of time. I think it's been a year since I started it.100_3642_zpsd557f6eb.jpg?t=1374814102

    I still have a long way to go. I didn't file down the seams because the plastic was quite brittle either because of its age or how it was stored, probably both. I was afraid I would break it, so I will attempt something to hide them with either a a sticker of something else. For the face, I'm going to try adding something to it, I still don't know what, though. I'll give it some thought. Also, I will retouch the paint here and there, since I accidentally damaged it in a few spots. After i finish that, I will see if the decals that came with it are viable for application. Of course, the green portions will be properly taken care of.

    I have a VF-27, but I'm rather disappointed with the materials used for it. It's so fragile. Still, I'm considering painting it. I would just like to know if there are good spray paints that are relatively easy to apply and stay uniformly on the plastic. Also, what kind of finishing product can you recommend? For the Queadluun Rau, I actually used that thing women put on their nails so they look shiny (I don't know the English name of it), but I'm not quite satisfied with it. Any suggestions? I would like to know if there is one good enough to avoid scratching the paint when transforming the model, since a in a Macross kit, transformation is one of the most important features for me.

  3. I beat the game, but missed on a lot of the subquests. I was basically going for a speedrun since I have limited time and wanted to see the story.

    Does anyone have a list of the missions and what to do to beat them? Like a mini walkthrough?

  4. Well, I finally got my copy, and after playing it quite a bit, I can say I'm rather surprised with what they pulled out. The control scheme is very comfortable and lends itself to play it in a way that I'm used because of the games I often enjoy (3rd person shooters like Mass Effect). I haven't gotten very far, I just recently got Mina, but she's still not a pilot (not a spoiler if you saw the site). Gameplay strongly reminds me of Phantasy Star Online 1 and 2 in that it is a free roam game (as far as you've allowed, though) and fight enemies here and there. I really like how despite being a Macross game it has a strong influence of more regularly made action RPGs, which I rarely play nowadays, but are still enjoyable.

    I'm more than pleasantly surprised. It was well worth the trouble.

    Edit: I started browsing the gallery and my surprise couldn't be bigger when I saw interviews with part of the cast of each featured Macross production. Some were tremendously amusing, others insightful and reflexive. This is by far the best extra they could have thought of.

  5. It's finally here!

    My copy arrived today while was out of the house. Installing the game data after the patch (whatever it does).

    The one game that I had been waiting for since Ultimate Frontier, that made me jump through hoops and dance in circles.

    This is definitely the game that has given me the most difficulty in order to get it, but what the hell, it's worth it!

  6. I was reading about it in the very detailed and organized document Zoroastres is putting together. I'm really looking forward to the game. I find it very nice that the controls are so versatile, allowing for people from different gaming backgrounds to enjoy it. I'm fairly proficient in 3rd person shooters, mostly because of Mass Effect 3, and seeing that Macross 30 allows for playing in a slightly similar fashion made me very glad.

    The people at Artdink are nothing short of great.

  7. Hi! It's been a long time since I last posted here.

    I ordered a regular copy of Macross 30 a while ago, which only shipped today. Yay (NOT).

    I had managed to save for preorder, but then thanks to my bank doing a clusterfrakk with my account, I had to jump through tons of hoops just to get my money back. In the end, I missed the preorder deadline, but managed to order the game. Waiting for it now, with the same sort of bubbling anticipation of a child about to be left alone and unsupervised inside a candy store.

    BUT, to get back to the topic, I would like to know a bit about the different modes the game has, and a few questions regarding the characters. If there are spoilers, I don't mind one bit, but some others may, so please hide the answers so people who do won't be affected. I want to point that spoilers do nothing but increase my interest in specific games, such as this.

    So here are my questions:

    1.- How many wingmen/wingwomen can you bring in missions?

    2.- Can you form your party?

    3.- How does it affect bringing, say, Alto and Isamu in a mission, as opposed to someone else?

    4.- Can Grace join? I really hope so, since she was actually cool in Wings of Goodbye

    5.- Is Klan available for recruiting?

    6.- How are the controls compared to the PSP series?

    7.- I know you can pull up a menu as per standard RPG fare, but what about commands?

    8.- Does the game have some kind of online functionality? I already know there will be some DLC (or already there is, I haven't checked).

    9.- I read a bit about custom soundtrack. Can I rip music and put it when songs are used only in little bits like in the PSP games?

    10.- How is the music? Good? Bad? Meh?

    11.- Other than the YF-30, are there any other new mechs?

    12.- How do you rate the replay value?

    13.- How deep is the VF customization? Stats? What about colors like in the PSP series?

    I think that's pretty much it.
    Well, I'll go back to playing some more PS2 Macross to try and calm myself down. It's hard waiting for a few games, this being one of the worst cases.
    I wanted Metal Gear Rising and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge, since I'm a huge fan of those series, but Macross wins each and every single time.

  8. Huh... I didn't know they made a program to watch Youtube on the PSP. Perhaps you could point me in the right direction to snag that little application via a PM?

    But getting a little bit more on-topic, given that we've (mostly) played the hell out of at the very least one of the Macross games on the PSP (or all three as is my case), aside from badass graphics, what should a new Macross game by Artdink include? Something large, I mean, not just model accuracies or missing VFs like the VF-14 Vampire and the or the VF-3000 that I only played with in Macross M3. I would still like to see a whole new story that while not necessarily should include a new VF, it could at least tell a good side story like VF-X2 for example or a story set in one of the colonization ships that have never been seen or we know little about like the Macross 11.

  9. Regards your question for Macross games for download, the answer is zero... Which is ridiculous...

    Huh... So the Vita is set to only use one single account? That stinks. Let's see... I think I'll buy a US Vita and set it to run only Japanese games from the store, I guess. The games I like the most are from that region. Sucks that I won't be able to run the PS1 games from the US store or the PSP games from the Mexican store, but... Since I assume that exploit will soon be patched, I will have to set it to only the Japanese one...

    Those fools...

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