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Posts posted by Paliodor

  1. @Renato: Thanks for the reply.I see both OST's on my local auction site for a quite good price so it will be my next purchase, only thing that will be left to get is M+:Cream PUF .It's nice to hear that at least M+ OST's were released outside of Japan. And yes, too bad that will not gonna happen again, at least not in the nearest future.

  2. There's a lot of shops on the net that offer international shipping. I saw pre-orders for M30 on CDJapan and Play-Asia so if you like, then you can order this game on one of them.

  3. Have any of you heard or have in collection soundtracks from Macross Plus released by Demon Soundtracks? I found about this label while searching for Heart and Soul CD and I was quite suprised that someone in UK released OST's from M+ there.

    Mayby someone could tell more about them since there's not much info on the net.

  4. As others have noted, she is the winner of the Singer Wing section of the Miss Macross 30 Contest. As such, yes, the opening (Planet Cradle) and ending (Wandering) of Macross 30 are her singing debut. Similarly, the role of Mina Forte will be her voice acting debut. So far she has only performed on stage once - she sang Planet Cradle at the announcement of the game at the Bandai-Namco booth at TGS (and was damn good too, I might add ;-)

    Again thanks for the info ^_^ For a debut I have to admit that the song came out very well, she have a nice voice, it was a very good choice if it goes about the winner of Miss Macross contest.

  5. Thanks for the info, was curious who it was because dunno why but I was thinking that was May'n ...

    And is she a newcomer to the music bis or was she singing before? There's nothing on YT when you search for her name <_<

  6. I have a question regarding the song used in all these videos. Is this May'n singing it or someone else because I like it <catchy j-pop song fanXD> and hope that they will release it on CD.

  7. This newest preview video make me even more to buy this game. But like with all mecha games I'm sceptical to the end and will decide if to buy it when I read some reviews and see gameplay videos after the release of the game.

    But one this I can say even now, that the graphic is pretty good, especially special efects also the amount of valks is not bad but I fear that they will add even more with paid DLC. I also hope that the missions will varied and they will not only relly on "destroy all or X enemies".

  8. Just saw pics from Famitsu and have to say that it's gona be looking good. Valks and other mecha are looking very nice,missle tracers are awesome,only the terrain texture is low res and kinda ugly.

    Now I'm curious how the gameplay of Basara will look like, standard kill them all or maybe something more like in M7. Sound force stuff etc .

    And the release date is not so far away, the beginning of the next year will be great^^

  9. Next year is gonna be great, finaly a PS3 Macross game ( I don't count the Trial stuff from MF bundles). I only hope that there will be more mecha and characters than just the one main VF and chara per title.

    I'm also a little skeptical about this whole new "original story" would prefer to play stages based on the actual events from different Macross titles then this funny stuff with Ouroboros planet. Oh well, I will see how it will be looking in the end.

  10. I would like to see something new.

    About half a year I watched SDF Macross TV and I think that it's looking good even now, the music is awesome and the character development\story are very good. I don't think that the series need some new version. It's good as it is.

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