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Posts posted by Nightingale

  1. Since you're taking suggestions ^_^ ... the intake underneath the chest plate might look a little better in profile (more sleek) if you reduce the thickness and imo better mirror the line art i.e. have a much steeper angle like...



    Hopefully there will still be enough behind the actual inlet to conceal most of the bar.


    Noted, I'll see how much I can reduce it but still be able to hide the bar and arm.

  2. I think we've gotta stop with the 'model kit quality' comparison with the plastic, because it's a pretty unfair comparison to make. Model kits are made of polystyrene, which is a completely different material from the ABS this is made of. Polystyrene is much, much weaker, more flexible, more chemically reactive, and even has a lower melting point. It's apples and oranges. Only Kotobukiya produces model kits where the majority of the kid is cast in an ABS, and their model kits tend to feel a lot sturdier than say, a bandai kit.

    For those who haven't handled the toy yet- it isn't the same sort of flimsy as say, a gundam model. It is using a lighter, thinner sort of ABS, but anybody who's handled some of Hasbro's transformers during their cost-cutting phases will recognize it as the same overly-shiny, kind of slick thin ABS. Generations bumblebee from 2014 is the closest comparison I can think to make. It isn't actually that weak, unless you get unlucky and have a catastrophic failure, or are being way too rough with it.

    Not sure why people are still asking for what it compares to, this pretty much sums everything up right here.

    13 transformations in and still holds together like a champ and nothing broken. I mean really, at this point if you like it buy it, if you don't - well just hope we get another one within the next decade.

    Also, as a side note, I think I have only seen one report of a breakage anywhere. I guess time will tell if anything explodes, but seems to be made right to me.


  3. Haters gonna hate, players gonna play, and Lovers gonna Love... again!











    Been playing with it and transformed it about 12 times already, and just giving it a little TLC really brings out the greatness of the toy.

    The only regret I have about it is the price, wish I held out and got one of those going on ebay for $175 shipped. Meh, still love it and really glad I got it.

  4. Thanks for posting that....I could actually hear the the tightness of the arm pegs as you pulled them out of the leg slots...great job.....so really...just some application of future eh?

    So just a quick question....where your tabs loose fitting before you applied the future? Just wondering if maybe I have a defective one....

    I wonder if that fix will also work for the tailwings....those are even worse IMO.....

    BTW...did you also apply future to the tabs that slide into the legs above the intakes?

    1 arm and 1 leg tab were each loose out the box, and I didn't use Future on mine, I used super glue since it works better. I only recommend Future for those who don't have experience with super glue.

    I applied the glue to each of the tabs you have circled on your pics a couple of posts up.

  5. hey guys, looking to buy the old Bandai 1/65 VF-17 for a custom project, so condition doesn't matter, just need it to be complete (except for the head, don't need that), transformable and nothing broken. PM me your price, but ideally I would like to pay $75 max. Thanks!

  6. Hey folks, long time lurker first time seller here to MWF. My ebay ID is bigwilly16 and I have perfect feedback since 1997! My TFW feedback can be found here


    and here


    I recently acquired a mint Yammy VF-4, but due to a death in the family I have to let it go to pay for air tickets and help with the funeral arrangements ASAP.

    The Valk itself is mint and never been transformed, the sticker sheet is still sealed and nothing has been applied. I took it out the box for pictures then it went right back in. I am asking $750+ shipping and fees OBO.




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