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Posts posted by xrentonx

  1. On 12/17/2021 at 8:36 PM, Roy Focker said:

    Fun but lacks logic.  Hate not talking about spoilers so I'll talk in terms of what we can guess from the trailers.  Villains are pulled before they died/defeated from other movie universes into the MCU.  Events that happen in this movie would have an effect when they return to their universes/movies.  Each of those movies would end differently and that would lead to different sequels.   

    One big time paradox.


    I was thinking about this too at first. Like early on, I just didn't get why Peter was out to save these guys who's fate had already been set in their own universes. I kept thinking...just send them back to their fates and be done already, Pete. But this wasn't a time travel movie per se. If Pete goes on and saves them (cures them here and it being more important to his own ideals in this universe) and then sends them back and changes their fates, there are still infinite universes out there where these guys die. Same as there being infinite universes where they live or never became green goblin or the lizard or Doc Ock or stubbed their toe at this instance...whatever. Then knowing this, it just becomes well in THIS universe, these guys actually get saved and are sent back successfully changed for the better and it thematically fits in with the ideals of what Spider-Man stands for.

    So yeah, the other Spider-Man stories still happened.


  2. I'm not sure if I'm alone on this or not but Andrew Garfield is my favorite off all the live action Spider-Mans even though I agree that both Amazing Spider-Man films were just OK and not as good as Tobey's 1 and 2 and Holland's trilogy. Andrew Garfield himself was by far the best thing in the Amazing movies and I blame the filmmakers for failing on everything else. That said, Garfield stole the show for me in a movie full of show stealers.

    In the first half of the movie, I kept going "Peter, STOP! Peter, that's stupid, don't do that" and then there was a point where it all clicked for me and I enjoyed the hell out if it.

    I think this is a close 2nd to Into the Spider-verse for me in terms of Spider-Man movies. Loved it.

  3. On 11/13/2019 at 11:42 AM, anubis20 said:

    I believe it was these:


    SV-51 Ankle 2.jpg

    So one more time since I'm a dummy. The ankle parts that slide are supposed to be facing the same way like this pic (asymmetrical) right?

    It's the front toe that should be symmetric? I got the replacement parts from HLJ and my ankles are asymmetric but my front toes are symmetric. This is correct?

  4. Someone jog my memory...does the cockpit sit horizontal like that in Soldier mode or is the canopy supposed to be vertical? Which is anime accurate? I can't seem to remember.

    I bought two of these :)

  5. On 11/11/2019 at 7:59 AM, moose said:

    So you had it in your private warehouse waiting for a replacement and instead of exchanging  your old messed up legs for a new one fixed they shipped you the old one.


    I only ask because I am in the same situation I asked for a replacement since mine was still my private warehouse and I would much rather get a replacement then deal with swapping parts.

    Yeah, mine was in PW for a long time because of the issue. HLJ even extended the PW ship date for me. I only shipped after they claimed that it was OK and that I was either getting a fixed copy OR getting the legs to install myself. I got neither. 

    Anyway I sent them a pic and they are shipping me the replacement legs to install myself so I'm less miffed about it.

  6. I shipped mine from HLJ warehouse after they sent an email saying that they got the corrected parts. I opened mine this weekend and I still got just the Valk with no corrected leg parts or even the replacement parts separately. I am beyond annoyed right now.

  7. 1 minute ago, MikeRoz said:

    Not trying to discourage complaining at all. Just pointing out that "go into the website earlier" might not be the most helpful advice when the queue is broken.

    I was replying to the other dude. I agree with you here.

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