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Posts posted by Stargazer

  1. Just a question, to everyone reading this...

    Has anyone here ever seen the series called "Rainbow Brite"? With the little girl that has the colorbelt that makes all the colors in the world? Please... if anyone here remembers that show... or even has some of it on their computers somewhere... tell me..

    I really want to get a hold of that series... espessially the beginning... it's called "The beginning of Rainbowland".. it's almost impossible to get a hold of anything at all on the Internet of this series.

    So... if anyone here remembers Rainbow Brite, with the colorkids, and Starlite (quote: "the most magnificent horse in the universe"...) and Mury & Lurky... please answer in this thread... or PM me...?


    P.S. In case it might kick-start anyones memory, heres the whole Rainbow gang... :)


  2. I've just watched a few episodes of Macross 7 the last few days... and I want more.. :p I guess I'll have to get the DVD's over at Valkyrie Exchange or something soon... :D

    I know I'm going to be hooked... hehehe...

  3. Has anyone noticed the whispers in the background of Santi-U then? On the part where Sharon is chanting? I can't make out if the whispers are words or whatever... but it's there... can someone hear if it's words or just random whisper-noises? I get the feeling that the voice is telling something or something like that...

    I've heard all of Sharon's songs a few million times but I only noticed this little detail last week... that CD just keeps growing on me... :lol:

  4. Does anyone here know when GitS: Standalone Complex will be released on DVD? And where on the Net I can get a hold of the GitS manga: Man Machine Interface? I just bought 2 issues and I'm hooked... :D

    Ghost in the Shell just jumped a few notches up on my fav. list... :p

    BTW: I've more that doubled my animé collection this summer!!! Didn't come cheap.. but it's worth it!!! So now I'm a fan of Nadesico as well! If only I could find the last two DVDs and buy them too... and lots of other series... :p And I recommend "Ah! My Goddess the Movie" aswell... it's really good... :p


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