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Posts posted by skonchboy

  1. ...My only qualm is still the lack of Macross feeling...

    Can you make it in 1/48? :p

    Re your qualm, using foamcore is fairly limiting, and my knowledge only spans the original Macross Saga episodes - I have used colours taken from stills taken from the Macross shows and although I have not copied anything directly, my influence has been the artwork and imagry taken from the Japanese Cartoon/Manga genre and not specifically Macross per se. I have also added my own creative touch as there is rarely much detail shown on buildings and backgrounds on the original Macross series.

    The base can be used with scales up to 1/72, if you want to "up scale" it to 1/48th it would be huge however, you would simply need to use Photoshop or a similar program to cut and inlarge the decals. You would need to split certain stickers over 2 A4 sheets.


  2. It looks great. I'm thinking you need to go one step further and make a model like and SDF-1, ARMD or oh, I don't know, a Daedalus! - MT

    Ah yea! on my scale how big would they be? lol. I've been loking at your work, it's amazing, you are a craftsman on a completely different level.

    My main problem is time and patience,I don't get too much time to build stuff due to work etc and I don't have the patience to make stuff over several weeks, so I wanted something that I can build in a night.

    Thank you for looking at my megre work, I m not worthy! :rolleyes:

  3. I'm still new to this so please forgive any errors.

    Ok, here it is folks - my completed Diorama/playset for 1/144 -1/100 models. Made with Foamcore using stickers made using Photoshop.

    I wanted something to show the models, plus my kids love playing with them - my sets usually last a while before being destroyed by aliens, but hey, the fun's in the building them!

    I might just add one more piece, when I get a sec but its now 4am and I'm ready for bed (yaaawwnnnn)! ^_^

    Let me know what you think?






    The sticker sheets and a set of instructions are posted here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30029551@N06/...57612902647388/

    Unfortunately, I couldn't do a Step-by-Step guide however, the main thing to remember when making these models is to fold stickers over the edges and make then overlap each other, so planning how you are going to place the decals is important, otherwise the edges start peeling away.

    Any questions - drop me a line!

  4. Skonch, those Star Wars dioramas.... Is that the 1978 release Millenium Falcon, or a newer one?

    I has the old one :p

    Well, it is the old type but the re-vamped newer version. There is a new type which is mahoosive and costs so much that my wife would divorce me if I were to buy one. Hasn't stoped me lusting after one though.

  5. Sweet! I was about to get those Kotobukiya Chain bases but your work looks great!

    The buildings are modular so they can be re-arranged to suit - or when you get bored of a particular set up.

    Here's some more images I set up with my 1/144 scale models:





  6. Really awesome stuff. The Star Wars stuff kicks ass! It looks waay better than the old Death Star playset. Having that as a kid would have been the ultimate in cool. Let your kids know they've got it pretty good. Is there any way you could share those graphics etc.? (I would understand if you want to keep it for yourself though, I imagine there's a fair bit of work involved) I would love to know more about how you construct those things. They look deceptively simple and sturdy.

    I can't take all of the credit, if you go here: http://www.niubniubsuniverse.com/home/home_asp/01menuDio.asp you'll see some truely awesome work. Star Wars only though!

    As you seem keen to see how I make these things, I have posted instructions and the sticker sheets to form the hangar shown at the top of the thread. Please go here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30029551@N06/...57612902647388/

    You will also see the other creations I 've produced so far. As soon as I have finished the next one I'll post instructions and sheets also.

    The great thing about making these simple buildings is that if you can use Photoshop or similar softwarre, you can soon start designing your own sets. Its very addictive!

    here is a slideshow of what I've created over the past 6 weeks: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30029551@N06/...164675025/show/.

    Enjoy. and thank you for your interest in my creations. :rolleyes:

  7. This looks good. I am surprised that nobody has ever made this sort of thing commercially for Macross. it would work well just as a backdrop for model display cabinets I reckon.

    THAT'S PECICELY WHY I MAKE THESE THINGS - No one seems to make decent display scenes for these fantastic kits, so after seeing an architect friend of mine using Foamcore to make models I thought this would be a good idea.

    I hope Bandai don't see this cos there really is a huge gap in the market for this kind of stuff and I should patent the ideas. "well you've seen it here first folks"

    I'm going a bit off topic here. so I'm going to try to keep things "Macross" from here on.

    Once again, I am really appreciating the feedback, it makes creating that bit more rewarding!

  8. 'Schizophrenic

    I like cardboard-based accesories for my toys. There's a lot of LARP papercraft out there. I also like papercraft toys. I have a plethora on my bookshelf, including a few VFs.

    Here's some more of my creations FYI.




    This one turns into a box to hold some small Gashapon toys. There is a drawer that fits into the hangar bay and the lower section opens to form a small hangar and conrol tower and there is a ring section that holds it all in place when it is in "BOX MODE". My kids love this stuff and I'm making a "book" base for my youingest one - It will look like a book from the outside, but it will have compartments that will open.


    Thios one was my attempt at re-creating the late 60's retro look "a la" Grendizer.

    and these are more of the Jaguar Vulcan, "VULCAN COMMAND OUTPOST" set.


    I'm now focusing on Macross. I am designing a space carrier based on an idea taken from the refulling frigate from the "Homeworld" game and another remote outpost base for my 1/144 scale Chara Works models.

    In my spare time I have my own building company - which reminds me, I must get back to work!

    This is great fun, thank you for your feedback!

  9. I really like the lauch bay "box" area/control center. I think it looks like a structure that would be on a remote airbase after the war was over and humans started spreading out around the planet again. I'd love to see more. It might be nice to have a completely two dimensional option that could be used for a simple background piece.

    The launch bay model was made for a toy that I have been after for years, it is called "Jaguar Vulcan" and was an early Pre-Power Rangers, Super Sentai Popy toy. I had one when I was a kid, but stupidly sold it when I was a teenager (that was back in 85). I recently found one on e-bay and so put to work creating a home for it. See below:


    Re the backdrop: Ahh, now you are talking. I've done something similar with a Star Wars Playset I made for the Kids, see below:




    I used thick card to form part of a large hangar bay which doubled as the trench run when reversed, the rest was made of foamcore. The kids have loved playing with it so much that I am constantly having to re-build sections everytime the "Rebel Scum" destroy it. I have been toying with a similar idea for theis project as well. I guess I should buy shares in Foamcore!

    I have just bought a Cara Works set of mini kits 1/144 scale and I am wanting to create a small display for them but I've been inundated with work lately so I've had to put my Macross Base on hold very temporerily.

    I am really impressed with the friendly and encouraging feedback I'm getting here which is putting pressure on me to create!


  10. Well, I knew it was FPS-related somehow :)

    My only realy problem with it is that it doesn't seem to capture that Macross feel. It feels like something out of Quake, Doom, or HL1. It could feel more Macross-y, but that's a personal style choice. Keep up the line, Skonch! :D

    Hmm...You have laid down a challenge. I accept. I will return in a few weeks with something more.....appropriate. :ph34r:

  11. You know, this makes me want to make it into a papercraft, where one wouldn't need the foamcore. Though, it wouldn't be able to hold any valk if you wanted to... Good work, man. (Although, it looks more like something from a PC 1st person shooter, instead of Macross) I bet this would even be useful for LARPers.

    Thanks for the feedback. I deliberately wanted to make the buildings look as though it had been taken directly from a cartoon, simply because the Macross series was a cartoon! Also well spotted about the PC shooter cos I took some of the textures from Quake 3.

    Also when I was a kid I had a Starbird with a huge base made of cardboard, it was very similar to what I've done here. I haven't seen a playset like it since, so I thought it'd be cool to make something similar.


    I appreciate your input. :ph34r:

  12. 1) What's N.U.N.e?

    2) U.N. Spacey is spelled U.N. Spacy, no E.

    Otherwise, looks good! I like the idea of "modular" display... dealies...

    Vostok 7

    Well done! you won the "spot the deliberate mistake" competition lol. I noticed the error after I applied the sticker and have since rectified the error. With that in mind, have you ever entered in "Spacey" on Google, cos loads of people seem to have made the same mistake.

    As far as the other words, there really isn't that much to go on regarding detailing on buildings so I just make things up. As I said, I'm new to this so I will need to polish up on my knowledge.

    Thanks for the feedback.

  13. Hi,

    I'm new to the Macross fan thing, so please be gentle with me!

    I've just started collecting some Macross Aircraft kits 1/100 and 1/72 scale and wanted to make a display for them. I've been messing around with foamcore and put together some sticker sheets using Photoshop.

    I've completed the first section and when I get the chance will finish it off with a larger hangar and control tower. Please let me know what you think?

    If anyone is interested I have run off a tutorial and posted the sticker sheets that can be printed onto A4 sticker paper along with instructions on how to build here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30029551@N06/...57612902647388/ The great thing about making these sets, is that once you've built one, if you can use Photoshop or similar software, you can very easily design your own variations.





    And here are some earlier more generic models:




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