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Posts posted by Baldrick

  1. I really liked the episode, it was good to see how a more militaristic ship would react to the ragtag civilian fleet’s situation and the arrangements they have made.

    I really don't see the Pegasus crew and officers as evil, or as the bad guys. Many of their actions shown to date are highly probable in war, and understandable in an all out on for the survival of your species. The “toy†status of 6 served many beneficial functions: to break her will for intel, object of power/revenge/morale-boost for the crew, and the continued dehumanization of human form cylons. I don’t agree with the argument that Kain (as a woman) would not be able to order/condone 6’s treatment. Her character seemed quite able to make that decision.

    One thing that bothered me was Kain’s verdict to execute Helo and the Chief for their manslaughter in such a short timeframe. She should have faked some predetermined court martial for Adama’s sake. That situation seemed very rushed and forced in order to provide a viper vs. viper cliffhanger - it is pretty clear that Kain will back off first, but seeing the Pegasus launch so many Mark VII vipers was awesome!

    There were a couple of problems with the interrogation scene ... I find it hard to believe that a single interrogator would be able to rape a human form cylon. With her enhanced strength, she should have easily been able to protect herself from one man. Having her appear weak and vulnerable was simply to foster more sympathy. I also assume that the writers/producers understandably wanted to keep “the rape scene†as short as possible … they had to avoid showing the amount of violence subduing her would require (having the guards beat and hold her down). Also, why weren’t there any Galatica personnel in the room to observe the interrogation? Are we supposed to believe that three Pegasus guys can just walk into a secure holding cell and conduct an interrogation without anyone knowing or protesting? That plot hole would have stopped the whole string of events from happening in the first place.

  2. The ones that are constantly complaining (yet continue to watch) are the ones most caught up with the show.  They're the type of people that would harrass the actors for the roles they play because they're unable to seperate them.


    Holy overgeneralizations Batman!

    I really like the new BSG, but agree with the “constant complainers†on many of their points. It has only been a couple of months since the eradication of the human race. Realistically everything would be about the survival of the species and martial law would be a given fact. I am willing to suspend my disbelief and enjoy the very good show, but that doesn't mean it is not without some "reality" flaws.

  3. yeah I just checked with the store they said the whole west cost area doesn't have it in which sucks, but the lady didn't want to check for me if there was any in the east coast or other places. That bitch :p

    Oh well

    I check out the web site but can't read japanese. <_<

    From rich

    I was in contact with the San Jose and San Francisco stores too. They said the same thing to me about it being out of stock everwhere, but they were wrong. The Seattle store had them in stock as of Saturday the 8th. Check out this other thread, I posted their contact info.


    Good luck to those who are still hunting!

  4. If anyone live in the Seattle area, Kinokunia (in the international district) has about 4 of the Reis for $26.  Rei's certainly not my fav, so I didn't get one, if they had an Asuka tho.......

    I called and ordered several from the Seattle store on Saturday. They showed up today. One had torn cellophane and one had a dinged box, the others were in mint. Which one of the non-mint ones would you open?

    Any chance you could PM me the contact info? I'm also looking for a Rei...... ;)

    Hey guys (Rune and UN Spacy),

    Here is the contact info and the ISBN #. I hope they still have some left. Good luck!



    >From: "Kinokuniya <Seattle>" <sebookweb@kinokuniya.com>

    >Subject: Shinseiki Evangelion (9) REI Special Box

    >Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2005 18:01:17 -0800


    >Thanks for your inquiry.


    >We do have the title in stock. Price is $26.35.


    >Please call us at (206) 587-2477 to order. You

    >must call to order since we can't take your order

    >online for this particular item due to our system



    >So please call today!



    >Customer Service




    >525 S WELLER ST

    >SEATTLE, WA 98104


    >FAX 587-0160


    >Monday-Saturday 10AM-9PM

    >Sunday 10AM-8PM P.S.T.




    >----- Original Message -----

    >To: <sebookweb@kinokuniya.com>

    >Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 3:23 PM

    >Subject: Evangelion REI Special Box



    > > Hello,

    > >

    > > I am looking for a special edition boxed Manga, of Neon Genesis Evangelion

    > > 9. I was told by friends that your other stores in the U.S. carried this

    > > item. It is listed under ISBN 4-04-900760-6. Do you have this in stock still?

    > >

    > >

    > > Thank you,

    > >

  5. If anyone live in the Seattle area, Kinokunia (in the international district) has about 4 of the Reis for $26. Rei's certainly not my fav, so I didn't get one, if they had an Asuka tho.......

    I called and ordered several from the Seattle store on Saturday. They showed up today. One had torn cellophane and one had a dinged box, the others were in mint. Which one of the non-mint ones would you open?

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