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Southpaw Samurai

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Posts posted by Southpaw Samurai

  1. Jeez...when I posted that Mirage auction link a page back, it was only at @$120. Hopefully someone as HasTak will take note of the auction and how popular Mirage is and do up one that has a nice looking car mode.

    I do like that Bumblebee custom from that link, although I don't see why Bumblebee should get a gun that looks bigger than Optimus's :o He actually sort of reminds me of a cross between the cartoon version and how he appeared in the original US Marvel comic mini-series (just the way certain parts hang off him at points). While not accurate to either TV or original toy, I dig the alternating (no pun intended) yellow and black stipping on his legs. Wish VW would allow the Beetle...Bumblebee is the perfect character to use if a company wants to have a pacifistic, 'let's move away from our dark past' image and probably one of the few Alternators people wouldn't scream bloody murder if he didn't come with a weapon.

  2. Speaking of celebrity sightings, below's Grimlock in NYC and Silverstreak in Japan....making one of my goals in Gran Turismo 4 is to have a garage with models coming as close as possible to the Alternators...the #7 Smokescreen is a tad bit expensive at 750,000 Cr. ... :)

    More on the topic, here's a pretty nifty Mirage custom someone did from a Deadend Alternator. Not exactly the prettiest in car mode and the chest unfortunately doesn't sit flat, but it still looks nice.



  3. I ended up going to Target for lunch and I bought SilverStreak. Fantastic paint job and detail, I really like how he looks compared to Smokescreen. To be honest I'm sorta surprised they made him a Subaru when his Brother Prowel is gonna end up as something else. Sorta ruins the whole twin thing don't it? Even for Sideswipe and Sunstreaker.

    I never really thought much about Prowl/Bluestreak/Smokescreen being 'related' as much as just being similar (much like I might look similar to someone else posting here). Don't think they ever really made a deal out of it in the comics or cartoons either. Still, it would've been nice for Prowl to be a repaint...a repaint (like Sunstreaker) that people would've LOVED to have. I always got a feeling that Sideswipe and Sunstreaker's 'brotherhood' went beyond the fact their Earth forms were both from the same car manufacturer. It seemed more like a comraderie built from battle side by side and their personalities, although different, working well together. After all, there were few Autobots were warriors by function amongst the first series, so it's very easy to see the soldiers sticking together, feeling different, if not feeling a bit elitist, amongst the others.

  4. Hatch was pimping (to the point of making a 'teaser trailer' for it) a series that was more of a sequel, with him being an older Apollo now in his father's place as the guy in charge and with any of the old time actors back that would be willing. The idea definitely had potential and many old fans were behind him more than a revisioned series. At this moment, however, I'm actually quite glad his idea never took off and we instead have what we currently have. :)

  5. If you have friends, X-Men Legends, D&D Heroes, and Baldur's Gate are all very good Gauntlet style hack and slashers, but they're not as much fun by yourself. Return of the King is a fun pure arcade action 'Double Dragon'-esque hacker that you can play with someone else. If you want to hack and slash your way in a somewhat historical setting, with one of the Dynasty Warriors (3 is probably the better X-Box one) or Samurai Warriors will through you in the middle of battlefields with thousands of grunts to slaughter....but if like that idea, but prefer sci-fi, you can pick up Crimson Sea which is basically the same except for the enemies being aliens. Fable, as mention, is a decent simple hack and slash RPG game (now that all the hype is buried, people can actually enjoy it without being disappointed over what it was promised to be). For hacking and slashing that includes a lot of jumping (and crontroller throwing), Ninja Gaiden might also be up your alley.

    If I was home, I'd dig into my stash to see if there's more, but the above it a good start. I'm not much of a hack and slasher except for the group ones (although I'm one of those DW/SW addicts), so generally if I picked it up, it was really good.

  6. Rotoscoping goes back to nearly the origins of animation. Disney used it (sometimes obviously like in Snow White). It almost always looks odd when meshed in with freehand animation. Still, when used as a tool to help get a certain motion down right, it's not too bad. When it's the main tool (like Bashki's LOTR) things start to go downhill a bit (LOTR is especially a good case, as it was done in a manner similar to how these days people might film two actors in front of a bare bluescreen stage and add everything else via CGI later...and it's telling because when they went to animate it and fill in everything, the animators just weren't creative enough to provide much more than you would've gotten had it just been the two actors and a chair...and that's before you discuss the orcs and such where it looks like no attempt was made to improve the quick, crappy 'costumed' filmed actors).

    I have to agree with those who said they're unsure how this will stand as a full length movie. I actually sort of dig the way it looks (and in some way, it works with the flavor of the book), but I'm not sure I could stand looking at it for 90+ minutes.

  7. XBox Jr. died from this...just weeks before it came out publicly that Microsoft was doing a recall. At the time I thought it was just an odd power surge or something odd, but it does fit within the time frame and the results are what I've read described. Too bad I opened it up in an attempt to repair/curiosity to see the innards, so I can't go asking M$ for any kind of replacement due to a known issue.

    But XBox the 3rd (imagine with Lupin III theme) is happy and I'm thinking of making a working Frankenstein monster out of Xbox Sr. (bad DVD Drive) and XBox Jr....and since I have to open both up, I might mod it just for grins even though I hadn't considered doing it to them before.

  8. It's still sort of sad to see a naked Ultra Magnus. Would it have taken all that much effort to construct a simple trailer that transformed into something resembing his armor, like the well done unfinished custom one shown in either this or the previous Transformer thread? Who cares if it didn't make him bigger (frankly, having him roughly the same height as Optimus looks cool anyway). For a crappy plastic trailer/armor, they probably could've even chalked on another $20-30 and people would go for it...I don't know how many are going to go for him as is...

    At this rate, we'll have a black convoy/Scourge, and then a grey/black one they'll call MotorMaster to go with the Stunticon BT/Alts....

  9. Not to stray off topic too much into the history of Destro, but below is a file card from his second incarnation (when they decided he'd break off from Cobra and lead his Iron Grenadiers) that gives a bit of background (courtesy of yojoe.com).

    What I want to know is, would it have been so hard to imitate all the nice looking Marvel Legends-based GI Joe customs out there? If you're using all the old names (and, more importantly, pretty much using the same characters as far as basic base look and traits), wouldn't it be prudent to go with a toy design that will both attract new kids (unless they've changed over the years, realism does sell to kids too) and also attract the money spending 30 year old fans (something akin to what they did with the Transformers Alternator/Binaltech line)? This series almost looks like an offshoot of those really goofy, larger-sized, super-deformed Star Wars children figures that recently have come out.


  10. The only Destro I remember with a removable mask was the 12" Hall of Fame one...and he was pretty much caucasian. Then again, there may have been an earlier smaller figure, as I grew disinterested in the line as they went crazy with their gimmicks.

    Larry Hama, who both scribed the Marvel comic and did most of the original G1 File Card info, had at some point decided Destro was Scottish (and apparently from a long line of Scottish aristocrats who were in the arms dealing business for generations). I believe this not only was part of the comics and cards, but also the cartoon (I think the cartoon had Lady Jaye as a relative or something...could be mixing things up at this point). So while I suppose an official figure could've featured African heritage features and still work with the 'history' of the characters, it's highly doubtful.

    The Destro featured early on in the recent comics was Destro's son and had darker features due to his mother (who wasn't the Baroness), if I remember correctly.

    The new figures look too cartoony and 'cool' for my tastes (to stay on topic).

  11. I'm still only seeing one head on Zaphod. He finally has three arms, though. Other than that, I'm content with how it looks so far.

    I think THIS is what's constitutes Zaphod's second 'head'. It appears for about two seconds. It would explain what they meant about his other head being 'hidden' whenever the cast and crew were asked about it (there was a rumor about it being in one of his nostrils).

    Not what I pictured at all...and am still unsure of it, but at least it's there.


  12. Who/What the heck is this...a Klingon? :huh::blink::lol:

    I'm pretty sure that's the Zabrak member of the Jedi Council (of the same species as Darth Maul). I think the one from Episode One was 'Eeth Koth' or something similar. But both he and the dark skinned, squid-hat woman (Adi Gallia) had actor changes for Ep.2 and even though they chose similar enough looking actors, I think they decided to give them different names (which doesn't make sense aside from being able to sell merchandise and get fan boys all excited). Don't have clue what they are nor do I really care.

  13. Wow.

    Greyryder, if you ever find yourself short on cash and long on time, I might start begging you to do a clone of your SS. My poor future SS Deadend has been sitting for a few months because I doubt my skills to do a good job on just painting him yellow. Going to have to buy some models for pure practice as it's been ages.

    You, however, have taken it even beyond just making him into Sideswipe's brother. You have made the car mode very appealing and true to the character. You've made the rose tinted windows work (something I wasn't sure of myself) and have decked him out so he looks like some kind of over-developed underground racer, which would be exactly the type of personality Sunstreaker would be proud of...looking good and being fast. I'm half tempted to find some HasTak email addresses and start sending your pictures with the header "MAKE THIS, DARNIT!"

    Excellent work. In all seriousness, if you do consider making a copy for sale or ebay, be sure to let me know.

  14. I don't think it'll screw you over much knowing that bit of info. It was a complete surprise, but that's partially because it came right out of left field with little logic behind why it exactly happened.

    There are still some surprises for anyone who's on the American schedule of BSG. The one you mention is the most shocking, but there's a lot of interesting and somewhat surprising character developments. Frankly, though, to me as the series progressed it was less about the surprises and cool things as just enjoying the ride.

  15. Question, it's been three years why hasn't anakin had his hand skinned already?  I mean heck the rebels, who just scrape by managed to skin Luke's hand right away, why does Anakin, a Jedi Knight not get similar treatment?

    they probably didn't have that kind of technology at the time.

    EP4 is 20 years later.

    With begs of pardon to the Pythons:

    Luke: Yeah, all right, Han. Don't labor the point. And what has the Empire ever given us in return?

    Rebel2: Skinned prostheses?

    Luke: What?

    Rebel2: Skinned prostheses.

    Luke: Oh yeah, yeah. They did give us that. That's true, yeah.

    Rebel3: And sanitation.

    Leia: Oh yeah, the sanitation, Luke . Remember what the planets used to be like.

    Luke: Yeah, all right, I'll grant you the skinned protheses (looks at own hand) and the santation are two things the Empire has done...

    Lando: And the guarded hyperspace lanes.

    Luke: Well, yeah. Obviously the hyperspace lanes, I mean the hyperspace lanes go without saying, don't they? But apart from the sanitation, the skinned protheses, and the well regulated hyperspace lanes...

    Rebel4: Ability to destroy planets.

    Rebel2: Medicine.

    Rebel5: Academy Education.

    Luke: Yeah, yeah, all right. Fair enough...

    Rebel1: No Gungans.

    Rebels: Oh, yeah <mumbled agreement>

    Wedge: Yeah. Yeah, That's something that we'd really miss, Luke, if the Empire left, huh.

    Rebel6: Better ship designs.

    Leia: And it's safe to walk the in streets at night now, Luke.

    Han: Yeah, they certainly know how to keep order. Let's face it, the only ones who could in a place like this.

    Rebels: Huhuhuh. Huhuhuhuhuh.

    Luke: All right. But apart from the sanitation, the medicine, the Academy, no Gungans, public order, the ability to destroy planets, guarded hyperspace lanes, better ship designs, and realistically skinned prostheses... What has the Empire ever done for us?

    Rebel2: Brought peace?

    Luke: Oh, peace. Shaddup.

    Sorry...long winded, but wanted to share what went through my head after reading the last few posts.

  16. I have to agree that the special effects are the best you'll see at the moment for a series that needs them so often on a tv budget.

    Despite my early pre-viewing misgivings due to a nostalgic love of the old series, I have enjoyed this series start to end (so far). It's sort of a shame that anyone who has had to wait for Sci-fi to broadcast them all will probably have the season finale spoiled already. My only real gripe with it was that the incident came out of the blue and while I have since put together two logical reasons for it, both are very speculative and based on little presented evidence.

    Anyway, while there was discussion early on about the various BSG toys coming out, I don't think anyone's talked about any in hand, so here's a quick little review on the Joyride ones:

    Last week my Joyride Battlestar Galactica Colonial Viper and Cylon Raider arrived. I went with the Joyride ones instead of holding out for the Japanese ones coming down the road mainly because the latter looking like your 'random box' type vender machine style toys, which means that they'll be small and probably made out of soft plastic with less detailing. I'll be happy to be proved wrong (would love to get the Galactica, even if it winds up being only as long as the Joyride Viper's nose). Instead of writing a long winded review, I've decided to attach the picture below and make the review more of extended captions and try to let the pictures tell some of the words.

    1) The Viper and Raider unpackaged and placed on their stands. They look like decently done models, which is always a plus (for some reason, models are easier for the 'normal' women-folk out there to accept over toys). The paint jobs are clean and there's some weathering done on both (surprisingly, my Raider almost looks more weathered than the Viper and I usually picture it the other way around). Although they shared similar sized figures, I don't believe the fighters are to scale, as the three-man Raider looks dwarfed by the single seat Viper.

    2) The detailing is nice. It reminds me of the old model kits (I never had one, but remember being jealous over my cousin's wonderfully painted up one). The grey seems little darker than I seem to remember from the original show (it's almost the same color as the 1/48 Low-Vis), but it looks fine nonetheless.

    3) When looking at it in packaging, I was set to be disappointed with the Raider for only including two Cylons, but there's a third already set in the hard-to-reach center seat. I almost think the cockpit is a little roomy compared to how I remember the shots of the three Cylons together, but it might just be faulty memories...and I'm just happy they remember all three. It would've been very easily for a toy company to suddenly make the Raider a single pilot vehicle if no care was taken.

    4) The Viper and the Valk. Wingtip to wingtip with a 1/60 VF-1J. The Viper's about seven and change inches long, making it big enough to provide detail and feel fine to 'fly around' in your hand, while being small enough not to eat too much real estate. Note the attachable landing gear, which is a nice plus. Although the pilot (who's the same size as the Cylons) would indicate maybe a 1/72 (or maybe smaller) scale, I think the Viper is actually closer to a 1/60 scale (or somewhere between 1/60 and 1/55).

    5) Hikaru going for a test flight. To help demonstate that I think the scale's off between pilot and plane, here's a 1/60 Hikaru sitting in the cockpit for one of the typical old BSG profile shots. He is much closer-looking to the way the pilots' heads in the series filled the cockpit. The included pilot has enough head room that another could probably sit on his shoulders and fit in the cockpit.

    6) Further 'evidence'. While the old Joyride MadCat is also subject to its own scale issues, the pilots of the Viper and the MadCat are pretty much identical in size, making these two war machines apparently 'in scale', if Joyride was to be believed. Maybe if that was a 'MadKitten'.

    7) Boxey! Don't sit on your daddy's plane's laser guns! See how small the pilot looks? The pilot could've used a little more detail and slightly better paint application, but at @1/72, I can't ask for much.

    Overall, I've very happy with this pair (I didn't get the Cylon just because my main love of old series BSG stuff is the space craft). Nice details, good size, sturdy, if light, feeling, and the scale issues may only bother the most hardcore fans or model fanatics. My biggest complaint so far about the Joyride series is...where the frack is the Battlestar Galactica itself, Joyride? Their upcoming releases are almost all more figures (Starbuck, Apollo, Adama...Athena?...yet no BSG herself).


  17. my $.02

    Unlike the rest of you I like the president. She keeps Adama in check and does so much less annoyingly than the council of 12 in the original show. ..... I don't mind a female Starbuck. She act's just like the male Starbuck right down to the mannerisms but I don't like the new Col. Tigh he sholda been a brotha, the new Galactica seriously lacks color.

    Well, it's sort of spoilerish, but hopefully you'd didn't find the Council of Twelve TOO annoying, although the new council seems to be less the pompous old windbags of the original. And it's got an interesting VP...

    I have to agree that I like the president. There's a distinct difference between the military viewpoint and the civilian, which never was a part of the original. The original almost gave the impression that each Battlestar was crewed by the populace of their colony and whole families made up the 'warrior' caste, as opposed to the new BSG where it seems more of a volunteer army full of soldiers (and unlike the more jack of all trades warriors, you have marines, pilots, MPs, etc).

    In spite of my early feelings, I like the new Starbuck. The only way I would've liked her more would've been they went with a 'next generation' storyline and had she'd been the daughter of Starbuck and Cassiopeia (she almost physically looks it too). The only thing I'm not fond of is that they seem to throw her into every little situation, whether or not it would be logical for a pilot to have the skills for such.

    As for Tigh, I like the new character's more rounded personality. Don't care what skin tone he is.

    I don't want to ramble on about all the little things I like, so I'll make mention of the one thing that really won me over on this show as opposed to the original (despite thinking that would never happen). This series depicts the last remnants of humans struggling to get away, worn thin from being constantly hounded, paranoid over internal intrusion, desperate for the basic necessities that planet living folks take for granted, and basically not in a good situation, mentally, physically, and psychologically. The old show had the fleet galavanting around the stars, coming across planets full of humans (casion planet, wild west planet, mine planet, prison planet) and only once in a blue moon even contemplating taking the people with them or at least warning them. All too often they resolved the local issue (usually Starbuck or Apollo getting away from it) and left, carelessly leaving the planet to potentially be massacred...the thought never even crosses their mind. At least in the new BSG there would be some gnashing over how they don't have space and what to do with the new found people (not that they've come across a good chunk of people yet...and at this point they may be inclined to believe they're all Cylons...).

  18. gotta talk to ALL the droid parts sellers out there, they sell the components needed to put him back together.

    Especially if you want the compassion chip (or whatever it was called). It's a great add-in and I sort of wish they allowed you to keep it in. :D

    I think part of the problem with KOTOR2 is that, despite the sub-title 'Sith Lords' and the over exposed nature of the two, they really don't make any kind of impact, both in terms of storyline or difficulty. They get short, quick scenes, fight you, and die even quicker. They make Darth Maul appear to be well-developed in TPM in comparison.

    <SPOILERS, although cryptic enough it's almost safe>





    They serve as examples of what the potential of the main potential 'baddie' might become, but as anyone who reached the end can attest, even that thread is left open and in a sort of unsatisfying way, no matter what choices you make. There is no sacrifice, no glory, no nothing. Despite choices suggested moments before the ending, the actual ending seems to defy them all. It's perhaps left open ended enough for another sequel, but it should have provided some closure.

    Speaking of which, I do sort of wish TK-47 had his storyline go somewhere. While I don't need a non-force sensitive combat-heavy character in my party, having him for a completion of his sub story would've been enjoyable enough to do, just for his comments.





    I enjoyed myself while playing just about as much as KOTOR1. It probably helped that through luck I had no glitches (well, aside from Bao Dur suddenly clamming up despite generally being on great terms with me), actually had my lightsaber at the end of my second planet, and had found decent ones for my fellow Jedi. And as much as it was a pain to go back to non-force users a few times it was forced on you (mainly because force users make the game too easy), I enjoyed having to take some of the other other characters out for parts. But it's the whole 3rd Act that seems to close up too quickly, too easily, and although I did enjoy what the game was trying to say, it was all too anti-climatic.

  19. The old Vader was filled in by David Prowse (or, in some promotional stuff, at least someone of a build Agent One would approve of).

    Except for when he was played by Bob Anderson, which was nearly any time Vader swung a lightsaber in ESB and Jedi. ;)

    True. And in some still photos, Vader does have the same 'big head' issue to some degree (most notorious is probably that one profile shot of Vader and Luke crossing sabers low from ROTJ). Still, back then Mr. Anderson still had a more athletic build (although not bulky) than an actor's, so you rarely noticed anything awry in the action. Since Prowse did the slower paced scenes and most of the promo shots, that's often the image people get in their minds.

    The problem I have is that this 'skinny Vader' syndrome not only looks 'off' in stills, but looks like it does carry over into the moving pictures, if the trailer scene is to be accepted as how Vader will look in the movie. Maybe instead of keeping his actuators and joints updated, Vader spent the years between the PT and OT buying bigger hands and broader chest components and that not only explains the bulking up, but the lack of motion (since, as someone pointed out, there should be no reason Vader shouldn't be able to move around at least as well as Grievous).

  20. Don't have to tell anyone that Rohby is fast, is great at updating you on status, and makes some really, REALLY great recasts. I doubt the Alternator gunpods I got from him could've been better had Hasbro or Takara made them for me!

    Also, bought a 1/48 Roy and super/strike parts from Granbeetle san and the experience was also excellent. Great communication, no desire to gouge, and the only way it would've gotten to me sooner would've been had he flown up and delivered it in person. Definitely somebody worth doing business with.

  21. Vader's outfit from helmet to boot was recreated and at least the helmet was made perfectly symmetrical (frankly, never realized the old one wasn't and maybe that was part of its charm...it looked more natural).

    But, I think the big problem with the Vader armor isn't the armor itself, per se, but the person inside it. The old Vader was filled in by David Prowse (or, in some promotional stuff, at least someone of a build Agent One would approve of). This Vader either has Hayden's body inside of it or someone of a similar, smaller build. That why I think he looks wrong. His head looks big, his hands look small, and he generally just looks less impressive....plus we're not used to seeing Vaders so...lively.

  22. wait a minute... space... lightsabre battles? ... lightsabre battles in space?


    I could actually see that, given what we've been given so far in the new trilogy...

    "Red Flight, it's obvious that this dogfight will not be decided by our piloting skills, but by our skills with our lightsabers!"

    Suddenly pilots on both sides all eject and start a mass lightsaber battle in zero g.

    :rolleyes: <-- wishes the rolling eyes smilies wasn't...er...smiling

    I'm just glad it's too late to give Lucas new ideas (until he goes back and modifies the Prequel trilogy for a special edition).

  23. I definitely would not want to play Soul Calibur against either of these two people. To so fluidly pull off Voldo's moves choreographed with each other (there's either little to no editing or very precise re-positioning if there was) is a work of great skill (and, as the topic say, too much freaking time).

    I probably enjoyed the first half better as it was more artistic...the latter falls back on more childish humor....funny, but predictable and it just lacks the style shown early on.

    I love Voldo. All you need to do is be moderately good with him and you can often pull off wins against people who don't play against him much simply by pulling off a freaky move of his (hell, his knee-walking even) and hitting them while their distracted/laughing. :D

  24. Higlander 2 isn't really even worth commenting on as a Highlander sequel, in either its original or Renegade version. Contrary to how apparently a good chunk of people feel, I don't believe the Renegade version improved it much, if at all. I did like some scenes, but the time travel aspect really made less sense than the alien story...both being ridiculous in terms of the Highlander story. About the only thing I found bearable about it when I was younger was the fact that I enjoyed Michael Ironside in movies/shows, even when he's crippled by a bad script and a worse name. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust...if you don't pull it out and use it, it's going to rush."

    After watching the Renegade edition and not really feeling like it was any better, I decided to listen to the director/creator commentary track in hopes there would be some glimmer as to the logic behind it all. I gave up when it got to the scene (vague enough not to be spoiler-filled) where Connor becomes young again immediately does the young woman he just met. In the Renegade version, there's actually some unnecessary against-the-wall humping and the commentary goes on and on about how they felt they needed to include it because 'it was soooo hot'. Any respect left after watching how they 'improved' upon a mess 'the studio' made of the original release completely evaporated at that point.

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