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HELP ME!!! HELP ME!!! Calling mods and admins&


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It's me. Cpt of SDF1 Macross using the temporary log-in "abc". :( .

I did manage to register my net-name into the new message board under "Captain of the SDF1 Macross" but it can't be validated, thus I can't post at the boards even though I can log-in under that user name.

I'm asking mods and admins to validate/activate the "Captain of the SDF1 Macross" log-in and delete "abc" from the Members List, please.

If it can't be done, delete both "Captain of the SDF1 Macross" and "abc" from the Members List. Contact me via e-mail on the results, even if I have to re-register the "Captain of the SDF1 Macross" name again. :(

My e-mail addresses are:




You can lock and delete this post when this is over, please.

--Captain of the SDF1 Macross, under a temp log-in.

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Just a thought, would setting up the scren name Captain of the SDF-1 Macross be too much of a departure from Captian of the SDF1 Macross? You could always grab that one if you don't ahve any luck with the other.

It's done and it worked. ;)

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OK, mods and admids. Now that my log-in works, you can now delete these log-ins, please.

"Captain of the SDF1 Macross" (the one without the dash, remember)

"abc" (a temporary log-in)

And you can delete the post now. Thanks.

--Captain of the SDF-1 Macross, now back in action.

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