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Posts posted by Gastric

  1. Sorry, took me a while to find out where the sniper rifle was stored. Didn't realise it was stuck at the bottom of the second plastic tray (I can be very blind sometimes). Anyways, I just checked and, unless I didn't do it correctly, looks like the sniper rifle does get in the way of the landing gear when attached in fighter mode. The rear ones have no problem, but the front one just doesn't touch the ground (see pics). I personally think this is a minor flaw because the rifle simply kicks ass!

    As for the rear landing gear covers, the one on the left hand side doesn't close tightly, while the right hand side one is too tight. I am already getting paint chip, sigh....

    Also read that in battroid mode with the fast packs on, the toy can't stand on its own, hence Bandai gave us the display stand. Haven't confirmed this myself, but will try soon.

    I am not a good toy reviewer (have very low standards and just the fact that they are making a toy out of the VF-25G already satisfies me). So will let other MWers have the honor. :lol:

    "minor flaw"? didnt mean to be disrespectful bro, but THAT is no minor flaw :(

    Can i say, we've been "Bandai-ed"? :unsure:

    come on Bandai, for the pricepoint on this baby?!!!!!

    the ugly and short landing gears are now back to haunt the G variant, in the worst possible way :angry:

  2. Just pre-ordered the armored 25S, but I have to say my patience is starting to wear thin with Bandai. On one hand I'm happy that they are following through with the Fast Packs, Sound Boosters, Missiles, etc unlike their M7 line back in the day (I'm sure the random holes all over the 19's were supposed to be for supplemental accessories that never materialized - anyone able to confirm or deny that hypothesis?), but I was not expecting to have to re-buy the S and F re-releases (my cautious optimism has been dashed), it just seems to point to poor planning and development. I'm starting to wonder if we'll ever see a DX of the 171EX... :( I really hope that the 25S's neck issues are addressed with the re-release if they're going to be changing it up, at least that would be something posative for the valk itself rather than just extra holes. Given all the hoops one has to jump through to get all these things here in the US already, I'm not impressed with the added hassle and financial bite this entails. I mean, it's not like there is a global recession going on or anything... <_<

    Oh, and the 25 DX is totally the 'new chunky'. Or at least as close as we'll get with a newer, sleeker valk. Of course, I doubt we'll see it re-released every 10 years or so like the old 1/55 which to me still has appeal today. I suppose you could say that it is an homage to the 1/55 like how Frontier is an homage to the best aspects of the previous Macross stories.

    I agree wholeheartedly. It seems that most of the people here have been "immunised" or "hoodwinked" bu Bandai. While i do agree that the DX is a superbly durable toy, it baffles me that Bandai took a circuitous approach in releasing the variants. it's like one of those, "hey-lets-do-it-this-way" on the spot thinking, no planning as to how to approach the market, seeing as Yamato has done that pretty well lately (and please dont start with giving Bandai a chance speech now, Bandai has to learn to stay competitive, and im pretty sure they have what with their Gundam line being so successful).

    also, check out the Yamato 1/60 VF-11b thread; some are annoyed by the small rear fins (and those some people are also here in this thread, praising Bandai)... what about the GLARING weakness of the VF-25 DX where the sniper gun would not allow the VF to LAND!!! :wacko:

    that's a MUCH BIGGER mistake/weakness than small tailfins....

    Moral of the story: if you want a toy, get Bandai's DX, if you want a toy/model, get Yamato's, if you want a model, get Bandai 1/72s.... Otherwise, stop comparing them as if Bandai is the omnipotent company when they have obviously misplanned their marketing for the DX, not to mention the designs (despite the good durability)

  3. That is the beagle version, but the modeller modded the head sculpt and repainted the entire scalpt with reference to the animation looks.

    U can find it in toysdaily forums, but it's all in chinese ( cantonese) thus i cannot just cut and paste the wordings here.

    He is one gd modeller with money to spare... hahahah i would dare dream of modding it to this extend.


    you said it bro! that guy's really skillful (and rich to boot) :lol:

  4. Guys look at this mod from toysdaily..

    i think i like this mod..


    i think if the beagle had done it like this, it will be a even bigger sellout!!

    hahah but i hope beagle don't come out with this special scheme like yamato...

    * finding back jaws.... jaws.... jaws.... where are my jaws that dropped?*


    this is definitely not the Beagle version.. is it Toynami's head sculpt? i somewhat prefer Beagle's innocent Scott (or Stick) look, haha :lol:

  5. Speaking of overdrive, has anyone been having problems accessing the website lately? I've been having problems since trying yesterday and I am getting an "Address not found" error.

    same here bro.. and i thought it was just me and my ISP.. hope it'll be up soon

  6. Keep in mind that if your Legioss has joints, sliders and other elements that aren't working properly, you might be lead to think that you're not transforming it properly even though you may actually be doing it correctly.

    True, experiment with it (though i advice caution). I have the Toynami Alpha and after several experimentations found out there are several places where a "click" can actually be heard when the parts have been correctly slided in (e.g. collapsing the legs to transform back to fighter mode). This actually lined up my Alpha very nicely (yes, no gaps)..

    someone in this thread mentioned about collapsing the elbow joints into the lower arms BEFORE storing the hands into the arms; and that actually works perfectly and you'll get a nicely collapsed arm section for the fighter mode. Also watch out for the midsection/waist part. Collapse it fully. The arms and the legs will connect nicely via the tabs once everything is collapsed correctly.

    im actually having fun with the Alpha, and further reinforced my belief that the Alpha is a great design (bar the rear landing gears and the oversized cyclone storage compartment) , marred by QC and factory assembly issue (that might cause some fitting problem). :)

  7. I'm gonna have to disagree with Graham and say that the Toynami Legioss is a good design with a crappy execution. With better QC and a better choice of materials, I think it would be damn near perfect. Maybe with tighter tolerances at the factory the nose wouldn't bow up. As bad as the QC is, I still think it's a great looking toy before it falls apart.

    i'd have to agree with danth.. IMHO, Toynami's only problem with the Alphas would be the QC and crumby materials. as for the design, it's actually the best looking Alpha out there. CM's alright and all, but it kinda looks "off" somehow.. as a toy on its own, it's great, but as a toy based on the designs in the anime, ya, something doesnt look right..

    not bashing CM or praising Toynami here, but if we could take Toynami's design and CM's durability and materials, i'd say we'd have a winning Alpha :)

  8. Here's something I've been toying with over the last couple of days: a Beta Boom Lock based on the stand that comes with the Toynami Beta. I've already built one in SLA (using Somos 14120 resin which is formulated to mimic Polypropylene) and have tested it on my Alpha/Beta combo... it works perfectly (sorry, I don't have access to a digicam to show how it looks on the toy).


    WHOA :) nice one bro! do post the pictures using the cast u made :) i might want to buy one from you :)

  9. We will see. I've placed my bet on the Stick-type, but if the Toynami ones end up good then I'll probably get the rest as Toynamis and save a few bucks. I just don't want to wait (I'm impatient! :lol: ), and I just have a hard time trusting (and supporting :wacko: ) Toynami after such a storied history ^_^ But! Don't get me wrong, like I said, I hope that the Toynami versions are good because I want to collect them all and I don't mind saving a few bucks!

    Oh, and I understand your argument about the engineering, but Yamato has proven that time and time again even with a flawlessly engineered product, not watching your QC people like a hawk can ruin the whole thing. Yamato's gotten better, but only because everyone constantly complained, and even then there are lemons. Toynami never showed much interest in improving QC... Maybe that's changed with the past few releases, but 3rd degree burns are hard to heal ;)

    Vostok 7

    actually, ive never heard anyone saying that the Toynami's Alpha was good, from day one of its release... the only thing nice about it was the fact that it was the most highly anticipated Alpha at that time....

    Toynami's bad QC history started off with the VF-1 series, then continues to the Alpha (even up till the Maia release, possibly due to the reuse of the same mold and process)..

    But, they have come off better with the Voltron MPC, and the Beta is a solid toy. So i wouldnt lose faith on Toynami as yet ;) Just look at Yamato and their YF-21 and the ver2 VF-1x 1/60... solid and pure win, a far cry from their previous QC-issue ridden offerings :)

  10. yes their are 2 heads and you have to take it off to transform in armor mode,on page 10step no. 65 and 66 (you,ll see it when you get it)its shows it in one transformation but I could only do it with the helmetless head

    oh, and here i was hoping for the helmet can be taken off without hea swapping.. well, the whole package is awesome solid as most of the reviews here testified :)

    thanks for the info and the review bro troyness :) i will get it (soon hopefully).. don't think there'd be better ride armor toy at 1/10 scale anytime soon..

    hehe, 1/10 scale, you know what that means ;) pose it together with PlayArts FFVII Fenrir and Daytona, and Bandai's SIC Batpod, and you'll have a great 1/10 biker line-up :p

  11. I,ve read these forums for awhile,first time post. Like everyone here I,ve awaited my beagle, and it,s arrived

    concerns: both heads are loose the helmet stick head particually even though I,ve tightened with screw it just holds a pose for about 2hrs then head drops forward.

    im under the impression that the Beagle 1/10 comes with one head, and the helmet can be worn on it, requiring no head swapping for ride armor transformation. but reading ur post up there, seems like u made a distinction between the helmet head and the normal head....

    does that mean i was wrong about the one head with removable helmet? hope the owners here can clarify :)

    ive yet to get a beagle, probably will wait for the Toynami's version.. when will it be out again? :)

  12. That's seriously AWESOME, SDFCommander! the panel lining truly "mechanized" the fighters :)

    and after all the pics of Toynami's fighters, you've got to admit, despite the QC issues with the Alpha, Toynami's Alpha-Beta is the Best in the market thus far. (CM's offering's failed only in one department, and sadly in the department that matters the most: the connection :( )

    btw, the "21" sticker on the Beta's front missile cover/chest: does it only come in white? suppose to be black isnt it?

  13. Hey folks, gotten my Green Alpha from Robotech.com recently, and browsed through the thread :) I have an idea, but i've yet to try it for the lack of a Beta (waiting for Toynami's Green Beta) ;)

    Is it possible to cut off the top part of the stand included with the Beta (the one with the two plugs that plug into the connecting boom, and the tab that tabs into the 'groin' of the Beta), then file/cut/sand off the underside of the cut-off stand to streamline it, paint/spray it white, and use it to secure the connection between the boom and the Beta?

    if that is possible, it'll be neat ;)

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