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Posts posted by ltla9000311

  1. Absolutely amazing work! I know well of this image from my own copy of the Macross Perfect Memory art book.

    For reasons that I assume are obvious, I love the drawing and coloring you've done for these pictures. I also really appreciate that you created a several variants (again, just my MO). Your colors are spot on as far as I can tell, which I'm hoping you accept as high praise from an amateur colorist like myself. Typically I'm not a fan of SD, but I just adore what you've done here. I'd love to host these images on my website if you'll permit me.

    Again, bravo! :wub:

    And welcome to the Macross World community. You've made one helluva introduction! :)

    I apologize for the late reply, please do host them! I would be honored! :)

    Oh, I also noted you've used the VT-1 Super Ostrich GERWALK colored line art from my website as your avatar. In the next version of my website I have built a far superior revised colored version of that line art which I'm sure will please you. I don't want to spoil anyone by sharing the full image until the update is released, but I'm happy to provide a small thumbnail image ideal for your Macross World avatar. I hope you like it.

    Mr. March, I did not realize that was your work. Thank you for the early use of your work! I love it!!! :)

    Nice. Why reverse the kite colors?

    I didn't realize I had. I will have a look at the original scan..... Knowing me, I did it in a late night session. :p

    Nice. Why reverse the kite colors?

    I remember now, the initial recolor I did was the red Miriya version. The roundel on the kite blended in to the rest of the color . It looked odd. I then forgot to change it back in the other versions. Thank you for pointing that out. When I can get the time I will correct the others. :)

  2. Very cool :)

    Just check the illumination... seems like there are multiple sources of light (From above and below) and some in the rear.

    Yep I noticed that myself in the original drawing. I was trying to reproduce the original as close as possible with my limited skills. If I can find the scan.....


  3. Hello everyone, long time lurker, so I figured I would make my first post to kind of introduce myself.

    I have had my fingers in most kinds of modeling and art over the years. Lately I have been designing and building (very poorly) paper models. I have gotten back into plastic modeling again, but I have no area to work in. No place to put a desk for building physically, so I have turned to the digital spectrum.

    This particular picture was redrawn right over a scanned page from my Macross Perfect Memory book. I had wanted to draw it since I first saw it in 1985 when I picked up my copy of MPM. Fast forward 29 years and here is my digital result.

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