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Posts posted by Enders

  1. There is one major difference with Macross and Ender's Game Universe. Space travel in Macross does not suffer from the problem of relativistic effect due to FTL or near light speed. There is a heavy price to pay when you do interstellar travel, time on your ship passes much slower then your point of origin. I don't recall the specifics but Ender and his Sister are several centuries old by Earth's timeframe. Space travel by Fold in macross means you can go somewhere and be back for dinner with your folks. At least that's how I understand it.

  2. Ah wow awesome. :)

    Thanks for all the answers guys. I love all the nitty gritty details, makes it all feel a bit more realistic ( as much as it can be anyway :) ). Now that I think about it and compare with other sci-fi logic of the same scopre, it makes sense that all fleets would at least try to keep a constant flow of information with each other so as to allow all of humanity to share any development and advances; art, science, galactic threats etc etc.

    Again thanks for the answers, keep 'em coming if you've more to add =p

  3. Sorry if this has been discussed before.

    I was wondering if there is any canon data on where & how many Macross fleets are out on mass migration missions and what is their overall relation to Earth? As I understand it Sheryl was from Macross Galaxy right? A superstar songstress that goes from Macross Fleet to Macross fleet within fold range to perform and whatnot. So just how many of the Mass Macross Emigration Fleets are there out there and what are their ties to earth? Are they all out of range of Earth? Can Earth send help/backup? Do the Macross Fleets have some relation with each other?

    I ask because Leon (where we are now in the released epz) keeps stating that the Vajyra (sp?) are out to destroy and eradicate us. That Frontier is humanity last hope etc etc. So I don't understand what he means by that if:

    1) Earth & most of the other Macross Fleet aren't aware of the situation.

    2) There are tons of Macross Fleets out there spreading humanity across the stars. So that even IF Frontier gets destroyed, humanity will always carry on somewhere. Which was the main purpose for launching The Macross Fleets in the first place right?

    Also how are the major Zentradi populations spread throughout the galaxy?

    I'd love to know these little details. Just helps me enjoy the show and background story even more. ^_^

  4. Technically he didn't. :D It was some other VF that since just after he says the line "too bad" the next scene is a graphic of an HUD locking-on to some targets and then comes next a regular VF-171EX firing some missiles.

    I'll try and get some pics of that scene. :)

    This is where I'm confused. What affiliation does Alto and Lucca have now? It was my understanding that they were part of SMS? Why didn't get the message on their cell phones too? Would it not have been a simple matter of talking to those two and tell them what went down with regards to the president and why they are leaving Frontier? Now there is just this huge misunderstanding. :wacko:

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