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Posts posted by Falconlord

  1. As I recall from numerous review sites a year or so ago, most of, if not all of the Japanese audiences hated it hated it, in fact, even the people who created Big O (season 1) had no intention of doing a season 2, and didn't want to make a season 2, but NA companies, or branches of companies managed to convince them to make a second season anyway. Again, from what I remember, season 2 bombed in Japan....What I still haven't heard much of, except in this topic, is what did everyone else think? I've only seen about 3 or 4 full episodes of season 2, so far

    Slight spoilers ahead....though probably everyone's already seen it

    I like it, I liked the flashback first episode of season 2 and seeing how different the world was, and everything getting lumped in which in someways made it cheesy to feel the need to throw ALL the loose ends in like Beck, Dorothy, and Dan Datsun and the girl from Winter Night Phantom when they were young....or so we're led to believe, but I've still liked it so far.

  2. You're right, Encounters in Space was at Otakon, I wanted to play while I was there, but by the time the line cleared up, I had to move on. It looks nice from what I saw there, but, as far as I've seen in screenshots, it looks like it's only taking place in space ....yes, I know, before anybody screams in agony, I'm well aware what the title of the game is. But space could also include some battles on colonies, on planet surfaces, inside of ships, etc. I don't know, that was just one thing I did like about Federation vs. Zeon, that both ground and space battles took place, so you just didn't get tired of one. I take it from people who have seen/played the game (since it was at least at Otakon) that it does only take place in space, yes?

  3. All I have to say is that the whole last sentence in the first paragraph of the news article says it all......Pitiful how much they presume, given that the legal battle over the rights isn't even over yet, as I recall....

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