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Posts posted by OzumaKabooma

  1. The red circles highlight the holes required for Luca's radome. As you can see, the biggest hole at the rear is sealed for both Mikhail's and Alto's VF-25. However, the smaller holes (a pair of rectangular slots and a pair of tiny holes) remain. I don't have a first issue Alto so I can't comment on the differences between it and the reissue.

    I don't have those holes under the head lasers on my Alto, so I think it is a re-issue thing.

  2. My 6 yr old loves Macross Frontier because of Ranka. She can't read fast enough for the subs, but she watches the episodes any chance she gets. She picked up enough of the story to know what is going on at a level that matters to a 6 yr old.

    I tried getting her into the older stuff with Robotech, but it didn't stick (not enough Minmay for her, and Minmay sucks compared to Ranka/Sheryl).

    I don't let her touch the valks, but the 1/60 Q Rau is fair game since it is built pretty solid. She just wishes it was Klan Klan's!

  3. My daughter has become a big Ranka Lee fan. She can't read the fansubs yet (she's only 5) but she watches the show with me anyway.

    She was inspired by Miriya's

    and convinced me to buy her a wig so she could do her own:


    Neko Nikki

    She in practicing her dancing now so look for Seikan Hikou soon!

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