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Posts posted by Swampy19

  1. My stepkids love Macross Frontier im tryign to get them more into other Macross stuff . My toys are mostly in my stepsons room and since he is 13 he respects the fact that they cant be played with too much , im tryign to get us some models so we can build them together and maybe sum get sum RPG goign at soem point . He also loves Aquarion and Gurren Lagan se we bond over watchign it

  2. It's in Fairfax near fairfax circle. If you're going on rte 50E/29N like you're going toward fairfax circle (lotte area), it's two turns prior to running into fairfax circle. If you've hit fairfax circle you've gone too far. It's hardly a road that leads to the warehouse, you either need someone to walk you step by step to get there once you're near the turn, or just follow someone there in order to find it (I had to follow someone there to find the place). Weekends are the best time to go since they throw "weekend clearance specials", on items that aren't moving (I think last week it was all of their armored core models). They don't carry any Macross stuff, but they do carry a full range of Revoltech and playarts FF figures along with some other Japanese Import goods, and of course a LOT of video games. You might be able to get directions off of their website, although i haven't been there in awhile http://www.estarland.com/index.asp?q=

    PM me next time you're in the area, i'm home from work at 3pm on weekdays so I can always drop by their on my way home, or if you wanted to try and find your way out there on a weekend, i think i can make something happen (though i might have to bring the kids with me).


    I almost forgot! You can order stuff on their website, and then arrange for pickup to forgo shipping, this is a pretty handy feature for the import stuff like their revoltechs because they're priced very fair for import goods.

    Thanks for the info if its by Lotte i know where that area is man i used to live so close to there too yeh if im ever down there ill give u my info and hang for sure .

  3. I live in Chantilly, VA i'm a rock throw away from you. I don't know if you remember a shop that recently closed down in Centreville called Starland, but they still have one shop (well a warehouse more appropriately) opened in Fairfax, VA. They mostly operate as an estore, but have store hours where you can go in and peruse their warehouse, along with incentive days where they do big discounts on items that aren't moving. I've never been to Painted Visions, but i'll definitely have to jump by there the next time i'm out at Potomac Mills. There are a few other hobby stores and anime stores but none of them really carry Macross related merchandise, if you go to anime world in sully station plaza (cross roads of rte 50 and 28) you can go through one of their vendors and they'll order goods anything in their vendors catalog.

    Yeh i used to go to the Starland by Braddock and Backlick dotn tell me it closed oh man that sucks that was such a cool store thats sad yeh BC is the one by University Mall .

  4. R2 Japanese DVD/BluRay sure is very nice. But you won't get any subtitle/translation whatsoever, and be ready to pay literally an arm and a leg for it. Be prepared to pay around $500-600 for the entire collection. The last vol.9 (ep.23-25) will be out end of April. So you won't need to wait too long for owning the whole series.

    In terms of bootleg DVDs, I have experience with the Malaysian version. The one that shows up often on ebay and comes with a free soundtrack vol.1 CD. The subtitle is actually very good for ep.1 - 24, with just very minor name and words mispelled once in a while (literally just mispelled, they actually got most if not all of the terms and names correct, as if someone knows the show well enough. Not someone try to make out of a random katagana or substituting with a Chinese name that had never watched the show before...maybe sourced from an existing fan sub...not sure). Good grammar and sentence structure. ep.25 however got a bit worse. Still understandable (not engrish), but you can tell the translation is done by a different person and some names or terms no longer follow what it was in ep.1-24. Video-wise, its straight from the Japanese TV broadcast. Most of the episodes (around 70%) are pretty crisp and clean. But the remaining 30% episodes suffered some video compression issue, making the colors look pixelated. Its not so bad as VCD with everything got pixelized (especially in fast action scenes), but more like less colors were displaying than it should (especially obvious when colors gradient, like in space scenes), and the video looks more blurry overall. The bad looking episodes spread out randomly, like 1-6 was good, then 7 & 8 got bad, then it gets good again, then a couple bad here and there, then its good again towards the last couple episodes. Its still very watchable, but something a video buff won't be happy watching or owning.

    A domestic English DVD release is very unlikely (just like Macross 7 and Zero), so there is no easy way. You can choose to download episodes with fan sub and burn them on DVDs. Thats another to go at it.

    i have this same one its not that bad

  5. Painted Visions, in Woodbridge, just up the road from Potomac Mills mall. I checked from and your locale, it'd be about 70 miles. But if you set up a box with them, they hook you with a 10% discount if that helps.

    Well i already got a shop in Richmond i go to but if they have sum cool macross stuff at sum poitn i would pay a visit since igo to nova all the tiem since iused to live there my old shop was in Fairfax called BC Comics good guys there

  6. Yesasia is a good place. I got mine on ebay. You can buy it anywhere for about 40 bucks. It isn't expensive at all. It is also easy to figure out. I don't know or read any japanese and I figured out the game to the point that I have an overall A on the game right now and working of getting S or SS on everything. Too Bad I can't beat Sad Sniper EX. Michels valk just sucks to bad imho.

    Thanks Bud

  7. I know the majority of the people here are west coast, but I was hoping somebody knew of a right-side locale. There's just something to be said about being able to hang at at place and see the goods, talk with some people, and walk away happy with your new purchase. I know NYC's China Town has some dealers, but that's a hike for me from the DC area. I figured 2 to 3 hours north or south would be doable once a month or so.

    So how about it, any chance I can find a place? And yes, I've googled it, I've walked the ChinaTown in DC (so very pathetic, they have a CVS, Starbucks and a freakin Hooters), and no luck so far.

    Thanks to any and all with your suggestions...

    i feel your pain my friend and i know what u mean abut Chinatown lol

  8. Can't remember how I beat that one, but I did it in just a couple of goes, I guess I was lucky or something. I cannot get past Miss Macross EX, though.

    where can i buy the game that doesnt cost me an arm and a leg and is it hard to understand cuz iduno japanese

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