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Posts posted by -Snowblind-

  1. I recently purchased a Revoltech transforming VF-1S while on vacation. I didn't open it until I got home, and found to my dismay that part of the foot/thruster was missing. Since I don't speak the language, and I don't think there are any english contact options for Kaiyodo, are there any other ways to go about getting this corrected?

  2. I really enjoyed it. If anything I felt that it could have been a bit longer (the romance angle felt a little forced given the time constraints). Great casting, and I'm really impressed with how good the Asgard sections ended up looking given the early photos and skepticism.

  3. Indeed. O.o

    Hank really seems to be getting all the love this season (figuratively and literally...). Would be nice for Dean to get an episode or two to balance things out.

    Still, that episode was so wrong, so very wonderfully and hilariously wrong... Much like the rest of the series.

  4. Ehhh, no. I loved the original trilogy (some of the movies more than others, but I enjoyed all three), but I'm tired of these constant rehashes just to wring every last cent out of the series. 3D won't add anything new to the films, and even if it did... things tend to go horribly, horribly wrong when Lucas adds 'something new'.

  5. It took me a month of phone calls and back-and-forth emailing to get my issue with Samsung (mostly) resolved (to their credit, they came through as best they could in the end). I had a Samsung laptop which died after 6 weeks of relatively light use. They wanted to send me a refurb for a laptop less than 2 months old, which (while I know refurbs are standard policy these days) I thought was kind of ridiculous for a 6 week old laptop. After some complaining, they eventually sent a new one. That said, they wiped my old HD as soon as it got to the depot, which was annoying... it cost me one of my Office 2k7 license keys. There was nothing wrong with the HD, it was the GPU that failed, so I'm not sure why they did that. I had a similar experience with a Compaq laptop, but at least HP went out of their way to try and protect my data.

  6. Awww, I almost feel cheated now. For some reason they didn't show the Devil trailer at the theatre I went to. Instead we got a horribly out of place Nanny McPhee trailer.

    Anyway, all I can really do is echo most of the opinions so far. Saw it, laughed a lot, and generally enjoyed the show. Tons of fun for the Nintendo (and Sega in my case) generation on up.

  7. (...) They have no qualms about popping out one-off pieces to make a certain design work, unlike LEGO.

    Except that, the last time I checked, Lego has been doing a lot of that in recent years as well. Not as much, of course, but they produce far more than basic building blocks these days. A lot of their recent sets have been gimmicky play sets instead of building block sets.

  8. ... The funny thing was, I kept waiting for that scene where the guy shoots a grenade thru a window on the other side of the street while another guy was waiting to jump in. When that scene didn't come I was kinda perplexed... hmmm... I coulda sworn I saw that somewhere in the trailer. :lol:

    Ehh? That was in the movie... O.o

  9. Still lazy writing, "we need to get them into a worse situation, let's have leader make an even stupider decision then he already has! We can have him plan a double cross which fails, instead of doing the only reasonable move he has left - attacking the enemy NOW"

    I don't necessarily agree there...

    They're undermanned and undersupplied with no hope of reinforcement or resupply. They have a single medic, who's a captive and would be pretty much a guaranteed casualty if fighting starts again. They're facing a motivated and trained enemy. In a best case scenario they win, but there would be several casualties, possibly the loss of their one medic, supplies expended to treat the wounded, ammunition expended when there are other threats out there (though granted, with a win, they could capture the Lucian Alliance supplies, but at best it would be a wash there). So it was a decision between a somewhat risky plan with high reward (the doublecross), or a risky plan with with no reward (an attack). Either way it was a gamble.

  10. My guess is that Telford is going to die (redeemed hero, noble sacrifice, etc etc. Standard TV trope... that plus he's been underused for the second half of the season, and I doubt there's room in the budget for new characters and Robert Carlyle and Lou Diamond Philips on a full time basis). Alternatively they could kill off Young and replace him with Telford, but that's a long shot (though it may be interesting).

    Oh, and Franklin was the guy who disappeared in the chair (and likely became the ghost in the machine), and yeah, he's probably going to make his presence known soon enough.

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