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Posts posted by smt0222

  1. On 6/28/2017 at 0:57 AM, Tochiro said:

    ONLY three times?!?! What are you doing with all that extra free time! ;-)
    It's a pretty darn good bluray though, isn't it? :-)

    Aaaaand.... a new episode appears. This took a while to piece together, but here it finally is - listeners opinions of Macross Delta.
    Thank you to everyone who submitted. If you have any feedback, please don't hesitate to let me know.


    Ha!  Well, we just completed a trip where I drove about 1200 miles and it was all Macross Delta music (songs + OST) all the way through, much to the chagrin of my wife and son :-)  But gotta please my daughter (and myself)!  My daughter was a little mad at me that I got to see Kumo-Kumo and Fre-Fre live in LA (great thing about the music... there are a good number of lulls where the music dies down and you can actually hear the great voices of JUNNA and Minori -- can't say that too much about the other three acts).

    Love the latest podcast though it was uncomfortable to hear some of the harsh criticisms ;-)  Ouch.  LOL.  But there are so many different Macross fans that it's great to hear the diversity.

  2. On 2/15/2017 at 4:49 AM, Tochiro said:

    Did you guys know that there was actually new footage of the Macross Elysion at Walkure's recent concert? And a years worth of events announced?

    Sit back, grab a beverage, and let us tell you all about it :-)


    I hope you guys review the blu-ray and compare it to how you experienced it live.  It's so long at more than 3 hours that I've only had a chance to watch it fully three times!  My six-year old loved the Clare bit and I gotta admit, some of the best camerawork of the show.

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