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Posts posted by asukamaru

  1. My general reaction: positive, all is forgiven, Shoji Kawamori-san. I bow to your writer/fan mightiness.

    But this is personal, about the very idea, and has little to do with some very obvious flaws in execution.

    You see, ever since about 1989-90, when I was in my early teenage years, I was furious about Asimov, my favourite sci fi writer back then (I still admire him a lot), doing the "artificial old all-wise robot lewads humanity into unity in a neural network and that's great" thing in Foundation and Earth. Zeroth Law, all that. It sounded like a betrayal of his own earlier ideals, which were not quite Heinlein but still pretty individualistic.

    And Kawamori has, I think, read the books. And looks like he felt what I felt. His first attack at the idea, as I now realize, was in Frontier; but in Frontier, only an "elite" wanted to be a neural network and rule the rest, so this was not a direct hit. He still did the excellent "Sheryl and Ranka demonstrate to the Vajra what individual differences mean" turn, though.

    But now, he intentionally fires a friggin' Macross Cannon at Gaia and all that jazz. Just what I wanted for 25 years, man, 25 years!

    So I'm thankful for that.

    I don't get it, how a neural network with rune enhanced winderjin ( racial nomenklatura here) at its core is so different from Grace project?

    Shooting at the collectivist utopia was also made in Frontier.

    But is it really the collectivist utopia? Taste like some transhuman/libertarian one for me.

    Problem is the lines are blurred between the collectivist dream society and the super individualistic social order, imho, so im not so sure about this interpretation for Macross.

    Is there individuality in everyone listening to Walkure?

    Do the people in the show react differently between Walkure songs and Mikumo ones? I mean...They are brainwashed, victim of it in both case since it makes them react on a genetic level.

    The concert they made in Valkyries outfit, everyone was sucked into it, forgeting everything else and compulsively paying? Huuummm... Smells bad to me

    Someone said its Hayate fold quartz (another plothole) that makes him react so strongly to Freija. I found this idea so entertaining, what if it was love weaponized? Control other people in the same way Roid/Grace are trying to achieve. What does it says about the whole Walkure project/Lady weaponising culture? With a flavor of the week (the girls), and no real choice.

    Propaganda inducted music on a grand scale?

    Are NUNS with their multicultural socialy free/racially, equitable, empire the bad guys? Yes they are ruthless, but they are facing mass social control (through an oligarchy again) on a galactic scale.

    I also believe a racial lecture of things is more visible than the political order of things in this show.

    In the end isn't shooting at the protoculture reversing in a way into barbary? (Heroes "guided" by emotions, Nuns lack of care for life). The AI oboeteimasuka by Mikumo is a reversal from DYRL, have our main characters forgot about culture? (well ...Idols...yeah...).

    But to be franc does it even matter? If the execution is so bad you can't really convey the ideas... :(

  2. Warning strong salt in this one.

    Wrote that while watching.

    How did they feel Mikumo anguish at the begining?

    Why half the episode is about people being naked in space Gundam like?

    Traitor? Having a plan? All this exposition for a half baked remake of Frontier ending?

    Music is a weapon, except when its used by the heroes...

    Macross Seven is leagues above this show.

    A sword... When i watch Macross i don't watch Gundam again. I like some Gundams but not to much in my Macross. Sorry.

    The first fight in the debris field, with the arrival on Ragna was ok. Lets say the actions scenes were effective to wake me up. Some nice shots.

    Love saves they day

    Keith and Royd die, ok? Ceasefire, how so? Lets go back home with a smile... O_o'

    Marianne is alive, what a secondary plot, at least it has ended.

    Freyia won the lotterie.

    Mirage character arc ended, she can pilot, she loves Hayate because of piloting, she loves piloting more than Hayate.

    Hayate character arc... Huumm yeah...what was it again?

    At least it has ended...

    Thanks Burger in Heaven, no revelation about Megaroad and M.

    What about Burger? Ahuummm... The guy that stole the show the past episodes?

    Its not good.

    The few actions scenes on this episode do not erase the memory of talking heads and the story being stopped for 10 episodes.

    Its not good.

    Music is forgetable,Ikenai Borderline being my favorite, studio version, and im nice public.

    Its not good.

    Useless and flat secondary characters, deus ex everywhere, predictable "plots".

    Its not good.

    No tension, no emotion.

    My biggest problem are definitively the story and characters ...

    Im starting to believe it was handled so badly because the script was a mess to begin with (or began a mess? Was there a script?).

    Can't wait for strike witches this fall :D

  3. Cat's Eye !

    My first love :3

    Most of Europe had contacts in the late seventies and early eighties with Japan anime industry, and even some kind of cooperation, as series made with Italian or Spanish cooperation were also aired elsewhere. However, most imported anime productions used the American cut and dubs expressly made for kids, so it is not that strange that RT got earlier. Or got at all: I have no notice other than those English dubbed unedited DVDs of any airing of Macross outside Japan.

    I think you are right, i guess it was easier to shop in the US than directly in Japan.

  4. THAT is remarkable that RT would air in France before Macross, considering France and Japan have always had a close relationship with respect to anime shows airing in that country.

    True, there were lots of contacts between France and Japan at the time and most of the animation was "respected" (well city hunter and hokuto no ken are quite special issues in that regards, but long story off topic). Usually we had around 4 hours of anime everyday on the first channel, sometimes more, Robotech was bought by the fitfh channel to try to compete with the first one, they usually had more US cartoons. To my knowledge Macross never aired at the time. "Japanimation" was huge. Lots of Franco/Japanese productions too. France was the first foreign market for animation, i guess i got my weakness for nekomimi from that period :p

    AAhhhh blissfull days :)

    French op of robotech:

    Sorry :D

  5. I've been a Macross fan since 1982. In the last 3+ decades I've steadfastly loved and supported the franchise, even and especially the red-haired step child's of the franchise; Macross II and Macross 7.

    But honestly speaking, for the first time ever since I fell in love with Macross, I feel no compelling or urgent desire to watch this latest episode of Macross Delta

    Sure, I'll watch it eventually, but it's not like in the past where I'll use any and all methods to watch a new episode as soon as I can.

    I feel the same, and i have the same background, Robotech (yes yes i know) aired in France when i was a child.

    I still remember when frontier aired how i was waiting each week eagerly for the next episode, and all the discussions on the forums... Im a lurker usually but this time i felt so... empty about delta, i need to participate little, catharsis i believe:p

  6. Podcast are more entertaining than the show :)

    A question for the insiders:

    Do you have any idea of what happened with the production? Kawamori doesn't seem to be directly involved with it for a long time now and since he wanted to do a non Macross show at the beginning ...

    If one would consider that the whole direction was taken out of his hands quite early in the process (and he left happily to work on "the next") maybe one would understand how we ended up with this lifeless product(s)?

    I watched AKB48 some time ago, and in my memory it is more Macross than Delta is.

    Will you do some kind of wrap up podcast about delta after the shows end?

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