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Posts posted by weixing

  1. Hi,

    Hmm... seem a bit too tight to answer all the questions and tell the background story in just 2 episode :huh: unless the last 2 episode is longer than the usual. Hope they don't anyhow come out with some quick ending just because they want to end at episode 25. :wacko:

    Hmm... May be there is no ending at episode 25.... the ending will be shown in Marcross Frontier - The Movie. Ha ha ha :lol:

    Have a nice day.

  2. Hi,

    She seem very uneasy doing the dance... may be the dance moves was too "cute" for her... :p Also, she need to do more exercise to improve her stamina as she seem can't catch up her breath at some part of the song.

    Anyway, I was amaze with May'n live performance... very consistent and as good as the CD. :)

    Have a nice day.

  3. Hi,

    All I find is information on v-type ATPases, which has nothing to do with viruses. The closest thing in viruses would be those that have a v-type domain, In this case v = variable. This does play a role in viral susceptibility, but I don't think that it is what the "v" in the v-type virus stands for.

    May be the "V" mean Vajra?? Anyway, Ranka also had this virus in her body as shown in past episode and she is perfectly ok. Hmm... may be if her body adapted to the virus, she won't die and will have the same ability as Ranka... :p

    Can't wait for the sub. :)

    Have a nice day.

  4. Hi,

    From the previous episode, the second stage Varja (I thought it was one of those robotic camera) was happily waving it's antenna and enjoying the Ranka concert in the crowd... no one in the crowd realized that they are not the usual "harmless local fans"... Hmm... I think that's a good reason they should ban all robot and role playing costume in the city... ha ha ha :p

    Anyway, poor Klan Klan if Michael is dead... sure will miss him :( But hey, anything can happen in anime... may be he is rescues somehow by something or someone outside as he is suck out to space in the SMS base... don't assume dead unless saw his dead body... but I really don't think he'll survive. As what Michael had mention, as a soldier, you don't know when you'll meet your end... that's an occupational hazard.

    By the way, Michael in some way was similar to Roy Focker in Macross and had similar end... died in front of their beloved.

    Have a nice day... ok not so nice after this episode.

  5. Hi,

    We have seen what the Vajra have done to the Frontier fleet over several months, as well as glimpses and hearsay of what happened to the 117th fleet. As such, the Vajra has earned a reputation as mindless destroyers. (I'm not talking the red & yellows here, those are clearly just following orders and are, well, mindless) We know that Galaxy intended them to attack Frontier, and all of the blood the Vajra have spilled coats the hands of Grace and her cyber-buddies. We also know that the UNG has known about the Vajra since Macross Plus, and that they were experimented on by the 117th fleet. What we do not know yet, is what humanity has done to get the Vajra to be their chess-pieces. Perhaps something so severe that the Vajra either fear or hate humans so much as to attack them whenever possible. If your brother whacks a wasp nest and the wasps attack you, are the wasps to blame?

    Agree... We have no idea what happen between Vajra and 117th fleet. But from ep 13, 117th fleet was clearly studying the Vajra as Alto found a specimen in the old 117th fleet flagship... this seem to imply that Vajra didn't attack 117th fleet on sight and 117th fleet had time to study them.

    One possibility was that the 117th fleet encounter the Vajra peacefully initially. When studying the Vajra, they discover the fold quartz (which apparently only available in the Vajra queen as in ep 13) and it's usage. In order to get hold of the fold quartz, they might do something to the queen and provoke the Vajra to attack. Also, in ep 12 and ep 13, the Vajra doesn't seem to bother the 33rd marine battalion which also station in Gallia 4... the same planet as the Vajra hive. This also seem to imply that Vajra are not mindless creatures that attack everything on sight. Also, the Vajra main assault on Frontier was the direct result of brera attacking the queen in the hive which was a planned action by grace.

    Anyway, if the above guess is correct, I think the Vajra as mention by Kelsain was a bees/wasp like creature. I don't blame the bees for attacking you if you try to get their queens and honey.

    From macross frontier point of view, Vajra may seem to be a mindless creature, but from Vajra point of view, macross frontier is the invader... remember Vajra was there first.... Hmm... this scenario sound familiar... is that the same thing what we human do to our wild animals... :(

    I'm wondering if we'll get an explanation about the humanoid light seen inside the captured Vajra from episode 5. Leon panicked when it awoke....We know Leon is in kahoots with Grace and she appears to instigating a war via Ranka's Aimo song which has about a 4.0 on the emotion engine. They must know Ranka's song has some sort of effect on the Vajra, why was Leon so intent on keeping Ranka down when Sheryl was so popular, and now that Sheryl is bed ridden they pushing Ranka.

    I have a sneaking suspicion Leon and Grace DO NOT want SHERYL and Ranka singing a duet. Song of creation + Song of destruction together = ?????

    I got a feeling that Leon doesn't know everything and also one of the pawn of grace.

    Have a nice day.

  6. Hi,

    I've been beginning to wonder if Sheryl's earring really were her mother's. It seems much more likely that Grace gave it to her as a part of the "Fairy 9" project and told her that it was from her mother to insure that Sheryl always kept the earrings with her.

    Hmm... possible, but grace doesn't seem to be worry when Sheryl lost one of the earring...

    Have a nice day.

  7. Hi,

    Hmm... From what Bilrer told Alto, seem like those the fold quartz is produce and use by the Vajra and able to overcome fold dislocation.

    Also, it's seem like very strong emotion in songs are able resonate with the fold quartz and travel through as fold communication wave... thus able to affect those Vajra. This is not a special ability that Ranka had as it's also shown in ep 7 when the song Sheryl sang (she was very emotional when she sing the song) can be detected by Brera and heard by Alto inside the Vajra carrier via her fold quartz earring. But Ranka (like the Vajra queen in ep 13 & 14), with all those fold quartz device embed in her body (may be that the reason Vajra see her as a queen) can resonate more easily than others. As a result, her emotion can easily affect the Vajra and from ep 14, it's seem like those Vajra emotion will also effect Ranka as well... she was wondering why she feel so sad and start crying as those Vajra was wipe out in ep 14.

    Also, Sheryl got the same last name as Sara Nome and Mao Nome in Macross zero... may be she is related with them... may be Mao Nome is Sheryl mother and gave her the fold quartz earring and she is also one of the descendant of the birdman?? :p

    Just my 2 cents.

    Happy watching and have a nice day.

  8. Hi,

    I'm new here and found this forum accidentally while searching for information on Macross Frontier. This is my very first post.... quite a long one for first post.. ha ha ha :lol:

    I saw Macross original when I was a kid and like it very much. I didn't watch Macross 7 and Macross plus (going soon once I had the time :p )

    Anyway, Macross frontier was very nice and interesting... super animations and songs. So to join in the topic, I came out something.... all my wild guesses without linking to any other Macross series... just base on all the current information in all the episodes shown:

    Varja might be created by the scientists in the 117th research fleet (former LAI??) as biological weapon 11 years ago. The Varja are smart weapons design to use the fold communication waves in fold communication channel as guidance to attack targets.

    Grace are part of the neural network (shown a few times in few episodes) artificial intelligence program those scientists created to carry out the experiments and still continue the experiment even the scientists are dead (they are program to do the experiments). The artificial intelligence "live" in a virtual world in galaxy fleet LAI computer system (since the device use by grace to create the fold fault got "LAI" on it). They carry out their task in the form of very advanced, human like cyborgs created in the galaxy fleet (galaxy fleet is very advanced in this field)... that's why grace just need to reprogram another copy of the cyborg to live on and may be the reason the Varja is attacking galaxy fleet as they want to take total control of the galaxy fleet from the humans.

    Anyway, may be Ranka is one of the scientists daughter in 117th research fleet who create Varja and secretly embed some form of devices in Ranka as a precaution which cause the Varja to recognize her as their queen and won't attack her. This protect her from attack by the Varja, so when the Varja go out of control and destroy the 117th research fleet, she survives from the destruction of 117th research fleet.

    Sheryl may be used by the artificial intelligence as a convenience way to travel around all other fleets without any suspicion to find suitable experiments ground for their experiments on Vajra. Her earring may be is a type of fold communication devices use to monitor her every moment and that why Sheryl and Ranka voices can be hear by Alto during the battle as the voice travel through the earrings (fold communication devices).

    Brera may be Ranka biological brother (grace mention he want to regain his past in ep 10 and Brera know the same song as Ranka) and may be was seriously wounded during the attack of 117th research fleet by Vajra. Those artificial intelligence rescue him by transfer his thoughts to a cyborgs and control him. That's why Brera can pilot the VF-27 which no humans can withstand the physical stress and have the physical abilities to rescue Ranka from the hydra.

    Anyway, all the above are just my happy wild guesses. :lol:

    Happy watching and have a nice day.

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