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Posts posted by McRoss

  1. Hi everyone,

    I have a question for anyone who bought the Limited Edition version of the Megazone 23 Aoi Garland PS3 game.

    I don't own it and I am considering buying it.  I was just wondering about the artbook that comes with it. 

    It was advertised as having 56 pages.  I have seen scans of the first 45 pages online.  So what is in the last 11 pages?

    Thanks in advance!



  2. 7 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    It's on our to-do list, which we're unfortunately a bit behind on due to "day job" matters.

    I totally appreciate the "day job" matters.  I've been out of the loop for a long time and I'm still catching up on everything Macross.


    7 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Hopefully our new website will continue to scratch that particular itch when it launches later this year.

    I look forward to seeing your new website when it launches.  It will be good to have your information and analysis all presented in the one place. 

  3. Thanks again Seto Kaiba.

    I have enjoyed reading your Robotech and Macross posts here and on other forums over the years.  Especially your posts about the Macross II continuity.  They have been very informative and I appreciate your insights.

    I was wondering are you still going to translate the Macross II novels?  I can imagine it must be a massive task.

  4. Hi everyone,

    It's been a while since I have posted anything on the forum.

    Can you please help me with a question about the Macross II blu ray released in Japan.  The box set comes with a 104 page booklet.  Does the booklet contain any new images or information that we haven't seen before?

    Thanks and happy holidays!


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