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Posts posted by pato

  1. Anyone seen Noein? It sounds kinda interesting and clips ive seen seem OK.

    I agree with wolfx the animation is strange but I wouldn't say it is ugly. I watched Noein two weeks ago and in fact I had planned to watch only one episode per day but it was so interesting that I finished the whole series in only two days. From my point of view the best parts of Noein are the love story and the character development. I don't really watch that much anime but Noein is one of my favorites.

    By the way, I'm currently watching Durarara!

  2. Wow! Your work is really impressive, it is simply excellent. I took a look on your site and noticed that you have improved by leaps and bounds in only 2 years. I mean, your 2007 artwork is good but not as impressive as your current one. By the way, I also liked your K-On pics. Keep the good work.

  3. Any Linux users out there? I used to have a Linux box set up with Xandros 4, which I replaced with Kubuntu 8.04 I enjoyed it for awhile, but I ultimately sold that computer to pay for a new monitor for my main desktop. I don't have the spare hardware for a new Linux box at the moment, but I figure if I feel like playing with Linux I can always run it in a virtual machine.

    But what's a good distro these days? It seems like everyone's into Ubuntu, which I frankly never understood. It's got to have the ugliest default look out there with it shades of oranges and browns, and GNOME is a little dull. I really liked Ubuntu's KDE cousin, Kubuntu, when I last used it. I've heard that they ended support for KDE 3.5, which is kind of a bummer, since KDE 4 wasn't really ready for prime time when I last looked into it. I've heard some pretty good things about Linux Mint, so after Windows XP I think I'm going to set up a Mint virtual machine.

    Anyone else have a favorite distro?

    I use Linux manly for my job and for that reason I've tried many different distributions; so far I'm quite satisfied with Ubuntu, it never gives a problem. Though, it is true that the interface looks a bit boring but from my point of view that shouldn't be a problem if you are looking for functionality. By the way, I installed Ubuntu as a second OS together with Vista in my Toshiba Laptop and both work perfectly.

  4. Sweet song. Serge Gainsbourg composed it. His daughter Charlotte released an album a few years ago that has become a favourite of mine, 5:55. Alot of it was written by Jarvis Cocker (Pulp) and Neil Hannon (Divine Comedy) so there is a subversive side to it's melencholly sounds. It was huge in France but I'm not sure about anywhere else.

    I didn't know that Charlotte released an album, it seems that they are/were a very talented family. Personally, I think Jane Birkin is better but Charlotte's voice is really nice.


    Of course, Jane and Serge together are just full of win:

  5. Shaloom from the Spanish Macross Generation forums has done liner notes for all episodes, up to episode 21 at this point. He kindly allowed me to translate them to English for our edification.

    I´ve finished all the existing liner notes and you can find them here on the AnimeSuki forum.

    Please leave them there and do not disseminate them around the internet. If you decide to be a dink and disregard this plea, then at least credit Shaloom and link back to the Macross Generation forums. The members of that community do not like people posting their stuff without attribution.

    Great read magnuskn, thanks for your effort. I also cannot wait for the liners of the next DVD.

  6. First, read Genesis 38:3~10 for the story of Onan. Then extrapolate. ;)

    Somehow, I don't think that's that straightforward, since you can even extrapolate it to contraception. Anyway, it is not difficult to compare onani with onanism=masturbation.

    By the way, I'm impressed that you even know the chapter and the verses.

    @MisaForever: well solomon's song of the songs is not precisely a bedtime story... no wait :p

  7. It's really difficult to decide but I have to cast my vote for the TV series. As much as I love DYRL and think that in terms of animation is much superior than even many modern series, the plot of the TV series is more complex and better elaborated than the one in the movie. Furthermore, it is impossible not to love the anguish and desperation present subtly in most of the series despite of the positive end notes of the show. I think that the series stimulates a broader range of emotions than the movie and that's actually what makes the series better (for me).

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