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Posts posted by milty66

  1. So, I've looked into this a little, and gonna try to ask my coworkers if there are other vendors that use "Objet" printers for parts printing, versus Zcorp.

    "Objet" produced fine detail for Ironman suit prototypes and our HALO models. It seems as though the tolerances are much smaller than the zcorp and stratasys.

    a look at Objet.

    As for the earlier question about 3d design, I'm learning that modeling for games is much different than for printing.

    Clean poly sculpting will get you mostly there ( because it will make optimization and shelling easier), and there's great forums on www.3dtotal.com

  2. Thumbing through the pages of vol 3, there's a lot of really nice artwork, though it seems Hal has over-feminized all of the main character designs over the original. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt since he's the original designer, and thus is the most contemporary expression of these old characters. There's really no need for a new anime series, since this exists. Only wish the flight suit designs mirrored more of the M-Zero style realistic details. At least they are not as bad as Frontier's.

    To put the other issue to rest:

    We all pay our money to support this franchise, but it's unfortunate that many of us are unable to get the full value out of our purchase.

    Seriously the publishing company should create an app, which includes paid subscriptions to other-language versions of this comic.

    Creators deserve the money, completely, so I bought the tankobon, but I lament the fact it doesn't hold much value other than the fantastic art( same as 7Trash).

    To those that usually get their work translated, what's a fair rate to pay for translation? I think I know someone, but I don't want to insult them by being too cheap.

  3. Interested too. At some point I'd like to help model. I just need sizing templates in 3ds max. I am a professional hard surface modeler on the Halo franchise. when I had spare time I could help with some smaller weapons, accessories.

    example:halo_reach_warthog_rocket_launcher_figure_raw.jpgI built the original high resolution source geometry for the Rocket Turret, which we sent to macfarlane toys to manufacture.

  4. Looking at the pictures isn't good enough, even if we know the story. There is enough "change" in MTF that warrants further investigation into more of the nuances of the story which can only be accomplished with translation.

    I've read the translated first few issues, and feel no shame in doing so. I support the franchise wholeheartedly, but this is crazy-thinking.

    The issue for some isn't the willingness to spend money to support a franchise. It's about convenience of use, in this connected, on-demand world.

    Your overseas dollars really don't make a considerable difference in the overall equation to "support" considering the proportion of fans outside Japan to native Japanese. For the creator/copyright holder, it's nice to know works are appreciated in other places, but primary market is always paramount. It's like if the people of Boise, ID were to boycott pineapples...

    The money doesn't go directly to Mikimoto, Kawamori, etc.

    For some, it's really not about being cheap or not having money. Some people simply have no time to learn proper written Japanese.

    How's this for a solution:

    Someone here should develop a website, which hosts all scanlated Macross works, charge a membership fee. Use that membership money to buy official macross stuff to share or distribute to the membership.

    How does that sound? Or we can simple pool money to a trusted account? I'd like to see more of MTF and pay for it.

    Personally I can't clutter my home with this stuff anymore.

  5. This movie was horrible. I like bad movies generally, but this was just an awful movie. No redeeming qualities for the artist in me who began drawing because of a love of TF ( especially the 1986 movie). The concept designs are some of the worst I've seen for the robots, and they have no personality to distinguish themselves from each other. The Japanese would be able to do a magnitude better designing them. They should've asked Kawamori to redesign them for the movie, as he did for some of the toys( in Japan).

    The movie was bad and the robots sucked( aesthetically). Bay please doen't make another TF movie.

  6. Overall the show was entertaining, but I felt there was no real climax. Everything was kind of perfunctory.

    Things I personally thought should have been addressed:

    1. Alto is just way too effeminate to take seriously through the series and his character design doesn't change to evoke a maturation of his character (e.g. possibly cutting his hair short at some point) and the school thing could have been leveraged better to the advantage of the story. Possibly having a mood similar to the first Kimagure Orange Road movie, but with a space war and mechs.

    2. Brera was worse. I cringed every time I saw his "uniform"

    3. The flight suits in general ( atleast SMS) were just a little too skin tight. I thought the NUNS were ok, not great. My favorite's probably the flight suit designed in MZero.

    4. The characters just weren't deep enough, with the exception of Sheryl, whom I thought atleast demonstrated some emotional range between the first ep and the last.

    5. Kawamori blew an opportunity ( with Frontier and with Zero) to make a Macross which was not only relevant as an anime but to imbue it with a contemporary allegory from current events and social attitudes that reshaped all of our world views. I could have seriously seen the new Battlestar Gallactica as a Macross show( with dffferent ships), for example.

    6. I'm getting a little tired of the newer valks battroids losing many of the body shapes recognizable in fighter mode. Something that worked well in the VF1, VF11, and VF0.

    7. As a cg artist, and as much as I love cg, you can't get the level of expressivity out of the battroid as you could with traditional 2d hand-drawn animation. I find that 2d makes the transformations seem more fun and you can exaggerate the cooler components of that mech as the director sees fit. ( like of the valk was animated in the Daicon IV opening) I sorely miss those days. and I'm only 29.

    All in all, though, Mac Frontier was decent IMHO.

  7. Was this hand sculpted or in CAD? IF so, would you be willing to sell STL of OBJ files, so people can get a 3rd part prototyper to make it? IT'll probably lessen the burden on the original guy.

    Just a thought.

  8. I haven't posted anything here in a while, but I got a relatively "simple" question.

    I recently received the vf-0 1/60 "shin" type and the arm/shoulder ball socket joint( receiving socket) snapped in 2. So the arm is now disconnected and I'd like to find a good technique to repair it or how to fine a replacement socket. If anyone has any know-how, I'd much appreciate it.


  9. every year my family gets me utterly useless gifts, because they dont care to know the things i like. Then, the impose their gift saying "You don't ask for presents..." So i buy everything I enjoy myself....not one person's ever gotten me a gift that I wanted beforehand.

  10. In defense of the artist of that RT cover....he's making do really with the best he's got. Im pretty sure that Long Vo( the cover artist) has STRONG macross influences....even so when his roomate/mentor "Duc Tran" did the Robotech Vermillion comic years ago for antarctic press....these guys are more figure artists and not much of mech afficionados, hence inaccuracies. Saka(colorist) is usually an amazing colorist...but i think maybe HG had a say in how things are portrayed...even in RT Vermillion comic miniseries "Duc Tran/Locke" treid to put as many macross references...i was even there in his drawing room, with a monkey firmly on his desk and footage from Digital Mission VF-X on repeat. Not to mention M7 sountracks blasting.....but the publisher may have final say on the content and look...I've met these guys in person and Tran/Locke was also a mentor of mine...so maybe don't be hard on them, even though I don't really like Vo's style of drawing.

    On the other hand, I am kinda disgusted when I read the RT boards discussion details from the comic/animation story continuity, since none of it is applicable.....its like willfully subscribing to lies when the truth is just as close...even if the comics are bad....i wish they'd really try to capture the feeling of macross in the story....because maybe a Macross->Robotech conversion yields a so-so result.....BUT

    I think its far worse to have a Macross->Robotech->Robotech conversion....bad news.

  11. LEs Claypool III, is/was an audio engineer working with US REnditions back in the day...So naturally the transition from US Renditions to Manga entertainment left him with contacts...he is NOT the same as Primus' frontman:)

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