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Posts posted by aldebabram21

  1. I was fast reading the interview with Maeda san and everything became clear to me, before working in the DX line he was the lead designer of the model kit, so no wonder, every body here was talking about getting the model guy to do the DX, well finally it happened lol!

  2. Preorder mine at amiami for 10k japanese yen, I´m, kind a worried bout Yamato now, Bandai was a sleeping monster and it seems as it´s awakening now,what do you guys thing the future of Yamato is?? :unsure:

    By the way, do you guys know any wallet therapist, to much wallet raping this year lol.

  3. Ok, it is awesome, I can't use my computer lately so no pictures, but maybe during the week I'll upload.

    I cant believe I'll say this, but bandai's got me happy lol. Im in love, but on a quick note, be EXTREMELY CAREFULL it is really tricky to transform, handle it as if you were holding a yamato. The only thing I dont like is the pivoting engines, the feel soooo fragile.(>o<)

  4. So, what you are trying to say is that liking the VF-17 is like being a chubby chaser :lol: JK.

    But for me is like the complete opposite to the VF-19, I love the 19 family but I barely like Basara, no hate, but no love.

    As in the case of the VF-17 although Im not much of a "chubby chacer" ;) I rely like Gamlin as a character, he is my fav M7 character so to speak.

  5. @ff95gj: I agree with every thing you say. I don´t like my YF-19, I actually love it like a member of my family lol. But IMO thats only the secondary reasons, for me the YF-19 and Isamu are the ultimate tribute to freedom of spirit, to the adventurers and to the pioneers, cause lets face it Macross as a series is awesome, but Macross Plus is just epic.

    Buuuuuuuuut, I´m drooling over these, damn is a master piece of engineering, I regret so much I preordered the YF-29 from amiami instead.

  6. The place where I live has no more gasoline, anywhere, theres is no food in the convini and my bike is out of gas, my family told me they would by a ticket for me to go back home but, my gf is here and stuff I dont know if i can leave, guys be safe out there.

  7. OMG OMG OMG, I was lurking thru youtube when this(sorry for being so rude) blasfemy , it´s supposed to be an anime from china, I really don´t wanna say anything, I´ll just wanted to know if every one around here saw this before, by the way I hope this is the correct place for my post.

    heres the link:

  8. Ok, wow, it´s been a while since I wrote something lol.

    Ok, I was waiting before saying anything, cause honestly thought this was Vf-19 and Vf-25´s incestuose child, and as thus it was retarded and ugly, but looking at the paint scheme and the new gun pod, I think is not that bad, is actually kinda sexydinamic lol, I still hate those di/$ in the middle of the wings thoug <_<

  9. Woooooooooow!!!!, I love my yf-19 with blind crazy love, so a ver.3 of it is a must have, and although I really hate Bazara and his crazy sing fighting, 19 series is my favorit of all, and looking this good, theres no other option for me but to buy it as soon as it come out, im so happy I want to cry :)

  10. I feel kind of stupid now lol, it was really just a mader of patience, maybe I was only freaking out cause my yf-19´s left shoulder finally gave up after three years of bad a%% perfectfullness (if thats not a word, please just considered invented by me) so I was kind of depresed and scared that happen to my favorite valk and toy ever, sorry for my clumssines, any way, thaks for leting me know Graham, I didnt know the colopy thingy was not as awesome as I thought, well tomorrow Im trying to contact yamato to se if they can sell me a new shoulder, I hope they do.

    Sorry for the pictures but my camara is my keitai and as I mention before, bad quality is a compliment for the things my celphone does.



  11. Well, its finally here, Im very happy, but I have only two issues, the gray details are actually whie in de shoulders area, and my heat shield dosent stay in place, the lower part, have any of you guys have a problem like this with yours, 11b or c´s, also, the cockpit does not have that cool rainbow colory efect, damn.

  12. Well, I ended up picking this one over the vf-27, It was pretty hard to decide, Im gonna pay 16580 yen for it and is gonna be here on tuesday, I saw many good coments about vf-11b, but its gonne in japan, so I picked this one, any way tuesda I´ll find out if I picked the right one. ^_^

  13. Well, the VF-19A and the subsequential variants are very different from each other, but I do consider that rather than reussing the YF-19´s initial sculpt, This can actually be used as the base for re-sculping the new one, they are different, but is the same Mech, and if you se them u can se that they belong to the same line of fighters.

    Its true that there is not any piece you can use, but all they have to do is alterate those pieces.

    I think that the fact of Macross seven lasting longer and with more available merchandise makes the 19 Kai way more aknowledge so its popularity might grow.

    But when it comes to me 19 series is my favorite, and with in all of those mechs YF-19 is the one I love the most, not just for it´s beauty. but because of all it envolves, every one rememmber the first line in the credits in M+ right "Dedicated to all pioneers". B))

  14. LoL I cant seem to find my wallet, I guess its hidding from me haha

    Damn I hope I can get this and a blazer Valkyrie! to bad it took so long, at least if I get them before 2012 we can die together in the Y2K alien-biblical-aztec-nuclear holocaust- apocalipse lol

    yamato is gonna destroy my economical well being!! :lol:

  15. Sorry for insisting, did you see the actual product on display? I am asking because I want to know if it has the printed details shown in some photos, but absent in some others. Seems there are two types of samples being photographed and I hope the final production version is the one with more printed details.

    No worryes, I saw "it" it was inside a shelf, and the markings were at least not as abundant I saw might consider, sorry my picture is not good but I only had my cel-fone and to say it´s a bad quality photo is flatering.

    any way here´s the pick



  16. Thanks for the welcoming Tober and logos! ^_^

    When I bought the vf-19 I was surpriced by the fact that amiami was selling it cheaper than the hobbie shops, but I was already in Akiba so I just decide to buy it, but I had never try Hobbylink and all those online shops, so I was wondering, thanks for the Advice, I might stik with amiami then!

    I have to be honest, I hate Breara, I think he is an arrogant son of a (female dog), but the Vf-27 is looking awesome!!!!

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