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Posts posted by bake_art

  1. ha? but i like macross 7 !


    Sorry Poli, I was just joking about the fact that any Macross 7 thread in MW tends to degenerate into a flame war... I'm not insulting Macross 7

  2. I thought that if he had someone who was interested and spurring him on, he would actually do it. There's nothing like "forced inspiration" to accelerate someone's skills.

    :D  :p


    Good point.

    I second the motion, Rusty. Show us some more of your stuff :)

  3. ...you can always tell when an American artist is trying to draw japanese!

    correction: you can always tell when a wannabe manga/anime artist TRIES to draw mecha/anime characters.


    What the hell?

    Sundown is right, I agree with part with what LordSixx says. Western artists drawing anime/manga always seems to miss something (even my work is like that). But hell, I do want to be an anime/manga artist, I wouldn't even consider drawing in any other style. And I'm gonna keep drawing in manga style until I master it and make it look genuine.

    You're more than welcome to give constructive criticisms on the artwork here, but if you come in just to insult people you can f*ck off.

    If you like starting flame wars so much, go make a macross 7 thread or something.

  4. ...you can always tell when an American artist is trying to draw japanese!



    I'm not American either.

    What's the point of this post? :mellow:

  5. Looks good, has a nice, animation-style thing going for it :)

    Good work, now let's get better. I want to see two brand new pictures in this thread within the month, concentrating on the areas we have specified.


    WDC, you're a truly awesome artist, and you certainly know your stuff when it comes to colouring. I know you have good intentions of trying to encourage the Rusty, but I'm wondering if it's really necessary to sorta order this guy around. :unsure:

  6. yes, some of the things you can do in Photoshop overlap with some of the things in Illustrator, and vice versa, but there's plenty more things you can do with the full vector output of Illustrator, and the filters in Photoshop look and work much better for pixel images.

    gosh, i dont want to sound like an Adobe salesman.

    but id love to try out Corel Painter, and havent had the chance to use it with a wacom pen tho.

    and all this time im still coloring with a mouse :p


    Jeez... I can't believe you've managed to colour your drawings so well with only a mouse :o

    Get a tablet dude, it's expensive as heck, but it seriously cuts down the time it takes to digitally colour images.

  7. i say Adobe products work better in unison. (commonsense that products from the same company are more adapted to work with each other)

    meaning, Illustrator and Photoshop work better in tandem rather than Coreldraw and Photoshop or some other mix.

    i use Illustrator and Photoshop at work and the interface is nearly the same, so you'd have less time to get confused when working to and fro.

    How i colored the VFII girl:


    2.cleanup the lineart

    3.make color layers (i set my layers to Multiply) using the selection tools to specify particular areas with the same color

    4.use the paintbucket tool to fill in the selected areas

    5.after completing the entire color scheme, i use the Burn tool to make shades and shadows

    6. to recreate that dotted coloring, use the Halftone filter on your color layers.

    7.and then post your finished art for your friends to enjoy. :)

    finally, as the names suggest, Adobe Illustrator is for creating vector image illustrations, and Adobe Photoshop is for editing (cropping, coloring, re-coloring etc) existing images (like pictures, or the artwork youve made in Illustrator)


    Thanks for the tips Poli, I'll give your method a shot for my next drawing (I always liked the soft air-brushed look of your drawings).

    I pretty much follow the same approach as you, but I set my colour layers to darken instead of multiply instead. Also for the create a new layer for each shade and shadow (so I can make changes more easily)

  8. Awesome as always guys!  Hey I have been meaning to ask... what programs do you use for coloring your drawings?  And are there any good tutorials on how to do it?  Right now I have a slew of programs, and no clue on how to use them.  Recently I just got Corel Draw Graphics Suite.  But I also have Adobe Illustrator 10.0, Photoshop....

    Which is the best to use?  And the TUTORIALS.... :lol:



    I use photoshop too for my colouring.

    One of the most important things I learned about photoshop is to use layers for colouring, and set each layer to 'darken'...

  9. Polidread i am interested to know the procedure for coloring the VF-2 comic script style like the one you did.


    I wanna know too!

  10. Hi everybody, I saw this thread since a couple weeks ago and this my little contribution, I have to say this a line art by Bake_art and the colors and textures are mine.


    Awesome! I love it!

  11. Hi guys,

    Some of the oldies might remember this black and white picture of Miriya I submitted eons ago. Now I learned how to properly use photoshop and stuff I'd like to show her off again, this time in colour! :)

    I'm pimping my other new pics as well :ph34r: If you'd like to see them check out http://roachhost.com/bake_art/ or my devart page (see my sig)


  12. looking at the lineart, you put the curves in her butt & thighs extremely well

    :wub: I also like my only suggestion is to make the lower calf area longer and add ankles. I agree with Exo that the knees look weird in the coloured image. The knees look pretty good in the lineart, though. Did you colour over the lineart or used the lineart as reference for your colour image?

    Finally, the colouring's absolutely AWESOME. I love that watershading style. Do you mind sharing how you did it? I myself am still trying to learn how to colour like that.

  13. looking good Poli :)

    I must admit I didn't like the colouring on the VF-2 girl, (I'm more of a fan of your cel-shaded style of colouring). Though I must say I absolutely love the way you coloured the VF-11 girl. The lineart for the VF-2 girl looks kickass though.

  14. hey isamu5979. sorry if i made you pissed of. it wasnt my intention. and bake_art you are right i shouldnt mess with others artwork, it will never happen again.

    akt_m, don't be so harsh on yourself man :lol:

    Besides, I'm still waiting on your valkgirl minus armour artwork ;)

    And isamu5979, your latest artwork's really great! I like the curves you've managed to put on Milia B))

  15. Well of course not.

    That's why, as polidread said, it's your style. And IMO, I like and enjoy your work.

    Now the latest pics are more closer to the much debated "anime" style, but is that the point? You stated that "this is my version", and it included whatever style you created for your work. You don't have to justify or appologize for your style.

    And you don't have to change your style to incorporate "anime" elements or techniques, unless your truly genuine about it. But if you are pushed into it, then that's wrong, and you shouldn't be pushed to adapt your style. And if you are genuine, then at least it's your choice and not influenced by others. Well, other than constructive criticism that is. ^_^

    Very well said and I agree with it 100%

    just draw your own style isamu5979, and while you can listen to everybody else's comments, you shouldn't really feel pressured to drawing exactly what they want. You can draw, and you can draw well. You can listen if people are telling you that your drawing skills are off (e.g. proportions are crap, etc.) but you should'nt let others dictate what style you have to draw (unless of course, they're paying you :D)

    Oh yeah akt_m, you are a very, very talented artist, but I don't think you should mess with isamu5979's artwork, tho (I myself would be a bit ticked off if someone messes with my artwork without my permission)

    besides... I know you'd have enough skillz to create some milia artwork that's entirely your own and as jaw dropping as this pic you've done on the valkgirl thread :)

  16. It's a nice pic overall I think the biggest problem with the face is that it looks too "disney," and not really anime or Mikimoto.

    I don't know if you can call his drawing disney styled or not, since disney uses so many artists (some who'd probably worked in WB as well). Also, I thought the drawings of some more recent disney movies is drawn in a more WB-ish style anyways.

    Who cares what style it is, really? as long as it looks good (which it does.)

    Oh, and Ed.Coli, I'd have to disagree with you and say that there is such thing as anime-styled drawings. The styles of western artists and japanese/asian artists are distinctly different :)

  17. don't know if you do 'requests'...just envisioned an amusing one... ;)


    an uber-hot, GBP Valkgirl depicted from an angle slightly from behind(almost over-the-shoulder), with all the ordnance bays depicted snapping to the "Open/Deploy" mode.

    [Particular visual emphasis on the "chest doors", as if the girl is flashing!]

    Insert 3, flabberghasted Zentran Nous-djerls, pulling up short in front of her;

    : One eyes popping out of his head(nasal bleed & choked gore, like Max's

    Regult Pilot Snuff in Z-Gee) :rolleyes:

    : One who's whose suit is swelling from "2ndaries",back arched;groin armour about to pop, helmet/head visor becomes a red smear :D

    : Last one w/Kamzjin(sp) shocked death face from Roy's last gasp, gut-shot, while

    his over-head bazooka/cannon is "schwing"-ing" straight up! :lol:

    got this image stuck in my mind now, but not the skilz to pull it off :p

    Any do one like this yet?

    Interesting suggestion Vespaeda, tho I'll probably stay away from doing fanservicey pictures like that for a while (I got enough trouble with the 'gerwalk mode' valkgirl pic as well as the 'dental floss swimsuit' Ayane) :D

    On to another topic, here's a preview of my latest valkgirl pic. All that is left is for Poli to add his colours and it'll be perfect ;)


  18. ...."Fugly" comes to mind.


    I thought the drawing's quite excellent. The face has a very western-cartoonish look which I don't like (but that's because I prefer anime-styled look), but if you look at the proportions, colouring, etc. you can't deny that the artist's got pretty good skills.

    keep 'em coming isamu5979 B))

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