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Plastik Missle

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Posts posted by Plastik Missle

  1. Starcraft has some Macross homages by way of Robotech.



    Which ones?


    Well, for one the cpatain of the Battlecruisers is a dead ringer for Cap. Global.


    Down to his russian (I think it was supposed to be russian) accent from Robotech.

    There was also a fighter called the Valkyrie but it didn't transform.

  2. Its been 20 years since Macross hit the waves so I'm pretty sure it's present in the minds of most otakus. So I was thinking about afore mentioned people making homages to Macross in their own productions. The ones I am aware of are: Nadia: Secret of Blue Water, Project A-Ko and Otaku no Video.

    Are there any others?

  3. I'm on the last few pages of A Clash Of Kings, but I'm a little confused over one point and hoping somebody here can clear up the matter for me, as it's really bugging me.

    (The following question contains spoilers, so don't read on if you haven't yet read A Clash Of Kings)











    Why does Ramsey Snow who has previously been posing as Reek, kill Ser Rodrik Cassel and burn Winterfell? Shouldn't Ramsey Snow be on the side of Winterfell and the Starks? We know that Ramsey Snow is Roose Bolton's Bastard and Roose Bolton is fighting for Robb Stark. The fact that Ramsey is able to command 600 men from the Dreadfort garrison implies that he has his father's trust.



    Just keep reading Graham. Suffice to say Ramsey has his own agenda. Won't be really clear until the next book.

  4. At least 4 people to play huh :(.

    I'd love to be able to try this game, but these days, when everyone's busy with either their work or kids, it's extremely difficult getting a group of friends together for several hours to play a board game or tabletop RPG.



    Actually you can play it as a 3-player game but a lot of the atmosphere and backstabbing is gone. And I know your pain, its very hard to round up 4 players much less 5.

  5. I programmed Runner into my wife's Motorola cellphone (since it use to be my cellphone before I gave it to her to use.) Since she doesn't lnow how to reprogram it, I get to hear Runner every time it rings.

    I have runner in my mobile phone too! :lol:

    Where can we get that ringtone?

    Runner is one of my top Macross songs too :)

  6. There's Gigantic Drive AKA Robot Alchemist Drive (i think that's right) but its *(!&@(! hard to look for it. I've been trying to get it for AGES!  :angry:

    YOu play a kid who inherited his dad's super robo and u control the robo from outside it via remote control. It sounds fun!

    Oh I have that game a copy though. Its fun but gets boring fast. Pm me if you want a copy. It sfor PSX not PS2, Unless you are talking about a sequel.

    oh back to topic Rockman Power Battle Is fun for PS2. It is the arcade fighter many people have on mame and such. Well they made it for PS2 Power Battle and Power Fighters all in one disc.

    The one for the PSX was Remote Control Dandy, and I don't think it got translated to English.

    The sequel for the PS2 is Robot Alchemic Drive and has what is probably the worst dubbing in the history of gaming. Its so bad its hilarious. The game itself is fun though.

  7. What's the song called that is played in the 2nd ending credits? The one with the clock alarm and Mylene is too late for something.

    2nd Ending credits is Dakedo Baby

    And Plastik, Pillow Dream is the song Mylene sings for her mother and father (Max and Millia) when she first has Dr. Chiba's spiritia thing on her back.

    Ah now I remember it. Yeah it was pretty sweet :)

    So many cool Mac7 songs, so little time :)

  8. It may be unfair to Hummingbird, but let's face it...that live performance was terrible. I'm not sure what was worst...the guitar riffs being taken over by a cheesy synth, the pelvic thrusts during the guitar solo, or Tomo Sakurai looking about as sexy as warm taffy.

    Now if they had had Basara and Mylene's singing VAs doing the show, with a REAL band, that would've been a lot more fun...

    That live show didn't include Humming Bird, just the VAs and some no name band. Humming Bird themselves have disbanded in May 2000. But lead singer Yoshiki Fukuyama (the singing voice of Basara) is still active.


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