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Posts posted by JaredDrake

  1. Hmmm...I wonder. With 40+ pages on the this forum I really can't be F***ed to read them all. Was the mysterious red fighter with a VF? I saw it being escorted by NUNS fighters at the end...

    Makes me wonder if the Vajra were actually created by humans? Kinda like the ZERG from Starcraft? The first encounter with them served as a training exercise or possibly when they went out of control? (When Ranka's biological parents were killed) They attacked Galaxy because research on them was being developed there? Its possibly the location of their "birth" so the person behind the Vajra wanted them out of the way?

    Why was the red fighter there? Observing the battle maybe?

    Bah. Any thoughts?



    Sure we didn't see any combat this episode, but I think helped set the mood nicely for the upcoming episodes! Absolutely brilliant in that regard. The interaction between Alto and Ranka were humorously awkward... Alto infatuated with Sherly - LOL - although I would be too if a beautiful celebrity like her was interested in me.

    Was it just me or did the episode seem a bit short? It felt amazingly quick - and not in a bad way. It makes me want for the next one immediately.

    Sheryl's opening song during her concert set the mood nicely as well. An excellent fit with the preparations and launch of the SMS Macross Quarter (is that the name?)

    Also, is it just me or were the score composers channeling Pirates of the Caribbean when they wrote the music played when the Recon fighters were being launched? Good music anyway...

    Lastly, am I the only one who absolutely hated the emphasis on an Alto/Ranka relationship in the future? I mean, its frickin' obvious. What anime character ever ends up with their first girlfriend/boyfriend or the person they were romantically attached to at the start? (In most cases anyway) Although given the remarkable likeness between Catharine Glass and Lisa Hayes (robotech)...the writers could put a twist somewhere there. hahaha

    Maybe after they kill off Ozma? (You gotta admit, theres a 50% chance of that happening given the number of killed mentors out there.) He wants to protect everyone under his command, but can he save himself while doing it? ;)

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