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Clay Cliff

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Posts posted by Clay Cliff

  1. This thread is interesting, I'm gathering info for a sctratchbuild project, a non-transformable VF-4G (Fighter mode)in 1/48... I think I'll have to "invent" some parts, like the landing gear wells and some cockpit interior... I read somewhere that the VF-4 screen was retrofitted to VF-1, creating the "Block 6"... I'll assume that this screen wasn't the only thing retrofitted, but main controls and ejection seat as well... Let's see what happens.

  2. macross-vf-4-all.jpg

    It could be a Model Graphix magazine, I'd like to know the number. I need some info about the VF-4 for a modelling project, and it's a little difficult to find. Thanks a lot in advance. Best regards.


    P.S. If this message was posted in the wrong section, Admin, please move it to the proper one.

  3. I'm waiting for my VF-25, but I don't like the kit provided wheels, I want to replace them with aftermarket resin wheels from another actual aircraft (maybe weightened wheels)... Well, I want to know the diametre (in mm) of the nose gear wheels and main gear wheels, so I can search for new wheels with the closer size. Best regards.


  4. Way to go, dearhunter. I agree, there are some points to be corrected for the VF-25 to look more like an actual aircraft, specially the canopy shape. A twin-wheeled nosegear like the F-14's is more appropiate, methinks. I like a lot that main gear. Waiting for some paint on it. Keep the good work.

  5. I already found (in M3) pics on the cockpit interior of a VF-17, but there says that they're pics of the battroid mode. I need pics of the fighter mode. Any info about that? I think the cockpit position doesn't change when the VF-17 transforms from fighter mode to battroid mode, so the interior must be the same for both forms, but I want to be sure, so I need opinions. Thanks a lot in advace for your help.

  6. Sweet! Those VF-171 look so great, but it's true, the nose seems a little pointy or maybe the cockpit is a little long, look at this picture:


    Maybe the same cockpit length and a more bulbous nose? The battloid leg units are too long, so the wing root chord is too long, resulting in the wing's trailing edge having a weird angle... I've been an aircraft modeller since a looong time, so I noticed it. Anyways, that's a very interesting job, I'll keep an eye on it.

  7. I still keep my theory that Misa catched Minmey doing the dirty with Hikaru and steered the Megaroad01 to a black hole in anger

    +1... Remember, when anything (like a Colonization Fleet :rolleyes: ) enter a black hole's event horizon it won't feel the effects inmediately, but it will be already trapped into it and it won't be able to escape... Nothing can escape a black hole's event horizon, NOT EVEN COMMUNICATIONS... Hey, wait a minute... I think contact with Megaroad 01 was lost some time ago, maybe they actually reached the Milky Way's center as planned. BTW in our galaxy's center there is a Suppermassive Black Hole, so maybe they're still unharmed. More info about the Supermassive Black Hole here:


    *EDIT* I'm watching to much History Channel...

  8. As a general note, next time you need lineart, check the M3 before asking a question like this.

    Totally agree... IMO, there is people that seems to have the work done looking for others to give them info (pics, text, whatever) instead of searching for themselves and using the forum only as a last resort... Well, that's something an IDF Forum moderator told us in a simmilar case, In fact, that thread in the IDF Forum was rapidly closed :rolleyes: Valk009, good luck with your project. Best regards.


  9. It's never been mentioned. Not on any official publication to date. In fact, the VF-25/VF-27 entries are the first ones to actually mention the caliber of the head lasers.

    So that's it... Well, as the VF-25's RöV-25 are 25 mm guns, let's assume that RöV-20 are 20 mm guns... I'll use that data for an in-project 1/48 VF-1A.

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