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Posts posted by ::NXS::

  1. So i´ll just cut it open, carefully...

    Hopefully the glued piece will cover the cut areas once completed.

    Thanks for the input!

    Any ideas how to completely disassemble the cockpit? Is that even possible? I´d love to detail the seat and panels..

  2. Hey guys, been tempted to repaint my VF-0A for a long time.

    I figured I´d start by disassembling it to figure out how to plan out the painting steps.

    So far so good, I am able to completely tear down the arms, chest and back sections and the upper legs.

    I can´t do anything with the cockpit section, but that's fine for now.

    My main problem is the lower leg: I started removing screws, but it seems that the small intake/radiator piece hust below the landing gear is locked and glued in place. Worst thing is that with all the wiggling and pushing and pulling, the gear assembly is out of position inside the two halves, and the thruster/foot already came off.

    Anybody figured out a way around it?

  3. this is all great stuff! The delta looks so elegant.

    Does anybody know how to completely disassemble the legs? I want to disassemble for repaint, so far so good with all the figure, but can´t get past the legs. The radiator looking thing just below the landing gear doors looks to be glued and locked in place... any help appreciated!

  4. My VF-0A original 3 missile clusters attach very well. When I got the Ghost fo it, the brown rocket launchers attach a little weak, but ok, and the fuel tanks were reaaally flimsy. Did the old nail polish trick, as Jenius suggests, and now everything attached securely. You'll have to re coat the every so often, depending how much you put them on and off the Valk.

  5. Guys, who has a complete VF-0A sticker sheet and a scanner handy?

    I own a VF-0A myself, for a year now, and finally decided to try to make some decals with one of those special waterslide inkjet papers.

    I only need a complete sticker sheet, scanned in like 300dpi, could be less. Just PM me if you can do me that favour.


    Edit: PM me or just post the image here, if possible.

  6. I just saw it. I can't believe this.

    I just could not close my mouth. Eyes are wet.

    Oh my god.

    And i was regreting reading the episode synops in wikipedia.... there was nothing about this in it!! and I kinda thanks for it thou....


    I just cant believe what i just saw. when the president hitman upper half fell on that girl I knew this was going to be different, but this was just too much.....

  7. Eh, due to the merge being "backwards" the first post isn't the one intended----everyone ignored Graham's original "rules" for posting about 4 years ago...

    Keep posting like people have been doing this week, just ignore Graham's "number per scale only". :D

    holy smokes. 4 years ago! i didnt realize this thread was this old....

    so, has anyone done like a count? any totals?

  8. Above all else, time is what you need. There are several progress pictures of members' projects, and they can give you tips to avoid paint scraping and assembly/disassembly. There's a thread I started in the Building/Customizing Macross Models & Toys forum that has some build-ups.

    Hey! What are you working on?

    Thanks for the words Wicked, and that thread you have there looks a lot of fun! I still want to see more pics of your model. Man, it looks like a lot of people is getting lazy posting their amazing stuff on the custom section of the website. Like I've seen many cool stuff in the forums, all the way from WIPs to finish, but they never show up in the main site!!! I don't get it....

  9. Sure thing. Quick and dirty photos incoming. No Gerwalk pics, since I didn't feel like permanently modifying either the holders or the base to join with each other (and the flippy floppy gerwalk chest doesn't leave me with many options of places to stick the stand). All photos are with the stock action base connectors.

    Because I stuck the base practically to the top of the battroid mode, it hangs a little low, but again if one was willing to do either some cutting or glueing and use the proper YF-19 stand attachments, you could attach it higher. Still. As you can see, no problems or worries with weight or anything, and the action bases are a lot less intrusive than the massive Yamato launch stands or YF-21/SV-51 stands.

    Very nice! Already ordered one. For 10 bucks on amazon, you cant go wrong.... if it doesn't hold the Zero ok, then I'll mod it accordingly...

  10. Yeah, I picked up a white Action Base 1 that was on sale at BBTS a while back; it's currently holding up my YF-19 quite sturdily.

    Could you post a pic or two showing us that? I'm very excited about this, the Action Bases are readily available and are dirty cheap!

  11. This pic should be helpful.


    O well. There was a time, when I felt really happy with my grey panel lines in my VF-0. And then you show up with this!

    Man, awesome!!!!! Wanna see more pics.

    This raises another question of mine. What are your thought on repainting Yamatos or any transforming toy in general? Like i felt temped myself several times, just don't have the time to do it.

    I guess my two worries are the paint scratching and getting to a point where you can't dissasemble/reassemble something because the way it's put toghether at the factory.

    I know these are almost naive things to ask, but I'm sure you know better. Anyways, any thoughts are always welcome.

    And Jenius, thanks for the pic+review, very helpful. So you run that website? HAHA, I have read through it many times, let me tell you you're doing a good job!

    I found the stand at Amazon, so I will most likely get it tonite or tomorrow.

    Again guys, thanks a lot.

  12. OK. I have some attachments that came with the VF-0 to a display stand I cannot find anywhere. I've seen so far the Macross ones that look like the ARMD cranes that show up in Do You Remember Love?, the Flexidisplay ones (unavailable right now..... from LAFT) and the one that comes with the SV-51.

    What's my best option? I know the Flexys are nice, but dunno if they are gonna show up again. Then the question about the attachments. Do they work with the Yamato stands? I guess the Bandai Action base is too small/weak to hold a heavily armed VF-0A Angel right?

    If anybody can point me in the right direction, it will be very appreciated.



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