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Posts posted by jmandawg

  1. My dub and dark heroes dub are one in the same. What you found on the web was Doug Bendo being an A-Hole.

    Sadly, I've been C&D'ed by a Japanese Copyright law firm and I had to shut my channel down. I don't offer it for sale or anything of that magnitude because of things like this.

    Sorry you missed out.

    Also I would greatly appreciate it if no one sold it, something like that can actually come back to me, the cast and crew and get into a lot of trouble.

    Thanks for the info, this is a real bummer. Maybe one day it can be re-released.

  2. Sorry guys, new to the thread, is there anywhere i can watch Hikuro's dub? Is it the same as Dark Heros? The word on the street is it's the best dub for this movie. I want to show my daughter the movie, but the original clash of the bionoid dub is horrible and she's not old enough to read the subs and watch the movie.


  3. Here is the battleroid mode. This is where the 1/60 outshines the 1/48 ... better hands (even has a yellow line on them), bicep cuts, and shorther nose piece. Legs look skinnier tho.

    Thanks for the pic, that thing looks awesome!! But the hands look like they are plug and play as in you have to remove them to transform him. Other than that he looks amazing.

  4. Both of those services tend to spam filter message board registration confirmations. Did you check your spam filters for each?

    No, i can't even click the submit button on the register page using either of those email addresses. If i put in my address, it says it's invalid. (See attached image)

    And, I have to ask, if you never got the emails, how did you post this?

    I had to use -----------. Which means the email account i used is bogus. I'd like to change my profile to use my real email acct. so i get updates etc. but it won't let me.

    I hope this doesn't sound like i'm bitching, i'm just trying to give some feedback on the registration process.

    bottome line:

    1. it's really hard to register on this forum (maybe it's supposed to be hard to register). It would have been almost impossible if i didn't use -----------. I would have had to set up a yahoo account, and then find out that was blocked, find another email acct to try, etc. etc., you should at least let gmail in, as long as you have a good visual input you should be ok from the spam bots.

    2. how can i set up my real email address (or do i even need to?).


  5. Hi guys, i just registered. I love the site, and am a huge macross fan, but i just wanted to give some feedback on the registration process.

    I could not register with either of my email accounts, gmail or hotmail. Do you have them filtered?

    I had to use a fake email account, and now i can't change it in my profile either.

    Those are the only 2 email accounts i have (besides work).

    Any ways great site, can't wait for the review of the wave sdf1. Looks too small for the price though.



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