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Posts posted by izanagi11

  1. AHHH! my ETA counter on uTorrent is going up not down. Why is the last 5% taking so long?!!

    Edit: OK, done! And to think I was about to go to bed. What the hell was I thinking? One more chance to see Grace give Nanase a run for her money. :p What an image to remember before I dream tonight. :rolleyes:

    Bahaha, when I saw the raw, I was thinking the same thing. Good to fill in the blanks before I go to sleep. My japanese isnt very good, but I usually get the general idea.

  2. I sure would like to know what they were saying when in front of the Lobster dude. lol at the locker scene! Zent farmers! What type of fighter made the de-fold at the end?

    :lol: Another great episode.


    When they got into the locker, I remember the preview from last one with Sheryl face expression. I was like "oh no they cant do that!" Bahahaha, of course, they did. This show keeps surprising me!

    Yes, farmers and space farmers at that!

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