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Posts posted by FlyingPika

  1. Shouldnt the fuselage be beige?

    Look top right, on the right hand side of the macross world icon.

    That is the colour scheme I know and love, where did this red and gray scheme come from =(?

    Thats the only colour scheme I have ever seen for a VF-4.

    Do I wait for another colour, and then maybe get nothing, or drop more money than I ever have or will now for a valk I love but an ok colour scheme??


  2. Edit: Hi guys, sorry but it seems like selling itsnt working, because then I cant buy another valk (the prices are just so much these days). So I would rather trade so at least I can get another valk, instead of ending up with 1/3 of a valk after selling one. Sorry.

    Hi Guys,

    Willing to Trade the following:

    They have all been removed from their packages, but will be packed up back in their boxes for shipping with all their accessories.

    They have either been transformed once or never, and then put behind glass.

    No stickers applied, not damage or stress marks whatsoever.


    Shipping VF-1A 1/48 Low Vis version 1: Note does not include the gunpod! It got removed by the post office.

    VF-0S 1/60


    Note: I am in South Africa so shipping would be a bit more for you to send a valk to me, and for me to send a valk to you.


    And the binaltechs shown in the picture

    The binaltechs are all the metal ones. $35 each, $20 shipping worldwide.

    Willing to trade 4 binaltechs for any of the valks/garland in my wanted list.

    20% saving on combined shipping


    1/60 SV-51 Ivanov

    1/60 YF-19 (Normal Colour)

    1/60 VF-0A (Grey mass production, ordered it from HLJ, then no order confirmation email, then sold out =( )

    1/15 Megazone 23 Garland (not the proto garland)

    If you are on the sharp shooters list, I would be willing to ship to you first, then you ship to me. Otherwise you ship your toy first to me, then I will ship out to you.



  3. Nice review although some things left me wondering....

    The new 1/60 VF-1 toy is what Yamato are calling their third generation toy and features improvements such as improved articulation, such as double jointed elbows, tighter joints, more tampo printing, greater emphasis on quality control, thinner panel lines (only 0.02mm thick).

    Wow, can you even see 0.02 mm?

    Thinner 0.2mm panel lines.

    I think that is more like it.

    The nose cone of the new VF-1 is detachable and by using the provided connection piece can be attached to the forearm of any new 1/60 VF-1. This feature is the reason that the head of the toy has to be removable and is only friction fit, instead of being screwed on.

    So you can detach the nose cone and stick it onto its arm? Why would one do that? And in order to do that the head must be removable???? What does the nose cone attaching to the arm have to do with the head? Were you high when you wrote that?

    A few lines down...

    Missing from the 1/60 are the moveable flaps and detachable nose cone of the 1/48.

    So first you say the nose cone can be removed and stuck to its arm, now its not removable, which one is it?

    The other thing is why are there no comparison pics to a VF-1 1/48. Seems like you intentionally didnt. To make it seem like something unique and help yamato sales?

  4. Every +/- 10 seconds after logging in im logged out again!! Even with firefox or Internet Explorer. I tried to register a different account and im not getting the validation email, yes i triple checked the email address, not in spam filter, filtering off, requested resend of validation email and NOTHING.

    And yes when i log in i tick keep me logged in!

    This has been happening to me for years (DIFFERENT COMPUTERS, i have re formated, different versions of windows etc), but only recently do you have to be logged in to see pictures which is really frustrating, because to see a picture i have to log in every time, and some i have to log in about 3 times to see a single picture. When i first joined many years ago my account was fine for a few years.

    Do you people have this problem too? I miss the old forum.

    When im logged in and try to post or view a picture i get

    "Sorry, but this function isn't available to guests"


  5. Hmmm, i remembered watching "robotech", and my bro would tell me stories of his friends cool transforming toys (i was about 5yrs old at that time). Fast forward to macross plus, and i was hooked. I drooled over pamphlet pics about M+ toys from a new company called yamato. lol i stared at those pics soooooo much, but in the end never got them because i waited for the fast pack versions!! I even made my own webpages with pics of them! And the only one i own is a VF-19A. Which was my first internet buy ever. I remember i put it casually next to the computer, and my bro walked in and saw it and was like OMWWWWWWWWw!!!

    But now i have a few 1/48's a some of the smaller scale yamatos.

  6. Man look at all those pieces  :blink:  I can't figure out why someone would go to that much trouble to create such a complex kit and then only sell 20 of them at one event.


    common sense?

    And the sick pleasure they get from watching fans squirm when they cant get their hands on it :ph34r:

  7. Links to many neat high-quality pics:

    (There are larger versions of all of these, just click on "large" when it comes up)

    B-1B cone: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=252881

    C-5C (yes, C) over clouds: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=593404

    Thunderbirds mirror image flying: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=568705

    F-15A cool sun-lens-flare effect: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=325932

    Blackbird climbing: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=225202

    Super Hornet cone: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=696104

    Really cool Tomcat "cloud" (not quite a cone) http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=800623

    BIG Tomcat cloud: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=696234

    Blue Angels in precise formation, even for them: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=314742

    Super Hornet cone forming up: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=601980

    Don't even know what to call it, Super Hornet: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=697027

    Blue Angels smoke in formation: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=315190

    F-14, F-18, S-3, C-2, E-2, A-6 formation: http://www.airliners.net/open.file/607723/M

    More Blue Angels in tight formation: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=337385

    Closest Blue Angel pass ever: http://images.airliners.net/open.file?id=633803

    wow, those r awesome thank you so much!

  8. Guys, i bought a 1/48, and i think after the 9/11 tragedy, they had to remove anything resembling a gun. When i received my Low Vis valk, it was obivous the thing had been removed from the box and abused abit. Unfortunately the Gunpod was removed. Does any of you doods have any spare gunpods, or recast ones? White would be preferable, but beggars cant be choosers. This happened years ago and havent found one to replace it since. Its been slowly eaten away at me over the years! <_<

    If u can, PM with the price and shipping cost to South Africa (3652), if you willing to ship internationally. I can only pay via bidpay.com (with requires some type of auction to be listed), or send us dollars in the mail. Ive sent cash in the mail before and its been ok.

    Let me know thanks !!!!

  9. opened up my VB-6, but haven't taken him out completely, just checked for the missile covers and the peg which is supposedly backward.

    The missile covers open easily now w/o glue or watever blocking, the pegs are still placed forward though.

    WHAT MISSLE COVERS??? :blink::o:blink::blink:

    Is there stuff i dont know abotu my VB-6???????

    Do share thxns

  10. I believed the recent monster i got is a 2nd issue with QC fixed.

    Where are these missle pods???

    The only QC issue i was aware of was the leg peg being the wrong way. I reversed the peg (not pegs :p) on myne and the legs atill dont come in nicely, the should of made the hips just a lil bit narrower, then it would be awesome.

  11. Swerve is the first vette, that I'm actually interested in. I was going to pick up Tracks, just out of spite for whatever fool tried to make him yellow, but he never showed up around here. I can't stand Ravage, but Swerve looks kinda neat. Especially with that flame decal. It goes well with his color scheme.

    I bought the blue BT Tracks because of the flame decal. It's funny how much I hated the yellow but loved the blue.

    Sometimes all it takes is the colour to make the different. I mean look at all the exclusives and stuff

    Clear Plastic?

    Black Plastic?

    No Plastic? (Full Metal Bits?)

    And the damn thing becomes hot or a new character.

    Look at Sideswipes Reissues. Clamp Down and Deep Cover ( I think)

    And that Yellow Tracks looks like a freaking Taxi.

    So Blue is Best.

    i liked the yellow tracks more, its makes a pleasant change. Looks like a taxi??? Please, you havent noticed the large percentage of sports cars these days being yellow?

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