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Posts posted by Hans

  1. Actually, there is another reason to get the bare bones version of the VF-1S. I'm against the "munchkin" upgunned version of the Valkyries. I know that the reason they have things like armor packs and Strike Packs is to keep the TV series going and have something new to show the kids watching this week. But, it does end up being "munchkin". FYI for those who don't know the term munchkin, it is a term used in role playing games to describe somebody who MUST have the biggest, fastest, toughest, most powerful everything.

    I prefer the normal versions.

    At least in the DYRL Macross it is explained that the strike pack is only used in out space. It cannot fly in an atmosphere. Either way, I think it ruins the clean lines of the sleek fighter.

  2. I bought a cannon fodder SV-51 a few weeks ago, ironically just before they went on sale.

    I will say that the toy is just as good as the VF-0A that I also bought, maybe a bit better. The only real fault I have with the toy is the overcomplicated shoulder joint, which includes an offset hinge joint and a tiny black bar that is only there to fill a slit hole on the jet mode. They're kind of a pain to get straight so you can get the thing back into a fighter.

    Two other things to note is that this toy uses a good number of rare-earth magnets. The arms are held into the sides of the legs in jet mode by magnets, and on mine they mostly do the trick, but not great. The other one that I actually works very well is the hinged nose cone that flips down. There the magnets work perfectly.

    The barrel of the gun pod falls off really easily, but a dab of superglue fixes that in no time.

    It is fiddly to transform, no doubt. I don't really feel like the battroid mode is that sturdy, but the jet mode is very good. I like how the kneecaps lock the legs to the top of the fighter mode by hooking onto the chest plate.

    Still, my favorite toy of all my macross ones is the little 100 scale Toynami VF-1S. I know they're not great, and I often have the arms come off (they're just pegs in holes to hold it together), but I prefer the toys that have fewer moving parts to go bad. That, and the 100 scale toynami's are cheap. You can get one for 20 to 30 dollars usually. The worst thing about these new Yamato toys is the moving fingers. I would rather have molded, unmoving fists instead of movable fingers that can't hold onto anything.

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