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Posts posted by uce

  1. it doesnt matter if you buy a japanese ps3 or american they both play blu ray movies & games vice versa because they are region A, except ps2 games on slim models. also the old 20gb & 60gb japanese ps3 have back words compatibly for example jap ps3 20 or 60 region A for all blu ray & games & japanese ps2 games for jap system & same applies for american 20 & 60gb but with american ps2 bc not jap ps2 though hope that helps & if you have an external hdd you can install ps2 games on those just use google

  2. im so buying this game just because its macross & because i can & i love macross reminds me a lot of star trek & i have the 2 macross psp games & so fourth if anyone has ps3 my psn is unspacy or if you have a 360 my gamertag is uce miliatary (i know i miss spelled) feel free to add me

  3. take a look at this i saw it watching earth final conflict ep EFC 0115 - If You Could Read My Mind and it looks like a macross logo with robotech under it just so everyone knows the 1st series uses same logo we all know thought it be interesting to sharepost-7495-1258348421_thumb.png

  4. AFOS Kicked my ass for awhile but i eventually beat it by staying behind it at al times. Just wish there was a faster way with upgraded weapons and gear but it still takes forever

    you know can always use afos itself for the mission once you unlock and buy it and max it out i got ss on it doing it that way

  5. No, as a general rul all recordings are strictly prohibitted and there are bag checks and metal detectors at the entrance of most concert venues.

    Some small bands/events openly allow recordings, but these are the exceptions rather than the rule.

    As far as anime events/concerts are concerned, due to licensing issues and the fact that often the venues are just tiny, DVDs/CDs usually arent released. Among the fan community in Japan this makes such events premium commodities - the hardcore go and they pay through the nose for it (most anime concert tickets being initially available only to fanclub members or through random draws) but are happy to do so because as a general rule they know they are getting an experience that no-one else will since it isnt being recorded.

    Theres a Mac F Concert DVD coming out on Oct 30 (or in Nov for the Bluray). If you are interested, why not actually BUY it and show some support for similar products in the future?

    i might but its 80 on play asia dont know about anywhere else yet but i did buy muf for psp and maf both great games

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