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Posts posted by Warmaker



    This is the very first Star Wars movie where I left the theater angry.  I rolled and accepted with the up and down nature of some of the movies in this franchise, but TLJ does an amazing job in making this fan upset about so many things with this flick.  It's not just the handling of Luke and the fact they killed off another OT major character (oh hey, Ackbar gets summarily offed with zero fanfare also).  But the story, plot holes, nonsensical events, pointless characters, disappointing characters, aspects led on from The Force Awakens being resolved as useless dead ends, Super Leia, numerous failures at humor, etc.  There's so much wrong and upsetting with this movie, the killing of Luke Skywalker just tops it all off.


    Usually after viewing a movie, I'm very talkative with about it afterwards with the people I went and saw it with.  Not this one.  It made me so angry that I avoided striking up any conversation about it on the drive home, etc.


  2. What was that glance between Sansa and Littlefinger?

    Spoiler to save wall of text and space.

    The discussion the two had earlier by the weirwood tree where Littlefinger made his advances again on Sansa but was rebuffed. 'Ol boy did not get want he wanted and you can tell he was not too pleased to come all the way to the north and be rebuffed like that.

    Of all the people in Winterfell's hall, Sansa is the one person that understands Littlefinger, how clever he is, how forward thinking he is, how much he knows, and how well he "plays the game." IMO, he's the most dangerous, high profile, yet somewhat low key power player in Westeros. When Petyr Baelish leaves the North, rest assured he's going to have something he wants. I think he wants Sansa more than anything, as much as he plays "the game." But if he's not going to have her, well, he may cause some crap to still come to his benefit. This dude is dangerous.


    As for Jaime, I believe he will become Queenslayer as well. The prophecy was "Cersei will outlast her children and die by the hands of 'the valonqar'." Valonqar is high valyrian for little brother. The problem for Cersei was she is the oldest of Tywin's 3 children so Jaime though her twin, is a younger brother.

    Cersei is going into a short reign of terror that will be destructive to the realm and King's Landing. Cersei has isolated the Iron Throne and House Lannister from every major power in Westeros. She turned once-ally House Tyrell into enemies. The very sharp minded Queen of Thorns has agreed to an alliance with Dorne, which is a power that historically have been enemies with House Tyrell and The Reach. They allied themselves and will greet with open arms Daenerys Targaryen, they will contribute their military power to hers. The Tyrells and Martells want nothing more than vengeance and Lannister blood. The North has completely spun out of control of the Iron Throne. They did nothing when Roose Bolton died. They did nothing when the Vale rode North. They're going to find out that the North once again is united under a new King of the North. They're going to find out Walder Frey is dead. Amidst this strategic disaster that the Iron Throne will discover more of, Cersei will go into mad abuse of power. She will lose but she will lose in a spectacular fashion.

    The sad part is Jaime like I said, will be the one to kill her out of necessity. She will go on a path of scorched earth to devastate the realm and King's Landing before her reign ends. That is the exact scenario King Aerys Targaryen was under when Jaime killed him. He was about to destroy King's Landing. He slew King Aerys to save King's Landing and would have to live with the consequences. Throughout the books and bits in the TV show, that title of King Slayer bothered him. He knows it stains his personal honor, important for a man who was among the King's Guard under King Aerys, serving alongside some truly outstanding knights like Ser Arthur Dayne and Ser Barristan Selmy. Yet he had forsaken his honor to save King's Landing. He will have to forsake his love for Cersei to end whatever spiral into madness she's going to go into.

    The sad part is even if he slays Queen Cersei, he is wholly screwed. He had just killed the one woman he loved. All his children are dead. The last senior, respected leaders of the Lannisters are dead: Tywin, Kevan Lannister are gone. He's going to find out Tyrion is with Daenerys Targaryen (oh the twist on that, a Lannister giving sound counsel to a Targaryen considering Tywin's betrayal of Aerys). The North would be very iffy about him staying alive. But the big alliance down south? OH HELL NO. The Tyrells and Martells want Lannister blood (Tyrion being Hand of Daenerys being the exception). Daenerys will want the head of the man that slew her father.

    If things go down like I think they will with Daenerys ascending to the Iron Throne, the only hope Jaime has after killing Cersei is Brienne and Tyrion desperately trying to get his life spared. But even after that, I don't think Jaime can live with himself if he has to do what he must with Cersei.

    I'm going to miss Margaery.

  3. The problem with Cersei is that she's not nearly as smart as she thinks she is. She's got some of the signature Lannister cunning, but not a lot, which makes for a very dangerous cocktail. Every apparent victory she gains just feeds her ego and overconfidence. It'll only sets her up for a longer fall, the higher she climbs.

    Jaime's return to King's Landing and the pure look of "What have you done?" on his face the entire time told everything.

  4. crap's going to hit the fan.

    The North is united under Jon Snow but they have dire threats to deal with. The funny thing is I don't think Jon wanted kingship, but there he is, sort of thrust upon him like it did Robb Stark way back in Season 1.

    It was a great moment seeing Tyrion get recognized by someone who truly appreciates his mind and counsel being named Hand of the Queen.

    Cersei's madness destroyed the Faith Militant, High Sparrow, destroyed the future of House Tyrell. Yet that stupid move destroyed the Tyrell-Lannister alliance, led to her last child committing suicide. Wouldn't she have not realized that would be a danger for Tommen? Didn't she know Tommen truly loved Margaery? I had always believed in the books and TV show, Cersei didn't know how to use her power properly, settling for pettiness. She sits on the Iron Throne but has isolated House Lannister from all past allies.

    High Garden is being run now by the sharp Queen of Thrones and not her buffoon son, Mace Tyrell. She wants vengeance.

    Dorne is being run by people with a burning hatred of the Lannisters and do not hide that disposition.

    Then comes in Lord Varys promising, "Fire and Blood." I cannot tell you how happy I was to hear that. Daenerys is on her way with an alliance set up with Asha and Theon Greyjoy, their ships and men. She's hauling with her her Unsullied, the Dothraki braving the sea, her trusted followers to include Hand of the Queen Tyrion Lannister, and of course, 3 frakking dragons. She will be landing likely in Dorne to the open arms of the Martells and Tyrells thanks to Varys setting everything up.

    Meanwhile, I want to repeat now Queen Cersei has isolated the Iron Throne and House Lannister from every major power player in the Seven Kingdoms. The North remembers. She has made bitter enemies of the Tyrells. The Martells want nothing but Lannister blood to spill for old grudges since Elia Martell's rape and murder, the killing of her children. The fact that traditional, hated rivals the Tyrells and Martells allied together against the Iron Throne and Lannisters is an amazingly stupid feat. One can imagine Jaime Lannister's horror on finding the burning ruins and getting word of what's been going on. He goes away to settle military matters, and finds his son and king dead, the Tyrells enemies, and Cersei smugly sitting on the throne.

    Jaime: "WTH is going on in this place? Madness!"

    Oh... And Arya Stark is now going to personally work on her list. So much has happened and I can't wait to see what goes on when it resumes.

  5. Has the only 13 episodes left scenario discussed by the shows producers been confirmed by HBO? While I understand how the size of the production makes it more practical to have shorter seasons, there are so many storylines left that I have a hard time seeing how they can hack it down to size in 13 episodes.

    The books are in the same predicament. It's supposed to be wrapping up, but as of Dance of Dragons, it doesn't look anywhere near that. I have greatly enjoyed the books but damn, it's been what? 4 years since Dance of Dragons was published.

  6. Not quite too happy with

    Rickon getting offed. But as soon as we saw he was captured, we knew he was absolutely screwed. There was no way a male Stark heir would be allowed to live because that would threaten Ramsay's hold.

    As for the battle itself, I was happy because the show has never really showed much in the way of a pitch battle despite the wars taking place. Loved the part when Jon Snow was randomly making his way through the chaos of battle, the impact. Even happier seeing an army from the Vale show up to save the day. With Ramsay now dog food, House Bolton is effectively dead. Ramsay saw to killing everyone else off, including Roose, so his passing ends the line.

  7. Not even really magical in the book, though. I'm a bit rusty here, but can someone else confirm my memory that Mel wasn't all that sold on Stannis behind Azor Ahai, and she was helping him along with her bag of tricks?

    Melisandre truly believed Stannis "was it" in the books, Azhor Ahai reborn, all that. She did whatever it took to support him. The "Lightbringer" sword was a gimmick, she knew it, probably her idea, and of course, Stannis and Ser Davos knew it.

    Some quick thoughts on the episode.

    Another, "Let's kill off a bunch of dudes" episode.

    I did like Daenerys' and Ser Jorah Mormont's moment.

    Not quite sure what direction Sansa is going because she's not quite trustful of even Jon Snow (Brienne called her out on this in a private conversation when she caught her lie to Jon), even disrespected him in front of others because she had the Stark name, Jon didn't. Jon caught that little insult but didn't say anything.

    Another Stark Direwolf killed off with zero fanfare. Summer, of all things, the one with the most coverage in the books and show.

    So GoT is doing time travel now that could affect the past to influence the future?

    Hodor's end was so sad, a big impact.

  8. The Jon and Sansa hug has got to be the moment of the season so far. The pack survives. Tears, man, tears. Also, the North remembers.

    Who else wanted Drogon to come rip the top off of the building to light the Khals up? I suspect that's what'll happen in the book, because it's already been established that Dany isn't fire-proof; she just took advantage of blood magic back in book 1.

    I was expecting Daenerys' dragon to come in all the sudden and start killing (and eating) them. However, it was interesting how she just went about and got the Dothraki to support her by filling them with awe, right in front of their eyes.

    Regarding the "fire proof" thing, Daenerys had shown that side even in the beginning. Heat, fire did not bother bother her, long before that priestess entered the picture.

    It'll be interesting to see how things unfold. King's Landing will become a mess. Little Finger moves to help Sansa (I was happy to see one of my favorite characters again, as scummy as he is). The Wildlings support Jon Snow and Sansa Stark.

    A nice conversation at the beginning was between now Lord Commander Tollett and Jon Snow. Jon Snow has to take care of matters but Tollett wants Snow's help, knowing full well what danger looms north of the Wall.

    Edit: Melisandre dodged Ser Davos' question on what happened after he left for Castle Black, what happened with Shireen. Sooner or later he's going to find out and it's not going to be pleasant.

  9. Well, half of House Umber does side with the Boltons in the books. Things are kind of a mess in Last Hearth with the Greatjon being held captive in the Riverlands. The explanation in the show is just lacking, and boils down to "I like killing Wildlings."

    Yeah, Greatjon being prisoner ties the Umbers a bit.

    The books also had the Manderly's who are playing their game but have never forgotten.

    I agree that most of the recent episode was pretty meh. No real progression except for Jon Snow. Tower of Joy? We got cut off. I was not, not happy at all with the capture of Rickon Stark and Osha, the death of Shaggydog, because that is another thing completely opposite from the books. Hell, them offing Doran Martell earlier without going into his machinations and subtle game was disappointing as hell.

  10. It will be interesting to see how Jon Snow v2.0 goes about business, especially with the traitors. We know Ramsay is going to go after Jon from the previews as well as his chat with his father in the recent episode.

    I'm still a bit pissed that they offed Doran Martel, another character that was very much still alive and has machinations in place in the books. Pissed like how they offed Barristan Selmy.

  11. Is everyone of the same mind that Tormund and the Wildlings would only follow Jon into battle against the Boltons?

    The Wildlings would follow Tormund and he would follow Jon, but it all depends on what they intend to do with Jon's character. It's a bit weird for me to foresee it because the show had massive departures the last 2 seasons from the books. I'm still pissed off what they did to Selmy.

    Anyways, Jon, Tormund, the Wildlings would still have to deal with the Night's Watch first if Jon somehow returns. Most especially so if Jon returns.

    As for the last video you linked, yes, those are Lannister men in that feast. The armor style is very distinct to me. And humorous that they attended the feast in armor.

    There's going to be a massive amount of bloodletting as they try to finish this series in the next season or two.

    Edit: I want to see the fulfillment of that vision Bran Stark had with the shadow of a massive dragon over the city of King's Landing. That would be momentous.

  12. The complete Histories and Lore from the season 5 blu-ray set.

    The animated histories above show the Targ Kinsguard with the dragon sigil on their chests, so that's definitely how the show is portraying them.

    Yeah, they're probably going to have a flashback to the closing of Robert's Rebellion. I want to say Tower of Joy because there's a lot of looming theories there that are unresolved both for the books and TV show. We have Kingsguard with Targaryen sigils on their chests yet still retaining the TV show's era of helmets for the Kingsguard. The men they're fighting look outfitted like Stark men. Anyways, the Kingsguard of the King Aerys were badass and a far cry from the joke they currently are in both the TV show and books. I actually think the current state of the Kingsguard is worse in the books :lol:

    Maybe they'll bring back Sean Bean briefly for these flashbacks!

  13. I rewatched TFA and I caught something I had missed, something only fans of the old Star Wars space games developed by Totally Games in the 1990's would recognize (X-Wing, TIE Fighter, X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, X-Wing: Alliance games).

    When Poe Dameron and The Traitor hop inside the First Order TIE, Poe gives Traitor a very quick rundown on the weapons. One of the weapons Poe points out the ship has is "Mag Pulse." That weapon is only shown and used in the aforementioned Star Wars space games, nowhere else B))

  14. This is a lilttle off topic but this video shows one of the best damned birds I ever crewed and was my first 1 seater as a Dedicated Crew Chief..........91-0411...aka "Slick Fifty! :D

    Thank you for that post and video.

    VMFA-314 was my 2nd to last unit before I retired out of the USMC. Looking at the video description and upload date, I was transferred out of there before the command did that very deployment because I didn't have enough time remaining before I hit 20 years. New CO and a great SgtMaj who had just transferred into us before that deployment. I still remember them:

    CO was LtCol Wild

    SgtMaj was SgtMaj West, coming over from Afghanistan of 3/5 that had been in the ----.

    Naturally we had a kick that the command was now led by the "Wild West."

    I still remember fondly the good, young Marines we had there. We had gotten back from a deployment in 2013 full of experienced guys but as was typical, after the deployment the unit was gutted (guys getting out, orders elsewhere, etc.) and we were slated for deployment the following year. The senior Corporals and Sergeants that we had running the show were gone, the young Corporals and Lance Corporals that were learning the ropes then were now the ones calling the shots with a whole slew of new guys fresh off of school. There were problems but guys always overcame it. I was hoping to have enough time left to do one more deployment and retire with the same unit, being seen off by people I had been with for several years, but that wasn't the case with the deployment's schedule.

    Wish I was younger to do that stuff still but oh well!

  15. It's certainly still playing here

    Doesn't surprise me. Rotten Tomatoes had TFA somewhere in the Top 10 Box Office rankings since the movie came out and only stopped showing up there not that long ago. Hell, as of today, it's still showing in 6 theaters here in San Diego. I wonder how much money they've made total from theaters with this flick, especially how much Disney paid Lucas to own this franchise.

  16. It didn't win Best Picture because WB didn't support it early on. Probably the same reason why Miller lost out on Best Director.

    Interesting fact: Fury Road tied for the most Oscar wins without snagging Best Director or Picture. What film did it tie? Star Wars.

    Even more interesting since The Force Awakens didn't get anything in the Oscars :lol:

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