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Posts posted by Achilles2ca

  1. That it had an ending.

    Alright, the ending was kinda acceptable, I mean, the whole thing was so rampantly weird, it's probably more true than most other sci-fi aliens I've seen. Too bad the everything about the show royally sucked. Except Fire Bomber, they are really, really, good. I was blown away to hear actual first rate artists on an anime soundtrack, I can listen to it out of an anime context, and always do.

  2. Cross your fingers. It is at 200 dpi.

    Please do link save as if you want it on the hdd. Also please please try and pick up the book. In order to get a better scan of this i will need to tear out the page as it;s a thick book. I don't want to do that. lol. Anyhow it looks decent. enjoy.




    Thanks, that pic is beau. I really like the close-up detail on the SDF-1, sunset colours cast by the Nebula. Awesome.:-D

  3. hi

    First  off I have been a loyal fan of macross ever since I saw dyrl back when I was a little kid I got bored of it after a couple of years, then macross plus came and I was blown away, I heard about macross 7 but never got the chance to see it and was told by many friends that it was not even worth looking at so I never did, then I saw macross zero a while back and I was once again blown off my seat it was just art. I mean mac+ and mac0 were my all time fav animes I was touched by the great storylines and action scenes, and the realism that fited the flavor, BUT

    I fineshed watching mac7 right now and I am @%@#%#$^en pissd, I mean were do I start I mean THEIR IS THIS JAY ROCKER WHO FLYS INTO COMBAT AND STARTS SINGING refuses not to shoot, KILLS THE IMAGE OF MY ALL TIME FAV VFs (the vf-19, vf-22), and HE DOESNT GET KILLED. The story is exactly like DYRL, the protodevlin dont get killed regardless if they use nukes against them I mean nukes hteir hoter than the core of the sun and that doesnt even kill them then music kills them I mean wheres the F@#%$@#N logic in that, ther animation sucks and I mean sucks more balls than a porn video, and whats the deal mirias pilot suit they never had that in the DYRL, same thing goes for the other pilots they got theis crapy suits that have no relation to mac+ I will make a small exception for gamlins suits, and couldnt they come up with better enemyswhat the hell is a monster doing flying threw space. It just dosent make any sense to me people, and this basara dude what the heck is up with his rebel with cause personality, the sound force mecha didnt even look right it was as if a 6yr old girl came up with it, and speaking of sound force, HOW THE HELL

    DOES SOUND TRAVEL THREW SPACE IT HAS NO LOGIC. The ending sucked I mean if they are going to follow the DYRL footsteps mylene should have fallin in love with gamlin instead of basara who treats her like poo, gamlin and docker should have been the heros and should have killed the enemy like hikuru did, and BATTLE SEVEN TURNS INTO A HUGE ROBOT WITH A GUN OR RIFLE AS A CANON, you dont need a huge transforming robot for a good macross story, and not only that but why the HELL DID THEY KILL THE IMAGE OF THE VF-19, vf-11 AND VF-22.

    OK NOW FOR THE GOOD STUFF, the only characters I like were Lt. docker( he kicks ass most of all), the bridge bunnys they were fine, and gamlin just a lillte. BUT EMERALD FORCE KICKD ASS I am even puting a model kit together right now, they were like the skull sq. THE VF-17 WERE OK  but they arnt supposed to be dog fighting aircraft they are more like bobing and recon aircraft, not only that but they had no destroids. hu man am I dissapointed shoji, I COULD WRITE A BETTER STORY JUST GIVE ME THE CHANCE.

    They better come up witha better new macross ova studio nue. I guess thats why they came up with mac0.

    let me hear your feedback and comments, I know some and most of you people are just as mad as I am.


    It's the way it took time out of my life, time that will never be returned that really gets me mad. It's just mass produced trash for the Macross/Kiddie market. I'm not even sure that I backed it up, when those original realplayer cd's corrupt and die it'll be one less piece of cultural detritus to carry about.

  4. Hey,

    Start with the Macross DVDs from Animeigo, it'll save you money because after you've seen the original Macross you will never go back to Robotech. It's not that Macross is superior to RT, it's that it is so superior, so much incredibly better in terms of plot, music, picture quality and writing, so much superior in every sense, that you'll never look back at Robotech except as that poor quality show that got you into Macross.

    I just finished watching the original series and still can't believe the difference between the shows. Buy the Macross DVDs first and save your money cus you won't be watching the embarrassingly adolescent / child RT ones again. And this coming from a big RT fan.

    Just my Humble Opinion.

  5. I just picked up volumes 4-6 of the Animeigo DVDs at my local Blockbuster, marked down from $16.99 to $4.99 each!

    Tomorrow I'm scouring the city for the first 3, I'm sure one of the other local stores will have them as there are many, many local stores since Blockbusters multiply like some kind of horrible MacDonald's virus.

    Also of note is that they are selling 1960's Raquel Welch videos for the same price, of interest if you're a Misa fan:-). Also Robotech DVDs.

    So now I've finally seen the original series. The picture quality is a great improvement espically during the opening credits. But I've got to admit that the theme is better if you haven't heard the words and what's up with those closing credits?

    While episodes 13-24 must contain the greatest number of dud episodes in the series, there's still some good stuff in there. Got to find the rest. Glad to see that silly love-triangle of the Robotech storyline downplayed and given dialogue which isn't embarassingly bad.

    /Really enjoying my find.

    EDIT: The BB site seems to say that only discs 4-9 are currently for sale at that price.

  6. Hey I'm not going to say what happened to my 1/48 valks, but I have had great success with quick gel super glue, or just super glue in general


    Thanks for the advice, I'll pick some up.

  7. Hi,

    I have a DYRL VF-1A Hikaru Ichijo Valk and the interior 'L' hook which is the shoulder hinge that mounts on the interior of the front chest-plate has broken.

    I tried to repair it using epoxy, which I had around the house but it didn't adhere. Can someone please recommend which type of glue I should use to fix it?

    Thanks, it's my best valk and I can't bear to see it suffering like this.

  8. Thanks!

    I still don't understand Misa's house cleaning though but I guess there is nothing to understand...

    What happends to Breetai and Exedore at the end of the series?





    Why doesn't Hikaru pick up Misa, or does he? Does he ditch annoying-Minmai for Misa or just ditch her on general principals?

    Not sure what you mean by this. This question would probably be answered if you watch the series.

    Was Misa really cooking and cleaning for Hikaru and not sleeping with him, because that's really neurotic?

    Hikaru is a busy guy.....

    but I guess I'm a newb since I still haven't seen the original series.

    Guess what? You're in luck. ADV has the rights to the original series now and they will be re-releasing it soon. However, I'm sure you can find the Animeigo editions out there.


  9. Hi all,

    I've been a Macross fan ever since when I was a kid and my dad brought home two Revel model kids of the Valklyries for my brother and I but I guess I'm a newb since I still haven't seen the original series. It's on my list of stuff to see, once I can afford it at least. So I've only seen Robotech.

    Anyways, here are my puzzlements.

    What happends to Breetai and Exedore at the end of the series?

    Why doesn't Hikaru pick up Misa, or does he? Does he ditch annoying-Minmai for Misa or just ditch her on general principals?

    Was Misa really cooking and cleaning for Hikaru and not sleeping with him, because that's really neurotic?


    P.S. Should there be a Dalek crossover?

  10. wow, talk about old! I posted about this last year! hehe. You can't find this shirt anymore, but the shoes you can find. Danny shimizu is probably a macross fan. This would explain why he designed it this way along with the shirt.

    My buddy who bought the shoes, and collects shoes, says that Shimizu is a big Macross fan and thats why designed the shoes.

    He's picking me up a pair in a few months when I have $$:-)

  11. http://www.pickyourshoes.com/collectible/n..._hi_shimizu.htm

    (mods feel free to move this)

    I haven't seen this posted while I have been lurking the past couple months... buy them while you can.

    You know, I have a buddy who collects shoes and one day when he was over I casually showed them to him as a cross interest between anime and shoes.

    He dropped by the other night, he'd gone out and bought them! I couldn't believe it!

    Here I am, a fan since being a kid, and this guy goes and kicks my ass with genuine clothing! But not just clothing, NOOO, not a shirt, Freakin' SHOES!

    He picked them up in Toronto, Canada (near where we live). Said they were about $130.00 Cdn.

    I'll need shoes in a month or two, and he'll be the guy to pick them up.

    BTW, they were really spiffy. A little vinyl looking and not nearly so complexly designed as any modern nike pair, but the colours, the skull, and the overall design was all Macross.

  12. Was talking to King Nor about this earlier.  Would love to see the TV series re-done with new animation but keep the same audio track.  Several things it must have:

    - Original audio track (keeps you from changing the story, though Lucas did a good number on Star Wars without touching the audio... bastard)

    - Original character model sheets (do not change the anim style, just make it clean and consistent)

    - CG Toon rendered components (Iron Giant/Disney style)

    - CG must match animation frame rate (seamless unobtrusive CG)

    What do you guys think? 

    A lot of details I'm leaving out that need to be considered, but we'll see what springs up in conversation here.


    Lucas did do audio changes too, and they're not all good.

    Check out the new voice of Boba Fett. It was the voice of evil, now its the voice of bad acting...

    DVD Changes Review

  13. Oh Gosh its so bad.

    You know what I liked about Macross?

    The Jets and the people and the way it's not pretentious shite like Evangelion.

    Wait a sec...

    As if the episode wasn't enough, the jet that tuns into a a bird?

    Oh Gosh, its so bad.

    This is one I won't be telling people about.

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