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Posts posted by buffalostyle

  1. Ah...it's nice to see that the tease continues...as it is, I refuse to "eBay-it" and I really would prefer to go with HLJ as I have had good dealings with them over the years...hopefully, I can catch one of these windows that seem to be popping up from time to time...

  2. Those vintage books are awesome, jvmacross! My Macross book collection is very meager compared to many posted in this thread...I'm constantly working on it, though...

  3. Wow!!! This went a lot quicker than I thought that it would...I mean, I don't look for a day and then...boom...sold out on pre=order everywhere. I would prefer not to have to resort to the eBay pickers as we all know that they are extremely over-priced. Oh well, looks like I'm gonna have to keep my eyes peeled and my fingers crossed...

  4. Love the cels, jvmacross! I have found Macross cels to be very hard to come by...I, myself, only have two cels from the Macross-verse but, your pics are quite an inspiration...continuing to come to this thread just may get me to get back into cels...what a great yet (potentially) expensive hobby...

  5. So far, I have heard/read nothing but good things about this toy. I'm really looking forward to the day that I have disposable income again so that I can snatch one up. It's seems as though Bandai has stepped their game up quite a bit as my only experiences with their Valks are the Chunky Monkey and my Fire Valkrie.

  6. You can still get a copy of it on most international online stores, so you can fix that mistake! :3

    True, true...I'm thinking about the price increase, though. I think when I saw it, the vendor wanted less than $20 for it. I will get the book (I must have it) but I'm afraid that I may end up paying quite a bit more for it in the future...ah...the price you pay for not striking when the price is right.
  7. Thanks to everyone that bought shirts! It's kinda awesome having all these Macross World shirts. Even I missed out on one of the shirts (the VF-2SS).

    Maybe in a couple of months we'll do the battroid versions!!!

    While I missed out on MW con as well as those AWESOME t-shirts (that'll teach me to check the MW blog religiously), I will try my darnedest (is that a real word?) not to miss the battroid versions!

    Nice stuff, >EXO<!!!

  8. Great topic! I'm kind of happy that I didn't pull it up sooner to see the newer additions before I went to SDCC. There was one dealer, in particular, who had some pretty good Macross cels for sale. I haven't picked anything up in a while, however, and I really need to get back into the cel-collecting game...seeing all this new stuff is very inspiring... :)

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