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Posts posted by Superkuh

  1. Hello various assembled personages. I happen to be the guy that threw together the exoskeleton documentation/page that was linked to on this board. 'noticed in the referal logs and such.

    As for the Japanese prototype, it's limited by the actuator type and power supply; electric. The power density of a battery is only so much, no current battery technology can power a true exoskeleton 24 hours a day ouputing 100watts (which is the goal). In fact, the only technology out there right now that can approach these power levels use a 90% hydrogen peroxide fuel that decomposes on a catalytic mesh inside the actuator. This general technology (it can use hydrazine too, but that's toxic. Peroxide only decomposes to water and oxygen.) is refered to as a 'monopropellent actuator' device. Lower body devices have been successfully built, and full body are near completion.

    Muscle fiber research is no where near ready.

    It's certainly an exciting field of research.

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