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Posts posted by juise

  1. I've recently decided to add a VF-0 to my collection. I know the earlier models had bad shoulders, and I'm willing to entertain offers on broken/repaired ones.

    Just trying my luck out here before I take up another offer.

    email me as I always forget to check my pm box here. juise99@gmail.com


  2. My wife's family gave me a bunch of Transformer Dinobots still MIB along with some other G1 TF. Also, I got a MIB Zartan and Swamp Speeder, G.I.Joe Hoovercraft, and a First issue G.I.Joe Scarlett (before they had the swivel arms) MOC. As for Star Wars stuff, I got a MIB Y-wing, and a bunch of droids MOC as well. As a toy collector of sorts, I was blown away by the condition of these toys. They are absolutely perfect. I'm gonna get the dinobots graded. There's always something nice about getting old toys as new ones. Oh, to relate this to Macross/Robotech, I got the Battlepod MIB as well as the Invid Shock Trooper. Very cool stuff. Congrats on the ex giving you stuff. That's always a cool thing since they usually give men nothing but grief after it's all said and done.

    Thats awesome!

    I didn't mention it here but I got a carded Star Wars 12 back R2D2 and C3PO, and a bunch of gold coin Droid figures with this too!

  3. juise,

    I'm not trying to pry into your personal life, but I am curious how your ex ended up with this in her basement for so many years. Was it originally yours when you were still together? With the exception of the crushed box, it is really in excellent condition and doesn't seem to show any signs of aging. It's stories like these that makes me want to search garage sales from time to time in the off chance of finding some gems. I imagine if you were not a Macross or anime fan you might not have wanted it, and it probably would have been sold in a garage sale at some point. Then you would probably have someone on MW boasting about what a lucky and awesome find they were able get.

    My ex is considerably older then me (like 12 years). Her family buys _ANYTHING_ if its on sale. She bought that her self planning on giving it to her nephew, but never did. So it wound up in a hefty bag in the basement for the past 20 years! There were about a dozen MOSC "Star Wars Droids" figures in the bag too. I told her to keep them and put them up since they go for about $25 a figure MOSC.

    Since the scans turned out bigger then I expected I put them on Rapidshare

  4. if you were clever, you'd know that searching completed auctions on ebay is your friend :lol:

    then you'd see that loose ones are fetching between 47-76 dollars

    Yeah I already did that, but sometimes theres a huge gap between MISB and loose, a boxed one recently went for ~$100.

    I do plan on keeping it, but I'm not a big Macross/Robotech collector, so I was curious.

    Thanks for the feedback guys.

  5. After picking up a Gundam Panel Liner Marker at my local hobby shop, I felt like there is still something better out there. It's called Prismacolor Premier 005 by Sanford! I know Sanford makes Sharpie's but the 005 point is much finer then anything else at my local art store. So I thought I'd share the find.

  6. I just want to take this opportunity to thank the MW community, and bash Toynami! I never heard back from Toynami even though I called twice after they missed their first promised call back date. It would seem their "customer service" matches the quality of their products, complete crap!

    On the other hand you guys have saved my Miriya from a good solid toss into the wall.

  7. I actually have a couple Miriya MPCs in "spare parts mode". PM me if you still need the light.

    Jasonc to the rescue! I knew MWer's would have what I needed! When its fixed this thing is going on the OMG DO NOT TOUCH shelf with my MP-5 Megatron and G1 Devastator.

  8. Well Dude Toynami didn't call me back Wednesday, so I called them at 4:30 Wednesday. Another guy in customer service told me the guy taking care of my problem wasn't in but he'd leave a reminder on that guys desk. Didn't hear from him Thursday. So I called back today at 3pm and he wasn't there again. This isn't looking good, so I am still actively looking for a junker "Masterpiece".

  9. Although it might be a little late, if you know for sure that your MPC was missing the wing light when you got it, you can always try to contact Toynami and see if they have any spare parts

    You know I've tried emailing them before and have never gotten a response. So I looked up their phone number and gave them a call. The guy on the phone said he'll contact the warehouse and see if they have any. He said he will call me back in 3 days. Here's to hoping!

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