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Posts posted by shensei_ind._cadman

  1. I saw it last night, I give it a "C" grade.

    my gripes about it....

    1. Most notibly missing was the soundtrack by Marilyn Manson and Marco Beltrami, with some additional music by Kevin Manthei (who did music for Invader Zim). Because of music by these people, it set the frightfull tone for the entire 1st movie. As far as I noticed, there was no BGM to speak of. Major flaw.

    2. The action fight sequences were diminished greatly by the camera zipping back and forth trying to give an already action scene, more action, which results in complete blurring of the shot, can see any of the actors do the stunts they trained so hard to do.

    3. Alice driving a motorcycle through a stained glass window to the rescue on a motorcylce??? Can we get any other cheesy cliche'?!?!?!

    Other than those points, the movie was alright. It started to move toward the tone of the video game, which is a good thing in and of itself, but not a lot of gore...

    ....we want the GORE!!!!! :angry::D:angry::D

  2. I seriously have no sympathy whatsoever when it comes to thieves! They are the scum of the Earth and need to be eliminated, especially the kind that take the time to break into your house or car, and go through your stuff with the firm intention of taking your stuff you worked to buy. If it were me, guy in my house stealing my stuff, that's cause enough to BLOW HIM AWAY!!!! if he's in your house, all you have to do is make sure he's dead when the cops arrive.

    "he broke in officer, attempted to rob us, we came home in the middle of it, he threatened us, I shot him dead." He cant rebutt it....because he's DEAD!!! ...and he desereves it.

  3. I've seen both releases and liked them both....I ESPECIALLY like the clubbing of the girl in the Japanese version *ouch*!!!

    But a re-making of the Japanese version into an American one just goes to show that most of the producers in Hollywood have the same affliction.

    Its called "afraid-of-originality-itis"......

    Take a chance on some Original stuff!!!! Like we REALLY wanted to force-fed "Legally Blonde 2".....

  4. So being that for me (and a lot of us) Robotech was the 1st introduction to Macross that any of us had when we were younger. Seeing all the incarnations of Macoss have turned a lot of us (including myself) into a more of a Macross fan. So, when HG released this I thought, "HEY! this is a cool piece of nostalgia that might be worth getting! Using the restored footage, cut scenes, 5.1 surround! What could be better!" ....Leave it to HG to continue to change things that shouldn't be touched!!

    The footage is clear, but there are scenes that didnt make it into this DVD that HG said it would have!!! Most annoyingly though, HG CHANGED MOST OF THE SOUNDS EFFECTS that made Macross that much more enjoyable...Now, instead of listening to a VF's gunfire in 5.1, I'm listening to "popping" gunfire and laserblasts that sound like they came from a royalty free soundtrack.....BAD! BAD! BAD!....

    I'm so disapointed, I'm thinking of gettnig rid of it on Ebay or something.... and it takes alot for me to part with something.

    Anyone else have animosity for this release like me?


  5. I just got the game and I' almost ready to play it when I realize one small hurdle to overcome....I dont speak/read Japanese, (damn)....

    Does anyone have/ know where to get/ at least a translations on the controls for the game?

    any help would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!

  6. I love it when in DYRL, when Hikaru is trying to persude minmay to sing, you see the giant window behind them and the battle going on, almost dead silence, then appears the VF-1A fighting valiantly, only to get snubbed by a single blast!!!!


  7. YES, OF COURSE!!!

    I've been discussing this with freinds for a long time now..."live action"....

    Of course it could be done, we just need to finish up the legal trouble with H.G. & B.W. Then maybe we can move forward!!!

    B.T.W. my vote for Director....James Cameron....(but we need to get his head out of the water first, literally)... :lol:

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